Chapter 172 Town Wool

Seeing Xiao Jingyao's little breast dumpling being lectured righteously, Xiao Jingyao was suddenly stunned on the spot!
"Ran Ran, can that piece of wool be used to unlock the original stone?"

At this time, Xiao Jingzhe also came over and asked.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, his eyes lit up, his ears immediately pricked up, and he looked at the little breast dumplings with burning eyes.

Just say it!

You bastard who doesn’t make money if you have money!

Even for a person like his fourth brother who lives in the sky like a god, he is bound to be vulgar!

Not to mention that the money from a family like the Yu family is nothing if not earned!

The little girl looked at Xiao Jingzhe, then glanced at the large woolen material over there, then nodded, "Yes!"

"That's great!"

When Xiao Jingyao heard that the little girl said that he could unlock the original stone, Xiao Jingyao was so excited that he almost jumped up and said excitedly: "Fourth brother, fourth brother, let's have another big gamble, and the 10 taels of silver can be turned over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao received a cold look from Xiao Jingzhe.

"Restrain me!"


"Fifth Master, we have won more than 100 million taels of silver with just one piece of bright green. Do you still think our goal is not big enough? Are you afraid that thieves will miss you when you go out?" Qin Shi said angrily.


Xiao Jingyao nodded slightly, and then looked at Xiao Jingzhe in confusion, "Then what is the fourth brother's intention?"

Xiao Jingzhe didn't answer his words, and narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked in the direction where there were many people.

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi whispered: "I just saw Uncle Zhao Hu!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe tapped the tip of her nose and asked in a low voice: "Can Ran Ran help Uncle Zhao find the best wool?"

"Hmm... ok!" Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded, then looked around the entire stone gambling den, and then said: "Fourth uncle, the big one is the best, with the richest aura! The others are the same as Min's. The one in my brother’s hand is not much different!”

"Is that so..."

Xiao Jingzhe touched his chin, seeming thoughtful, and then sighed again.

With that big piece of wool there, it seemed that his idea of ​​letting Zhao Hu get acquainted with these jade dealers quickly was in vain!
"Fourth Uncle, Ran Ran is telling you in a low voice, those people may not be able to unlock that piece of jade!" At this time, Xiao Tiao Tuanzi stared at the giant wool over there and whispered in Xiao Jingzhe's ear. Mi's way.


Instantly, Xiao Jingzhe became energetic.

The little girl stood on her toes and looked over there a few more times. Her big eyes kept wandering around. She thought for a while and said, "Uncle Fourth, let's go over and take a look first!"

"it is good."

Xiao Jingzhe nodded and let Qin Shi push him toward the crowd.

Xiao Jingyao didn't hear clearly what the two people were muttering, but when he saw them going that way, he immediately followed them.

When they arrived outside the crowd, someone had already bid for the rough stone.

As soon as I got closer, I heard Min Shenxing muttering disdainfully: "The person who got the raw material is a member of the Yu family. I really don't understand. If you want, can't you just keep it for yourself? What are you doing?"


Xu Yan crossed his arms over his chest and immediately sneered when he heard Min Shenxing's words.

"You're such a pig, if you go into business, you're going to die at a loss?"

"Do you understand?" Min Shenxing glanced at him, his tone quite disbelieving.

"A gimmick! Do you understand this is called a gimmick?" Xu Yan said. "I don't understand!" Min Shenxing shook his head.

"Forget it, I won't understand even if I explain it to you, just figure it out for yourself!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Ahem, eldest nephew, let me tell you, the Yu family did this just to show off, do you understand?" As soon as Xiao Jingyao came, he put his hand on Min Shenxing's shoulder and said to him.

"What's so showy about this?" Min Shenxing was still puzzled.

"The Yu family is in the business of raw stones, but it is also in the business of jade. If this stone farm can produce the best green, will it attract more people in the future?"

"Yeah!" Min Shenxing nodded.

Xiao Jingyao continued to explain: "So, the reason why this piece of wool has become the highlight of today's stone gambling site is that it must have been carefully selected by the Yu family to ensure that it is a foolproof wool! But for such wool, the Yu family How could you give it up to others at will?"

"Oh! So that's it!" Min Shenxing understood and gave Xiao Jingyao a thumbs up as if he suddenly understood.

While a few people were talking, the stone-cutting masters over there had already started cutting on the big rocks with their stone-cutting knives.



As bursts of harsh sounds came, stone chips flew.

One by one, the merchants stared at this piece of wool that attracted much attention.

Yu Chongyang and Yu Mingxuan stood beside the wool, looking at everyone with a look of contempt and condescension.

Today, the most eye-catching center of attention is not belonging to their Yu family!
The best jade must be from their Yu family!
After this rough stone is discovered, their Yu family's business will reach a higher level!

He, Yu Chongyang, will definitely become the recognized head of the Yu family after today!
What a bastard status!All the fucking bullshit!


Finally, after everyone craned their necks and waited for nearly a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen stone-cutting masters finally worked together to split the giant wool into two!

"Ah, it's white, collapsed... collapsed?"

The person standing at the front suddenly let out a scream and looked at the material that was divided into two parts in disbelief.

Upon hearing this, Yu Chongyang's heart suddenly sank.

The expressions of those who followed him who claimed to be masters also changed accordingly.

How is this possible?
This is something they have carefully investigated and verified over and over again through their decades of stone gambling experience.

And it’s not just one person who is sure it will go up, but everyone is sure it will go up!

This is the wool they specially selected from thousands of pieces of wool, and it is the wool used in the town!
Just the appearance...the could it collapse?
Not only Yu Chongyang and those stone gambling masters didn't believe it, but most of the other people present didn't believe it either.

Many people wiped their eyes involuntarily, and then looked at everything in front of them with wide eyes.

But no matter how they looked at it, the wool that had been divided into two parts showed a gray-white color, and there was no trace of emerald inside.

The hands of the masters who solved the stone were shaking, and they looked at Yu Chongyang tremblingly, "Master... are you still... still opening it?"

"Open, keep driving!"

Yu Chongyang tried his best to suppress his emotions that were about to go berserk, and raised his voice.

At the same time, I have been doing psychological construction for myself.

How could such a large piece of wool and such a good-quality rough stone not have a little bit of green in it?
Just a little bit!
Just a little bit!

Even if it's just a piece of jade the size of an egg, he won't be embarrassed today!

(End of this chapter)

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