Chapter 155 Min Shenxing is getting serious!

When Min Shenxing saw Xu Yan leaving with the little breast dumplings, he also stood up!

He straightened his body and stood up straight, as if he had suddenly taken courage. He looked at Mr. Li and said unceremoniously: "Grandpa Li, I had a great time getting along with you yesterday! Ran Ran and I are very happy." Like you!"

"When I went back yesterday, Ran Ran was still praising you! She was also thinking about your health, discussing with Xu Yan how to treat your heart disease, and stayed up until very late in the discussion! Although Shen Xing doesn't know medical skills, he can tell She is absolutely sure!”

"Don't you want to know why an old fox like my grandfather would give his grandson to a little girl as a guard?"

"That's because I was sick at the time and almost died! It was Ran Ran who saved me! My grandpa asked me to repay his kindness!"

"She really considers your health! That's why she came to treat you!"

"Boy Min...I..." Mr. Li looked at Min Shenxing who suddenly became confused, and was confused and didn't know what to say.

Min Shenxing did not look at him, but instead looked at Mr. Li, and continued: "Mr. Li, you Li family has a big business, so you may think that things are more complicated than us! But Ranran is a little girl with a simple nature. , I only want to treat Grandpa Li!"

"If Mr. Li has any concerns, just say so! Why bother to do this to humiliate people?"

"Is it because she is being bullied because she is young and ignorant?"

"Ranran's medical skills don't need to be proven to any of you! If you want to cure a disease, trust her! If you don't want to cure a disease, don't look for her!"

"There is no need for her to beg and treat you!"

After saying that, Min Shenxing strode out after him!

Mr. Li: "..."

"Look at you, it's all you who did this!"

Mr. Li looked at Mr. Li and gave him a lesson, then tossed his sleeves and left the hall.

Mrs. Yu pursed her lips, glanced at her father Li Quan, got up and chased after him.

"and many more!"

As soon as they arrived at the door of Li's house, Mrs. Yu chased them out and stood in front of them.

"Mrs. Jade!"

Xu Yan nodded slightly towards her, with a cold attitude and a cold expression.

"terribly sorry!"

Mrs. Yu looked at their sincere apologies and said, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Min, Ran Ran, our Li family did something wrong today! I apologize to you on behalf of the Li family!"

"But you have also seen that the head of the family believes in you and Ran Ran!"

"Grandpa Li, what's the point of believing!" Min Shenxing muttered dissatisfied, "He is not as decisive as my old man!"

"Look at me, who's so alive and kicking, and look at him? That's a pitiful old man who can't even drink a glass of wine!"

Madam Yu: "..."

Xu Yan: "..."


Xu Yan coughed slightly and signaled Min Shenxing to calm down.

Min Shenxing curled his lips and whispered, "I'm telling the truth!"

Madam Yu looked at Min Shenxing's appearance and couldn't help but smile. "My uncle is the next head of the Li family. He always considers everything carefully! The head of the family is the backbone of the Li family, and there can't be any mistakes! He trusts you on the surface, but he will also investigate behind the scenes. Be cautious!"

"But you have also seen the temper of the master of the house. He is eager to cure his illness and eager to drink. He is not afraid of dying for the sake of wine!"

"That's why the uncle had no other choice, so he made this move! I hope you can understand him!"

Listening to Mrs. Yu's sincere apology, Xu Yan's anger dissipated a lot and his attitude became better. "Mrs. Yu, we can understand why Mr. Li did this, but we cannot forgive him for what he did. For! Farewell!"

"Wait!" Mrs. Yu looked a little anxious, pursed her lower lip slightly, looked at Ran Ran and said: "Ran Ran, after returning to Yonglin, Aunt Qing would like to ask you to go and see a doctor for Aunt Qing's child, is that okay? "

"Of course!" Xiaonuituanzi smiled at Mrs. Yu.

In fact, she didn't quite understand why Xu Yan suddenly hugged her and left!
But she saw that Brother Xu was angry!
Even Brother Min seems to be furious!

Although it's a pity that she can't eat the food specially prepared by Grandpa Li for her, it doesn't stop her from liking Aunt Qing very much!
Hearing this, Mrs. Yu also laughed and was obviously relieved.

She had thought about it, even if Ran Ran couldn't cure Chen'er's disease, she would let Ran Ran go and see him!

Chen'er has become like this, why is there no reason for his sister!
Ranran is so innocent, cute and lovable. Even if he goes to visit Chen'er, he will be in a much better mood.

"By the way, when will you return to Yonglin? Why don't we come together?" Madam Yu asked.

Xu Yan shook his head slightly, "Your Yu family will hold a stone gambling conference the day after tomorrow. Ranran's fourth uncle will go there and pick up Ranran's grandmother back with him, so we will set off tomorrow!"

"Mrs. Xiao is coming to Yonglin too?" Mrs. Yu asked in surprise.


Xiao Naituanzi nodded and clapped his fingers excitedly, "Not only are there grandmothers, but there are also third aunts, fifth uncles, and a little brother!"

"My mother has packed up our new house! We can move in on April 26th! My mother said she would invite my aunt over for a drink!"

"Okay, I will definitely go then!" Madam Yu said with a smile.

"Great! Mom will be very happy to see my aunt!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Mrs. Yuda saw that she was happy and not affected by today's events at all. She gently rubbed her head and said, "Auntie will return to Yonglin the day after tomorrow. I'll see you when I get back, okay?"


Soon after they returned to the inn, Butler Li came with several large food boxes!
Xu Yan and Min Shenxing both looked at Butler Li with a somewhat unkind look!
This man is wearing the same pants as Mr. Li!

Butler Li was a little embarrassed, but he still maintained a smile on his face. He cleverly chose the small breast dumplings as a breakthrough point, just like the big bad wolf coaxing the little white rabbit, "Ran Ran Ah, your Grandpa Li specially ordered this old slave to bring it to you!"

As soon as the little girl saw the big food boxes, she ran over excitedly, couldn't wait to open a box, smelled the fragrant smell, and asked curiously: "What is this? Ran Ran has never seen it before. Woolen cloth!"

"This box is garlic oysters!" Butler Li introduced with a smile and said: "These oysters like to be attached to the deck beside the ship. There are a lot of them every day! These are prepared by the old owner himself early in the morning!"

The little breasted dumpling immediately reached for an oyster, and then, under the guidance of Butler Li, ate one!
"'s delicious!"

The little breast dumpling has a small mouth, and this person is also small. He sucked it in and all the oil flowed out of his mouth.

Butler Li looked very happy.

Smelling the fragrance, Min Shenxing couldn't help but crane his neck and look over.

Seeing this, Xu Yan immediately glared at him!
Unpromising guy!

(End of this chapter)

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