Chapter 160 Three Candied Haws

Xiao Jingzhe took a deep look at Xu Yan and Min Shenxing, then gently patted Xiaotuanzi's back, and his voice softened unconsciously.

"Good boy Ranran, Ranran told Fourth Uncle who bullied you? Fourth Uncle will help you teach him a lesson!"

The little breasted dumpling sniffed and raised her head with her little mouth pouted.

The eyes were red, and the eyelashes were still stained with a little moisture.

This clearly shows that he has been greatly wronged.

After seeing Xiao Jingzhe for so long, this is the first time he has seen her look like this.

In the past, even if I cried, it was just howling!Although the tears were streaming down my face, it would be fine soon!

But now he seems to be sulking, which is really sad!

"There's no need for Fourth Uncle to teach him a lesson, Ran Ran will teach him a lesson on his own! Humph!"

The little girl wiped her hands with tears, puffed out her cheeks, and snorted coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a low voice.

"Hey, what a coincidence! They're all here!"

Xiao Jingyao suddenly appeared in front of several people, with a smile as bright as the blooming flower.

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao lightly hit Xu Yan on the shoulder again.

"Hey, you guys are so mean. You agreed to wait for me, so why did you leave without waiting for me? You know how tiring it is to chase me for so long?"

Xu Yan: "..."

Min Shenxing: "..."

This person still has the nerve to say that they won't wait for him?
Who is this?

Xu Yan pushed his hand away, turned away his face, and said coldly: "I, Xu Yan, don't know any ungrateful, wolf-hearted, and unreasonable guy!"

Xiao Jingyao looked at Min Shenxing without knowing why, his mind filled with doubts.

"What happened to him? Did he eat firecrackers?"

"Screech!" Min Shenxing scolded coldly and took a step away from Xiao Jingyao, "Don't talk to me, we are not familiar with each other!"

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

What's wrong with this?
"Xiao, Jing, Yao!"

Xiao Jingzhe called out his name coldly, word by word, grinding his molars!
"Hey, here it is!"

Xiao Jingyao immediately responded and stood up straight with a playful smile.

Everyone got angry when they saw him like this!

"Did you bully Ran Ran!?" Xiao Jingzhe looked at him solemnly and asked coldly.

"Me? Bullying her?"

Xiao Jingyao pointed at himself and then at the little breast dumplings, and said angrily: "Forget it if she doesn't bully me!"

"Fourth brother, you don't even know how terrifying this little girl can be when she beats people up! She even kicked those people away on purpose to scare me!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao also patted his chest, looking like he was very frightened but I don't remember the villain's faults and don't care about you. He licked his face and smiled and said: "But I am an uncle. I don’t care about this little thing!”

"Come on, Ran Ran, the fifth uncle bought this specially for you. The fifth uncle has tasted it for you. It's quite sweet! Eat it!"

Xu Yan and Min Shenxing's eyelids twitched when they saw Xiao Jingyao's playful smile as he handed the candied haws with only three pieces left in front of Ran Ran as if he was showing courtesy.Shameless!
I have never seen such a brazen person!
How could he have the nerve to say this so grandly?
How could he have the nerve to say that he wanted to help Ranran taste the sweetness first when he was clearly giving his leftovers to Ranran?
What about the face?

Do you want more?
"I won't eat what you've eaten! Hmph!"

The little breasted dumpling looked at the candied haws and snorted coldly. With her little mouth pouting, she could hang several pots on it!

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Hey, this little girl is quite angry!

Xiao Jingzhe finally understood!
The emotional little breast dumpling is just sulking at this candied haws!

"Xiao Jingyao, do you think you can change this bad habit of yours? Do you want to taste whether the candied haws on a stick is sweet or not?" Xiao Jingzhe glared at Xiao Jingyao fiercely and lectured.

It's really a dog who can't change eating shit!
"I..." Xiao Jingyao scratched his head and didn't know what to say for a moment. He just stuffed the candied haws in Ran Ran's hand and hurried upstairs!

He has a toothache!
"Ahem, Miss Ranran, I think you have misunderstood the Fifth Master!" Qin Shi said in a timely manner.

"Misunderstanding? What did you misunderstand him for?" Min Shenxing was confused. The three of them could see clearly with their six eyes!

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi raised his head and looked at him eagerly!

Qin Shi pursed his lower lip slightly and explained slowly: "Fifth Master has had a problem since he was a child. He bullies anyone he likes! Miss Xiao Ning and she were born from the same twin. He actually loves his sister very much, but he He always bullies people until they cry!"

"As for the candied haws just now, he really wanted to give Miss Ranran a taste of it!"

"In the past, when Miss Xiao Ning was here, if you wanted to eat an orange, Mr. Wu would peel it and take a bite first. The sweet ones would be given to Miss Xiao Ning, and the sour ones would be given to himself!"

"Not only candied haws and oranges, but many other things are the same! So you really misunderstood him!"

Xu Yan: "..."

Ran Ran: "..."

Min Shenxing: "..."

Are there still people like this in the world?

This Xiao Jingyao doesn't look like such a careful and considerate person! ?
Looking at the looks of several people who didn't believe it, Xiao Jingzhe sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand to rub Xiaotuanzi's head, and added: "Ran Ran, in fact, your fifth uncle always has toothache and never loves her. Eat something sweet and something sour!”

"He just seems to be a bit of a jerk! He still has a good heart!"

"You'll find out later!"

Hearing this, Xiaotuanzi puffed up his cheeks, looked at the only three candied haws left in his hand, and took a hard bite!
Don't think that he will forgive him!

no way!

The little girl with small breasts thought fiercely, thinking that she must give this cheap daddy a good deal!

When Xiao Jingzhe saw this, a gentle smile appeared on his face!

Not to mention, this vindictive little appearance looks very similar to that bastard!

It’s his seed, there’s no doubt about it!
"Mr. Min and Mr. Xu have worked hard all the way. I have prepared the room. You can go back and rest first. I will take Ran Ran to meet her grandmother and third aunt!" Xiao Jingzhe said lightly.


Min Shenxing and Xu Yan nodded together, thanked them, and took the wooden sign of the room from Qin Shi.

Xiao Jingzhe and Ran Ran were just about to go upstairs when they saw Xiao Jingyao and Xiao's third wife, Wang Wanqing, running downstairs in a hurry. Looking at their panicked and lost expressions, it was obvious that something was urgent!
Xiao Jingzhe's heart trembled. Before he could speak, Wang Wanqing looked at him and said incoherently: "Fourth, Xiao Qi is missing! Xiao Qi is missing!"

Xiao Jingzhe's brows furrowed fiercely, "What do you mean missing? Third sister-in-law, please speak slowly! When did Xiao Qi disappear?"

(End of this chapter)

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