Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 171: Call grandpa three times to listen!

Chapter 171: Call grandpa three times to listen!
"Young man, don't worry about it yet, let's make a price!"

Before the original stone was completely solved, someone impatiently stopped.

That's how betting on stones is. When it doesn't turn green, it's one price, and when it turns green, it's another price.

This unsolved green, the variety and size cannot be distinguished yet!
This is the kind of luck that jade merchants bet on!

This is the excitement you are betting on!

Min Shenxing didn't quite understand this, and was a little confused after hearing what this man said, but seeing Yu Mingxuan's dark expression, as if he had eaten shit, he felt very happy.

"Go, keep going!"

Min Shenxing raised his voice.

"Young man, stop driving. I'll sell it to you for 1 taels!"

"I'll pay 1000 taels!"

"I'll pay 7000 taels!"

"2 taels!"

The jade dealers and jewelery dealers nearby all shouted and started to raise their prices.

Seeing this scene, even those present who thought they were stone gambling masters were dumbfounded.

Just such a broken stone, judging from their years of experience in stone betting, there is no way it will turn out green!
But everything they saw in front of them forced them to believe the reality!

The so-called "one knife to heaven, one knife to hell." is vividly reflected here.

"Master Min, do you still understand?"

The hands of the masters who solved the stone were shaking.

They have been cutting stones for many years and have produced a lot of green flowers, some of which are rare and precious varieties, such as ice species.But they have never encountered a situation like today.

It’s a miracle that this kind of wool appears green!

Selling it at this time was the wisest choice.

If it turns out to be a bean seed later, it won't be worth even a hundred taels of silver, let alone tens of thousands of taels!


Min Shen took a decisive approach.

No matter what kind of jade comes out, whether it is ordinary or expensive!But this is his first time selling something, so he wants to keep it well and not sell it!
When the stone-cutting master heard what he said, he responded, and then took the stone-cutting knife to cut the stone again.

In the midst of everyone's expectations, a green jade stone weighing five or six kilograms was pulled out by the stone's master.

"Fresh Yang Green! It's Fresh Yang Green! Authentic Fresh Yang Green!"

As soon as this sound fell, the jade dealers and pearl hairpin dealers quickly triggered a new round of bidding.

In a short time, the price soared to 10 taels of silver.

Such a large piece of bright sun green without any impurities, if you buy it back and make it into jewelry!Still very profitable.

Yu Mingxuan's face next to him was already uglier than crying.

Min Shenxing spent dozens of taels of silver to buy scraps, but in an instant the price skyrocketed to 10 taels!It was a slap in the face.

Not to mention the gambling money, which made him, the banker, lose money!

"Everyone, you should look at something else! I want to keep this piece of jade for myself! I won't sell it to anyone, so please forgive me!"

Min Shenxing apologized politely. After saying that, he immediately changed his face. He looked at Yu Mingxuan with a smile and sarcasm, and said in a sinister tone, "It's all thanks to the green flower today." Brother Jade’s one tael of silver is the brotherly love!”


As soon as these words came out, many people burst into laughter.

What is Feng Shui rotation, this is it!
The young master of the Yu family laughed so loudly before, how embarrassed he is now!

"Brother Yu, you lost the bet! Did you call Grandpa three times first?" Min Shenxing looked at Yu Mingxuan with a half-smile and said proudly. "you!"

Yu Mingxuan's face was full of resentment, his eyes were glaring at Min Shenxing fiercely, and his teeth were clenching.

"Master Min!"

At this moment, a deep voice came from behind the crowd.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a middle-aged man in his thirties slowly walking over with a few people.

The elegance of this life looks calm and orderly, like a gentleman.

Min Shenxing knew him. Yu Chongyang, the second master of the Yu family, and the concubine of the Yu family, was also Yu Mingxuan's biological father!
The relationship between the Yu family and the Min family is pretty good.

There are quite a lot of interactions on weekdays.

It's just that Min Shenxing hasn't gotten along well with Yu Mingxuan since he was a child!
"Uncle Yu!"

Min Shenxing called out politely.

Yu Chongyang had a smile on his face, but his eyes were dark, shining with a light of unknown meaning. He smiled and said: "I haven't seen Shen Xing for a long time, and he has grown into a big man!"

Min Shenxing pursed his lower lip slightly and said nothing.


Seeing this, Yu Chongyang suddenly burst into laughter, patted Min Shenxing's shoulder and said, "I just heard that your boy found a piece of jade from the waste?"

"Yes." Min Shenxing nodded.

"Good boy, you're lucky!" Yu Chongyang smiled and said, "Your parents will be happy for you if they know about it!"

Min Shenxing smiled lightly but remained silent.

Yu Chongyang turned to look at Xiao Jingzhe and Xu Yan, greeted them a few times familiarly, and then learned about the Yu family's gambling game from the mouth of the steward.

Knowing that Yu Mingxuan had lost hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, he didn't seem to care at all. He laughed and asked the steward to divide the taels of silver according to the rules.

Min Shenxing knew in his heart that this old guy just didn't want to be too embarrassed and wanted to whitewash the situation!

Anyway, he won a large amount of silver and found a good piece of jade. He was satisfied!
A few bettors saw the money in their wallets increase tenfold.

When Xiao Jingyao touched his 2000 taels of silver notes, he felt that it was not real, and he reached out and pinched his thighs several times!

For many years!

He hasn't enjoyed the pleasure of winning money for a long time!

In the eyes of everyone with envy and hatred, several people collected the banknotes one by one.

Especially the small breast dumplings, the backhand is 100 million taels!
Gee, my hands cramp even when I count the banknotes.

Seeing her stuffing the banknotes into her small purse, many people stared at her with red eyes!

Whose little baby is this? He’s made a fortune!

As soon as the banknotes were distributed, the gongs and drums on the other side rang again. The steward of the casino ordered dozens of people to push out a giant piece of wool!
"Everyone, this piece of wool is the highlight of our stone gambling meeting today. Look at the texture on it. Anyone who has some experience in stone gambling must know what this means!"

"I dare not say that this piece of wool will definitely turn out to be the best green, but this piece of wool will definitely turn out green!"

"Now, if you are interested, you can come and bid!"

As the manager finished speaking, many people rushed out and began to shout out the price.

"Little girl, is this profitable? Do we want to gamble again?"

Xiao Jingyao looked at the little breast dumpling so flatteringly, his eyes were burning!

It was a rare win, and he was still a little eager to try, thinking about winning a little more in one go.

When the little girl heard this, she puffed up the little breasts on her face, pouted her little mouth and said in a sweet voice, "Fifth uncle, you can't be too greedy, you have to know how to give up when you see something good!"

(End of this chapter)

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