Chapter 162

"Master? Where is Miss Ranran?"

Qin Shi rubbed his eyes and asked in confusion. What was clearly in front of him just now suddenly disappeared!

Xiao Jingzhe smiled lightly and said in a deep voice: "I just saw her putting a talisman on her forehead. If I guessed correctly, it should be an invisibility talisman!"

Qin Shi: "..."

There is such a thing as an invisibility charm in this world!

Another day, he would have to ask her for a few to play with.

Here, the bearded man suddenly showed a horrified expression after his mouth was inexplicably filled with a bulging piece of naan bread.

The man named Lao San opposite him was so frightened that he sat on the ground, pointed at the pancake and stammered: "Where...where did this come from?"

"Gluck... cluck..."

At this time, waves of dark wind blew through the forest, and a chuckle sounded in their ears from far away.


"Who is here?"

"It's clear and sunny, don't pretend to be a fool here!"

"Hmm...Uncle, do the naan cakes taste good?"

In the air, a soft and waxy voice suddenly came.

The sound was clearly in their ears, but the two of them couldn't see anything.

"Who! Come out!"

The man named Lao San stood on the ground, his face pale, and he kept turning back and forth.

"I'm right here!"

As the soft and glutinous sound sounded again, suddenly a piece of naan bread flew over from far to near, and stopped above the heads of the two patters, suspended in mid-air.


Both of them screamed in fright and fell to the ground.

"Lao... Lao San, it seems... it seems... it's... a ghost!"

The bearded man put his hands on the ground and kept moving behind him, his legs trembling.


The man I called Lao San didn’t say a word to me for a long time, and there was even more moisture between his legs!
The small-breasted dumpling looked at the two photographers with disgust.

Bai Bai has grown so tall and careless, yet he was so frightened by a piece of cake.

The flatbread is so delicious!
She really likes to eat!
Brother Xu bought this for her when he was in Jiang Lin!

Thinking about it, Xiaonuituanzi raised his hand and took down the big cake suspended in the air, and took two big bites.

Really fragrant!

It’s a pity that I didn’t bring water, so I was a little dry!
While eating the little breast dumplings, she deliberately made a loud noise and said vaguely, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

" you a human or a ghost?"

The bearded man had the courage to ask.

"Hmm...I don't know either!" Xiaonuituanzi asked with a bulging face, full of doubts: "I used to eat people, but...but no one has come here for a long time, so I eat cakes instead." Got it!"

"People don't know whether they are human, ghost, or demon!"

As he said that, Xiaonuituanzi walked up to the place between the two patters with his short legs, and put his little hand on the shoulder of the man named Lao San with a "snap".


The third child was so frightened that he screamed repeatedly, lowered his head, and waved his hands randomly above his head, muttering, "Don't eat me, don't eat me! Don't eat me!"

The bearded man also hugged his head and put it between his legs, shaking like an egg about to break.

The little breasted dumpling took a few steps back, took a bite of the pancake, puffed out his cheeks, and said vaguely with disgust, "Your meat is too old. People like to eat tender meat." Upon hearing this, the bearded man raised his head instantly. He stood up, as if he had seen the dawn of victory, pointed at the carriage with trembling hands, and stammered, "There are five children in it, you can choose! Eat as you like! Their meat is tender!" "

The little girl with big breasts blinked her big innocent eyes and said with surprise in her voice, "Really? You gave it all to me? You won't sell it for money?"

"Really! Really!" The two men nodded like mincing words. "They all have thin skin and tender flesh. They will definitely suit your appetite."

"Cluck cluck cluck."

The little breasted dumpling suddenly giggled, which sounded particularly eerie in this silent mountain forest.

"Since the two uncles are so kind, I will accept it~"

When the two men heard this, they raised their hands to wipe the sweat on their foreheads and swallowed hard.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the soft voice in their ears rang again.

"The two uncles are so amazing. They can catch so many children! From now on, if I stay with the two uncles, I won't have to worry about food~"

"Hehe, I'm so smart!"

"Follow us?"

When the two men heard this, their teeth were chattering and they shook their heads crazily.

The bearded man said: "We are not powerful, we are not powerful at all. We also worked hard to catch so many children. You should stop following us, right?"

"Yes, yes, you will definitely starve to death if you follow us!" Lao San agreed hurriedly.

"It doesn't matter!" The little breasted dumpling puffed out his mouth, and his tone was a bit cheerful, "When I am very hungry, I don't mind the meat! Isn't it good to just eat you?"

"Well, it's such a happy decision." As he said that, Xiaotuanzi stretched out his fleshy little hand and patted the two men's shoulders a few times.

The two big men were so frightened that they hugged each other tightly and shivered.

"No, no, no!" The third child's body was shaking like chaff, and he kept swallowing saliva, forcing himself to try to stay calm, "Our meat is not delicious! Knock your teeth!"

"Yes, it's not delicious, it's not delicious!"

"That's it." Ran Ran held her chin with a small hand, as if thinking.

When the two big men heard this, they seemed to be interested and felt a little relieved.

However, the next second, Ran Ran's crisp voice sounded again.

"Then these two uncles will send me a child every day, so that I can have enough to eat without having to follow you~"

When the two big men heard this, they almost cried.

They tried their best and struggled for nearly a month to catch five children. One child a day would be better than just killing them.

"Auntie, auntie, we kowtow to you! Let us go, please let me go!"

The two knelt on the ground and kowtowed "bang bang bang".

The little breasted dumpling pouted, it was really disappointing, so careless!
"I intentionally let the two uncles go, but I have already left my mark on them."

"Seal? What mark?"

"You can find the marks of the two uncles at any time." Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile, "With this mark, unless the two uncles are in prison, I can appear immediately~"

"My parents are so cute, my two uncles must love seeing us every day, right?"

"Okay, the two uncles should go down the mountain quickly to find food for my aunt. My aunt wants to enjoy the delicious food~"

"Remember, you have to send Rourou here, otherwise I will go find you myself."

After saying that, Ran Ran turned her head away and jumped onto the carriage.

The two men felt a cold wind blowing around them, and then saw the carriage begin to shake.

"Ah! Ghost!"

The two howled and ran down the mountain while rolling and crawling.

(End of this chapter)

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