Chapter 161 Xiao Xiaoqi is missing~
"I...I don't know when she disappeared. My mother and I were resting in the room. We thought he had followed Lao Wu out, so we ignored him! I...but Lao Wu just came back and said that Xiao Qi was not there. Stay with him!"

"Where is Wang Yang?" Xiao Jingzhe asked in a deep voice.

"He went out to do errands, and he hasn't come back yet. I've asked the coachman and the maid, but they haven't seen him!" Wang Wanqing anxiously walked around like a headless fly, "Say, you Did something happen to him?"

"Third sister-in-law, don't worry! Xiao Qi is smart and will be fine!" Xiao Jingyao advised.

He was still a little annoyed when he spoke. The boy must have followed him secretly.

If he had known earlier, he would have taken him with him.

If something happened to this unfamiliar person, the third sister-in-law might not be able to survive!
"Third sister-in-law, don't worry, let's go look for her! Just wait in the inn!" Xiao Jingzhe said solemnly.

Seeing his calm and composed appearance, Wang Wanqing nodded subconsciously.

"Uncle Xiao, let's go look for him together too!" Xu Yan said.

Hearing this, Min Shenxing also nodded.

"No need, I know where he is!"

At this time, Xiaonuituanzi raised his head and looked at the soft mouths of everyone.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe rubbed Xiao Naituanzi's head, looked at everyone and said, "Yes, Ran Ran will lead us to find Xiao Qi, don't worry!"

"Lao Wu, take good care of your third sister-in-law!"

"oh oh!"

Xiao Jingyao nodded with confusion on his face. It wasn't until he saw Xiao Jingzhe and Qin Shi leaving the door of the inn with their little breast dumplings that they turned to look at Xu Yan and Min Shenxing in confusion, "The little girl said... that she Know?"


Xu Yan and Min Shenxing nodded at the same time.

They knew Xiaonai Tuanzi's ability very well. He could quickly calculate Zhou Yuan's position when he was in Jiang Lin, and now they were not surprised at all that he could calculate Xiao Qi's location.

"Have you ever seen Xiao Qi?" Xiao Jingyao asked doubtfully.

After asking, he shook his head and said, "No, even if you have met Xiao Qi, you don't know him!?"

Min Shenxing patted Xiao Jingyao's shoulder and said calmly: "Don't worry, this little girl Ranran is very capable. If she says she can find it, she will definitely find it!"


"Really!" Min Shenxing nodded heavily and almost raised his hand to swear it!
"Third sister-in-law, let's go upstairs first!" Xiao Jingyao rarely put away his playful smile and became more serious.

Wang Wanqing came to her senses in a daze at this moment, looked at Xiao Jingyao and said, "That little girl just now was... she was Ran Ran, right?"


Xiao Jingyao nodded slightly.

Wang Wanqing looked at Xu Yan and Min Shenxing again, wondering: "Who are these two?"

"Hello, third aunt, I am Min Shenxing, Ran Ran's guard!" Min Shenxing said with a smile.


Wang Wanqing frowned slightly.

These little arms and legs look like they could be blown down by the wind. Are they Ran Ran's bodyguard?

"Third aunt, I am Xu Yan, do you remember me?" Xu Yan said calmly.

Wang Wanqing looked at Xu Yan carefully and shook her head slightly.

No impression at all!

Xiao Jingyao smiled and said: "Hey, third sister-in-law, he is Xu Yan, the grandson of the old doctor Xu! When he was a child, he had a straight face like a little old man, so we nicknamed him Xiaomu! "

Xu Yan: "..."

Why didn't he know that he actually had such a nickname?
"Little... little wood? Mr. Xu's grandson?"

When Wang Wanqing heard Xiao Jingyao's words, she immediately remembered, "It turns out to be a small piece of wood. Its appearance has changed a lot. It's nothing like before!" Xu Yan: "..."

"Ahem, maybe I lost some weight, so..."

"Pfft, were you still a fat man before?" Min Shenxing couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yan glanced at him sinisterly and said in a deep voice, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

Min Shenxing curled his lips and closed his mouth.

Xu Yan looked at Wang Wanqing and said, "Third aunt, why don't we go upstairs and wait! Ran Ran will get Brother Xiao Qi back soon!"

Wang Wanqing nodded slightly, "I believe she will find Xiao Qi. My sister-in-law has written to us about what happened in Yonglin these days, and we know more or less about Ran Ran."

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he asked strangely: "Why don't I know about this?"

Wang Wanqing glanced at him indifferently, "Didn't you say that Ranran is not your daughter and you don't want to know anything about her?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Why have everyone changed?

The things he didn't want to know before, weren't they the things everyone wanted him to know in every possible way?

Why did you hide it from him alone this time?

On Xiao Jingzhe's side, Xiao Jingzhe's brows furrowed as he watched Xiaonuituanzi leading them further and further into the forest.

"Ran Ran? Are you sure your brother Xiao Qi will be in this forest?"


The little girl nodded and said in a sweet voice, "Don't worry, fourth uncle, we're almost there."

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, a horse's neighing sound came from the forest not far away.


The little girl immediately made a "shh" gesture to Xiao Jingzhe and Qin Shi, then hugged her chubby body and hid behind a tree like a little thief.

"Let go, let me go! Help, help!"

At this time, both Qin Shi and Xiao Jingzhe heard a familiar cry for help.

"Master, it's the voice of the seventh young master!" Qin Shi said in a deep voice.

After saying that, he squatted quietly in a haystack not far away. He looked forward for a few times and then quickly turned back. He said respectfully: "Master, they are just two little crumbs. They look like they were photographed." Hanako’s! I’m going to deal with them now and rescue Young Master Seventh.”

"and many more!"

Xiao Jingzhe stopped him, with a faint smile on his lips, and looked at the little breasted dumpling who was already leaning towards the swatter.

"Let the little girl have some fun and let's watch a show!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"Uh... OK!" Qin Shi nodded and pushed Xiao Jingzhe forward.

Here you can not only see the movements of the little breasted dumpling and the two patters below, but also completely hide their whereabouts.

Very good!

At this time, the two patters below had sealed Xiao Xiaoqi's mouth with cloth strips and threw him into the carriage.

"Third brother, we two brothers are going to make a lot of money. These children have thin skin and tender flesh. They will definitely sell for a good price when sent to the north." One of the bearded men said with a smile.

"No!" The man named Laosan said proudly, holding his head high, "After doing this, we will not have to worry about food and clothing for this year!"

"Hey, do you think it's time for us and our brothers to get rich? Just now, that little baby unexpectedly ran up to us to catch us! Hahaha..."

When the bearded man heard this, he also laughed.


Suddenly, the bearded man's laughter stopped abruptly, and there was a bulging pie in his mouth for no apparent reason!
(End of this chapter)

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