Chapter 174 The Best Imperial Green

In the eyes of everyone who were either looking forward to it, or mocking it, or waiting to see a good show, several masters of Jie Shi quickly fixed the leftover material.

This scrap was neither too big nor too small. It looked like it weighed about one or two hundred kilograms.

The masters set up their knives and soon began to unpick the stones.

In a short while, one-third of the leftover material was cut off!
But it's still the same as before, no greenery appears, it's still a vast expanse of white.

Many of the theatergoers immediately began to jeer.

Zhao Hu stood at the front, motionless and upright. He didn't care at all about these people's sarcastic remarks, and just said lightly: "Explain it again!"

The masters nodded and immediately set up their knives to cut the halves in the middle.

Zhao Hu was startled and said hurriedly: "Easy, don't use a knife, just wipe off the outermost layer of stone clothing!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Chongyang burst out laughing.

"Brother Zhao, I think you don't have to work hard. Just... you still want to solve the jade? Isn't this just a joke? If you really like jade, I have a lot of jade in my shop. It’s the best quality stuff, just go pick it up when the time comes and I’ll give you a discount!”

Wang Chongyang's words instantly aroused laughter again.

Many people shook their heads and were not optimistic about Zhao Hu at all.

Zhao Hu acted as if he didn't understand Wang Chongyang's cynicism, and just said calmly: "Thank you, Master Yu, for your kindness!"

According to Zhao Hu's request, the master who solved the stone gently rubbed the wool with knives and friction tools.

After a while, a sudden burst of white mist mixed with green mist emerged from the hands of the master who solved the stone.

"It's... it's green! It's really green!"

The person standing in front had his pupils suddenly dilated as if he had been shaken, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

Yu Chongyang's heart froze and he took a few steps forward in disbelief.

Do not!

How can it be green?

Not only did he not believe it, but even the masters with decades of experience in stone gambling and the masters with more than ten years of experience in stone interpretation couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god, there really is emerald!"

"What kind of luck is this? It's a mistake!"

"Look, look, it looks like imperial green!"

"Bah, what's the imperial green? This is obviously the best imperial green!"

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhao saved all the people in his previous life, so he will have such luck in this life, right?"

"Turning waste into treasure, hahaha..."

The masters who solved the stone were all excited.

Several of them have more than ten years of experience in cracking stones, but this is the first time they have cracked this kind of top-grade imperial green.

For them, this is something they can brag to their backers for a lifetime.

"Mr. Zhao, do you want to continue solving it?"

The master who solved the stone asked a question as usual.

Before Zhao Hu could speak, the jade dealers rushed to interrupt him one by one, "Don't solve it, don't solve it, I'll buy it for 10 taels of silver!"

"Bah, you are a top-notch emperor. You look at this green face. You are not too small. Why are you sending 10 taels to a beggar? I will pay 30 taels!"

"I'll pay you 50 yuan! Mr. Zhao, there's no need to go any further. 50 taels is enough. If you solve it any more, it might collapse!" Hearing this, Zhao Hu felt dumbfounded.

But he also knew in his heart that if the price was too high, these jade dealers would not be able to get it.

If you get this top-quality imperial green, its value is extremely considerable, and everyone wants it!But they were afraid that the price would be high and they wouldn't be able to spend that much money at once.

Gambling on stones, gambling on stones, it relies on the word gambling.

Now that the emeralds are not fully bloomed, you might be able to get all the emeralds with half the silver by taking a gamble.

Zhao Hu pondered for a while, but in this short time, the jadeite had already increased to 300 million taels in silver notes.

After the 300 million taels came out, the bidding gradually became quieter.

Zhao Hu already had a guess in his mind. This price was almost their limit. If it went higher, they would be powerless and couldn't bear the risk!
Yu Chongyang looked at a piece of leftover material, and it suddenly increased to 300 million taels. He was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

"Take it! No matter what, our Yu family must take this jade!"

Wang Chongyang held his neck and gave the death order to the housekeeper beside him.

"Yes, sir!" the butler responded.

"Dad, that jadeite belongs to us, just grab it!" Yu Mingxuan said with red eyes and unwillingness.


Yu Chongyang gritted his teeth with hatred, "So many people have seen it, seen it, and heard it! You say you want to rob it? Do you want the face of my Yu family anymore?"


Yu Mingxuan pursed her lips, gritted her teeth and said, "Dad, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to have someone buy that jade back?"

"What do you know!" Yu Chongyang glared at Yu Mingxuan fiercely, "That is the best imperial green. Whoever gets it has to make money! What it represents is that our Yu family is in the jade world. Status! Is status not more important than that bullshit reputation?"

Hearing this, Yu Mingxuan stopped talking!

In his opinion, if they get a few million taels of silver, their Yu family's money will be tight!

Even the best imperial green may not be able to be sold!
Almost everyone was paying attention to the jade in the hands of the stone masters. Only Min Shenxing and Xu Yan were observing the situation of Yu Chongyang and his son.

Seeing that Wang Chongyang had a green face and vomited several mouthfuls of blood, Min Shenxing was laughing so hard!

"Hahaha... just this one thing will make me laugh for the rest of my life! Let's see if Yu Mingxuan dares to come and bark in front of me in the future. Let's see if I don't laugh at him to death!"

Xu Yan looked at Min Shenxing's childish and vindictive appearance and shook his head helplessly.

"I'm afraid that after this incident, people will take a detour when they see you!" Xu Yan crossed his arms and looked at Min Shenxing sideways.


Min Shenxing snorted coldly, "This guy has done too many bad things, and sooner or later he will encounter a ghost!"

Xu Yan: "..."

"Stop gloating about my misfortune!"

Min Shenxing curled his lips, looked at Xu Yan, rolled his eyes, and said two words lightly, "Boring!"

While the two were bickering, Zhao Hu had already asked the master who was dissecting the stone to continue dissecting the stone!

This piece of material is actually full of green, with only a thin layer of stone on the outside and almost all jade inside!
One hundred and eighty kilograms of the best imperial green, I have never heard of it appearing in the past hundred years!
Several stone-cutting masters carefully wiped the stone clothing with tools, for fear of accidentally scratching it, which would greatly reduce the quality of the imperial green.


Finally, after wiping off the outer layer of stone clothing, a stone-cutting master took a basin of water and splashed it.

Immediately, a complete piece of top-quality jadeite appeared in front of everyone without reservation.

(End of this chapter)

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