Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 173 Today, they deserve to make a fortune by picking up the slack!

Chapter 173 Today, they deserve to make a fortune by picking up the slack!
After receiving this order, several masters took the stone cutting tools again, fixed the wool again, and began to cut with difficulty.



There was another harsh sound, and the wool that was divided into two parts quickly became four parts under the hands of the stone-cutting masters.

Waves of stone chips were flying, and white mist was rising. However, what caught people's eyes was still white, without any hint of green.

"Come again!"

Yu Chongyang's fists were clenched tightly, and he gritted his teeth and ordered without giving up.

He doesn't believe it!I can't believe that Min Shenxing's moss-covered stone even bloomed bright green, but the one they selected out of thousands of people didn't even bloom at all green!
Not only him, but many people around him didn't believe it.

The wool was cut again, and the result was still the same as before, completely white with no green at all.

Yu Chongyang couldn't believe this fact. He kept asking the masters to solve it. After two hours, a huge piece of wool was broken down into pieces of rotten stones of different sizes.

But the result is still different.

"Cough cough!"

Immediately, Yu Chongyang coughed twice and took two steps back unbearably. When he covered his mouth with his sleeve and gently removed it, it was stained with some bright red blood.


Yu Mingxuan stood next to Yu Chongyang, looking at him in disbelief.

"Don't panic, I'm fine!"

Yu Chongyang stood up straight and suppressed the surging breath. He tried his best to look calm and maintained his usual elegant and decent smile on his face.

"It seems that I, Yu, am unlucky today and my bet is ruined!"

"But our Yujia Stone Gambling Center still has a lot of fine wool, you can choose on your own!"

Yu Chongyang said these words calmly, but the hand holding Yu Mingxuan was tight, almost as if he was about to be dislocated.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yu Mingxuan had no choice but to try to maintain his composure.

It doesn't matter if you lose the stone bet. If you fall because of this, it will be a disgrace to Dafa!

At this moment, the little girl with small breasts on the outside waved her chubby little hand towards Xiao Jingzhe, motioning for him to lean down.

Xiao Jingzhe's eyes lit up. He knew that since the Yu family gave up this piece of wool, the opportunity would fall into their hands!

He will not let go of such an opportunity!

Immediately, he leaned down.

Xiaonuituanzi whispered a few words in his ear, and then pointed to a piece of leftover material that was thrown to the side.

Looking at the leftover material, Xiao Jingzhe couldn't help but laugh.

Today, they deserve to make a fortune by picking up the slack!
Soon, Xiao Jingzhe gave another instruction in Qin Shi's ear.

Qin Shi nodded, turned and left.

The woolen material in the town market could not turn green, which made many people disappointed and began to leave the market.

Yu Chongyang looked at the expressions of everyone, his face was dark, and he immediately winked at the stone gambling masters beside him, telling them to act according to the opportunity!

Just as Yu Chongyang was about to leave, a strange voice rang. "Master Yu Er, I wonder if that piece of wool can be sold to me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted, and they all looked towards the source of the sound.

Yu Chongyang couldn't help but turn around.

"May I ask who you are?"

"My dear, Zhao Yin, came from the north to do some wine business. Today is the first time I have seen such a grand and lively scene. It is really impressive!"

Zhao Hu's pseudonym is Zhao Yin. Not only has he made a lot of changes in his appearance, but even his voice is different from usual.

Putting on a different outfit, he is now a personable businessman.

Be polite, distant, and polite!

It can't help but raise eyebrows.

"It turns out it's Mr. Zhao! I've admired you for a long time!" Yu Chongyang looked at him deeply, then cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Zhao is coming to the Stone Gambling Conference for the first time, Yu naturally wants to meet Mr. Yu Zhao. It’s from a friend! How about this, if Mr. Zhao likes a piece of rough stone, Yu will give it to him, and it will be regarded as a meeting gift from Yu to Mr. Zhao! "

"Master Yu, you're welcome!" Zhao Hu Bingbing bowed his hand to Yu Chongyang politely, and then pointed at the piece of scrap material and said: "I look at that piece, it's not bad, it's very eye-catching. Since Master Yu doesn't want it anymore, I'll sell it to him." Come on! Buy it at the original price!"

After Zhao Hu's words, many people thought he was crazy!
These are all scraps that people have thrown away, garbage that is going to be thrown out, but he still wants to pick it up!
Not only do you want to pick it up, but you also want to buy it at a high price!
You know, this wool just sold for the highest price ever!

Just that piece of useless leftover material, it would cost 2000 taels of silver to buy it, right?
This man is really stupid and has too much money to burn in his pocket!
Yu Chongyang couldn't help but be stunned. He glanced at the scrap and looked at the white patch on the cross section, and suddenly smiled!
There is a fool to act as a foil for him, so why not do it!

"That scrap was meant to be discarded. If Mr. Zhao likes it, I'll give it to you!" Wang Chongyang said generously.

It is not difficult to hear the contempt, ridicule and disdain in his tone.

Zhao Hu understood what he meant from his expression, but he always kept a smile on his face. After listening to his words, he politely replied, "In that case, Zhao Thank you Master Yu for your generosity!"

Yu Chongyang thought for a while and then smiled and said: "If Mr. Zhao likes it, all the scraps over there can be given to you!"

Everyone: "..."

This is not just contempt, but naked ridicule.

Zhao Hu, however, seemed to not understand what he meant at all. He was neither humble nor arrogant, and said calmly and calmly: "Nothing else is needed. I just want that scrap! I hope Master Yu doesn't regret it!"

Hearing this, Yu Chongyang immediately raised his voice and said: "I, Yu Chongyang, never regret anything I do. If it is given to you, then it is given to you!"

"Then you're welcome!"

After Zhao Hu finished speaking, he politely looked at the masters who were cutting the stone over there and said, "I wonder if some of you brothers can do me a favor and cut this scrap?"

The masters immediately glanced at Yu Chongyang and nodded immediately when they saw that their master had no objection, "Of course!"

Seeing this, everyone stopped curiously, wanting to see if Mr. Zhao from the north could pick up the jadeite from the waste.

Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiao Jingzhe in confusion and asked: "Fourth brother, that person named Zhao...could it be..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao immediately received a cold look from Xiao Jingzhe.

Xiao Jingyao understood in an instant. He covered his mouth with a smile and made a shut-up gesture, and then looked ahead with great curiosity and excitement.

Not far away, Min Shenxing was also very excited and looking forward to it.

He was extremely looking forward to Zhao Hu being able to unlock the jade and then slap Yu Chongyang and Yu Mingxuan in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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