Chapter 159: Nephew, be good~
Yu Mingxuan looked in horror at his group of guards who were beaten so hard that they were lying on the ground unable to get up, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

" are you?"

"What the hell are you?" Xiao Naituanzi put his hands on his hips, raised his neck and looked at Yu Mingxuan with disdain, then pointed at Min Shenxing over there, and raised his little fist fiercely, "He, My brother Min! You belong to me Ran Ran, if you dare to bully him again, I will beat you up!"

"No, I don't dare anymore!" Yu Mingxuan shook his head hurriedly.

"Hmph!" Xiaonuituanzi hummed and waved his little hand, "Let's go!"


Yu Mingxuan nodded casually and quickly ran away with his people.

The people watching the excitement around were all looking at the little breast dumpling in surprise.

Xu Yan looked at the little breast dumplings, then at Xiao Jingyao who had the same face over there, and shook his head helplessly.

The little girl is not like this on weekdays!

Mogami despises this "biological father", but actually takes revenge!
Well, it also seemed to be a pity, which shocked some people!
"Let's go, let's go to the inn first and meet your grandmother and third aunt!" Xu Yan said, rubbing his little head.

Not far away, Xiao Jingyao looked at Xu Yan's hand on the head of the little breast dumpling and frowned.

No matter how you look at it, why do you feel unhappy!

"Hey, who is that boy?"

Xiao Jingyao poked Min Shenxing with his elbow and asked unhappily.

"Xu Yan, Mr. Xu's grandson!" Min Shenxing looked at Xiao Jingyao in confusion and replied.

Aren't these two people in the capital before?Why don't you recognize me?
"Oh, him?"

Xiao Jingyao touched his chin and said, "If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have thought of it. What a man's [-]th transformation! I even threw mud on his head when I was young!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Seeing Xiao Jingyao's careless appearance, the corner of Min Shenxing's mouth twitched.

The Uncle Xiao and Fourth Uncle Xiao he had met were all serious and serious people. He heard that the Second Master Xiao was an elegant gentleman, and the Third Master Xiao was a general with great military exploits.

This Xiao Wuye...

If he didn't say it himself, no one would think of him in the direction of the Xiao family!

"Uncle Xiao Wu!"

At this time, Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi came over, and Xu Yan called Xiao Jingyao politely!
"Hey! My eldest nephew, be good!"

Xiao Jingyao responded with a smile, reached out and patted Xu Yan's shoulder.

My little boy, the nephew who came to your door, don’t give it up for free!

Xu Yan: "..."

We haven’t seen each other for many years, and my skills have not grown, but my face has become thicker!

"I wonder where Uncle Xiao is staying? I just want to take Ran Ran there to meet Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao San!" Xu Yanpi said with a smile.

"The Fulai Inn is not far ahead." Xiao Jingyao said.

"Then get in the carriage and we'll go there together!" Xu Yan said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Xiao Jingyao nodded.

When I was about to get on the carriage, I suddenly saw a candied haws seller not far away. He rolled his eyes and said with a grin: "Wait for me for a while, I will buy something!"

Xu Yan watched him go to the vendor selling candied haws over there, pursed his lips and smiled.

It seems that this guy has changed a bit!At least, now I know how to use candied haws to please Ran Ran.

Min Shenxing watched Xiao Jingyao go to buy candied haws. He had the same idea as Xu Yan. He looked at the little dumplings and smiled and said: "Ran Ran, you just looked like you were beating someone up, but you scared Uncle Xiao!"


The little breasted dumpling snorted lightly and got into the carriage with her neck held high!

Min Shenxing scratched his head, looked at Xu Yan with some confusion, and whispered: "What's wrong with Ran Ran? Why do you feel so awkward?" Xu Yan shrugged, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xiao Jingyao not far away. , and then said: "If one day, your father tells you that you are not actually his biological child, but you were picked up from a beggar's den, how would you feel?"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"That's what happened to Ranran now. After having a father like Uncle Xiao, she suddenly found that her own father was so out of character! He doesn't seem to like her very much, how can she be happy?"

"Yeah!" Min Shenxing nodded clearly, "That makes sense!"

"But this Fifth Uncle Xiao should be happy to be a father. After playing in the world for so many years, a big girl suddenly appears, so he has to get used to it~"


Xu Yan snorted, "Who wants to have a daughter like Ran Ran and still have fun secretly?"

"Have you not seen my old man, your old man, and that old man Li? Who among these three old men doesn't care about Ran Ran?"

"If Xiao Jingyao dares to dislike him, it will be called being a good boy after getting an advantage!"

"But now it seems that he has some conscience and knows how to buy Ranran a candied haws!"


After Xu Yan finished speaking, he saw Min Shenxing staring in Xiao Jingyao's direction dumbfounded.

Xu Yan frowned slightly and turned his head to look over casually.

Xiao Jingyao was seen holding a bunch of candied haws in his hand and walking toward them with relish.

What did you buy for Ranran!

I obviously bought it for myself!
Xu Yan's face suddenly darkened!

He wants to take back what he just said!
This guy is a dog that can't change his attitude to eating shit!

Xu Yan gave a deep instruction, then turned around and quickly got into the car.


Min Shenxing nodded blankly, and then quickly got into the car.

Before I could sit down, I heard Xu Yan's instructions: "Drive, let's go!"


The coachman responded, and with the sound of "drive", the carriage quickly left the place!
"Hey, hey, wait for me!"

Xiao Jingyao chased after him for a few steps, looking at the carriage that left quietly with doubts in his eyes!

"What the hell!"

Xiao Jingyao kicked the pebbles on the ground and curled his lips and said: "This Xu Yan, after so many years, his appearance has changed, but his stubborn temper has not changed at all! No wonder he can't get a wife!"


After standing there and complaining a few words, Xiao Jingyao looked at the three candied haws left in his hand, pursed his lower lip slightly, and walked forward step by step.

Fulai Inn is not far ahead, and we'll be there in about a quarter of an hour.

After getting off the carriage, Xu Yan walked in with Xiao Naituanzi and Min Shen.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qin Shi and Xiao Jingzhe sitting in a wheelchair.

"Uncle Four!"

As soon as the little girl saw her relative, she rushed towards him, hugged his neck, buried her little head in the crook of his neck and rubbed her, while making a trembling sound of aggrievedness.

Xiao Jingzhe's heart trembled, and his eyes pierced Xu Yan and Min Shenxing like knives.

"Uh... Uncle Xiao, don't get me wrong, it's not our fault!" Min Shenxing said hurriedly.

I have known Fourth Uncle Xiao for a while. He has always been serious about words and expressions, and I have never seen his temper exposed!Now because of the small breast dumplings... Tsk, he really deserves the reputation of "iron-blooded strategist!"

(End of this chapter)

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