Chapter 175 My teeth were sore by my fifth uncle!

This piece of jadeite is so green that one side of it is so crystal clear that it can almost reveal a person's entire face.

But in an instant, the entire stone gambling ground suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's eyes fell on Jade.

Everyone who had been scrambling to get a bid was as quiet as a chicken.

Almost none of the jade dealers and jewelery dealers present could swallow such a large piece of jade by themselves.

Of course, except the Yu family.

"Mr. Zhao, why don't you give me a price?" The butler of the stone gambling den walked up to Zhao Hu with a smile, and his tone of voice was inexplicably proud.

Although on this scrap, they lost face and suffered even more!

But now, only their Yu family can afford such a piece of jade!

Zhao Hu pursed his lower lip slightly, wondering a little in his heart.

The original purpose of opening this jade was to make friends with some merchants, so that I could gain convenience and familiarity when doing business in the future, but now... I am afraid that this jade will have to be sold to the Yu family!
After a lot of work, in addition to getting some money, I also made enemies!
After thinking about it, Zhao Hu looked at the other jade dealers present, with a faint smile on his face, and said with a very sincere attitude: "Zhao is in the wine business, and has never been in the jade industry. I don't know, brothers and elders Can we give Zhao some advice?"

"What's the right price for this top-quality imperial green?"

After Zhao Hu finished speaking, the jade dealers began to discuss with each other one by one.

The butler of the stone gambling den, Yu Chongyang and others all looked dark and gloomy.

After a long time, a jade dealer gave a fair price, "2000 million taels!"


Upon hearing this price, Wang Chongyang couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He personally gave this jade away, but he didn't expect to buy it back at such a high price!
2000 million taels. Although the jade was worth this price, he was very unwilling to do so!

Obviously when it first came out, the highest price these people could offer was 300 million taels. Even if you pay 600 million taels or 1000 million taels, you can still buy it back!
But now...

"Thank you!" Zhao Hu smiled at the jade dealer, turned to look at the manager of the stone gambling den and said, "If you get 2000 million taels of silver notes, I'll sell them!"


The steward's face was also a little embarrassed. The money was really more than they expected!
He also regretted a little, how could he ask others to quote just now!

The steward subconsciously looked at Yu Chongyang, who looked extremely unhappy.

Yu Chongyang walked over slowly, and then said: "This top-quality imperial green is indeed priced at 2000 million taels, but my Yu family is doing business, and a lot of money is invested in the shop. To be honest, I really can't get it at once. So much cash!"

"Is that so..."

Zhao Hu thought for a while and said with a smile: "The wool just now was given to Zhao by Master Yu, so Zhao will only sell it for 600 taels, and the 400 million taels of silver will just be used as a gift to Master Yu." Friends!"

"What do you think, Master Yu?"

Wang Chongyang grinds his teeth.

how is it?

Not really! ?
It felt very much like he had given his wife away to sleep with someone else, and then had to spend money to buy it back!
Wang Chongyang rolled his eyes and was about to bargain, when he heard Zhao Hu say: "If Mr. Yu can't even get one thousand six million taels of silver, I think it's better to cut this jade into pieces? One point?" Divided into two or divided into three?"

"How about that!"

Wang Chongyang immediately objected.

The other jade dealers were also a little excited when they heard it, but most of them felt it was a pity.

If it was cut like this, I'm afraid it wouldn't be worth so much money! "I bought it for 2000 million taels of silver!"

At this moment, a clear and straightforward female voice suddenly appeared behind everyone.

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a woman in her twenties and eighty years, dressed in red and handsome, walking in from the crowd step by step with an alluring face.

"Who are you!?"

Yu Chongyang looked at Cheng Yaojin who suddenly appeared, his old eyes were scarlet!

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I have money!" The woman raised her head, a cold and arrogant face written all over her face, and her cold and cold voice struck the hearts of everyone, making people tremble in their hearts. !
The 2000 million taels came out of her mouth as easily as eating and drinking. This woman is extraordinary!

"Wow, that sister is so cool!" Xiaonuituanzi's eyes lit up when he saw this woman.

This was the first woman she had ever met who could make her feel a sense of admiration.

When Xiao Xiaoqi heard her words, he looked towards the woman, looked away, shrank his little neck, and said weakly: "Tigress, scary!"

"Yes!" Xiao Jingyao nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's a tigress! When we meet in the future, we'd better go away!"

"whispering sound!"

After hearing this, the little girl immediately rolled her eyes at Xiao Jingyao, "Coward!"

"Me? A coward?"

Xiao Jingyao pointed to his nose in disbelief, chuckled, and shouted: "I tell you, when I am bold, I am even afraid of myself! Am I a coward? What a joke!"

"I don't believe it!" Xiaonuituanzi said with a puffy face.

"Believe it or not!" Xiao Jingyao pouted.

After saying that, he couldn't help but pull the little Jiujiu on top of her head, and warned: "I'm telling you, you must not imitate this kind of girl! This kind of tigress is going to get married at first sight. You’re not going out, do you understand?”

The little girl snorted at him and said in a sweet voice, "Master said that if you don't get what you want, speak ill of others. This is called sour grapes!"


"Uncle Five, help me look for it quickly...look for it quickly..."

Xiao Xiaoqi was full of doubts. He blinked his big dark eyes and looked at Xiaonuituanzi. He was very confused, "Sister, what are you looking for? Brother, help you find it!"

"Teeth!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi covered one side of his face, pretending to be sore, and said in a huff, "My tooth fell out! It was sore by my fifth uncle!"


Xu Yan, Min Shenxing and Qin Shi beside them all couldn't help laughing!

Ouch, those little breast dumplings are so cute!

This injurious skill is really...incredible!

Xiao Jingyao's head was covered with black lines, his face was stiff and he didn't know what to say!
This sharp-tongued little girl is really... so annoying!

"Uncle Fifth, you are so bad! How could you make my sister's teeth sore!? I have to tell my grandmother and mother when I go back and let them beat you! Let you bully my sister!"

Xiao Xiaoqi couldn't find his teeth on the ground, so he raised his head and angrily slapped Xiao Jingyao on the butt!

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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