Chapter 176 Li Qingqiu’s Purpose

Here, Wang Chongyang looked at the woman in front of him with a serious expression.

"Girl, this is not a place for you to play around. 2000 million taels is not a small amount. You..."

"Twenty million taels is indeed not a small amount!" The woman in red interrupted Wang Chongyang's words coldly, "But 2000 million taels, I, Li Qingqiu, can still afford it!"

"Is this Mr. Zhao? This is my identity card, Li Qingqiu. With this token, I can go to Jiang Linli's house to ask my father for money at any time!"

"By the way, I have 500 million taels of silver here, just use it as a deposit!"

Everyone: "..."

"So she's the young lady from Jiang Linli's family? No wonder she's so arrogant!"

"What are you talking about being arrogant and arrogant? You have so much confidence!"

"If I had this worth, I could also walk sideways!"

"Li Qingqiu? I heard that she is the old family master's favorite granddaughter!"

"Tsk... Is the Li family also going to get involved in the jade industry? That's why they bought these top-quality imperial greens with their wealth?"


The appearance of Li Qingqiu caused people to have different opinions for a while!

Zhao Hu took Li Qingqiu's jade token and looked at it. After confirming Li Qingqiu's identity, he put the jade token away.

"Zhao will keep the girl's jade token for the time being. I will leave for Yonglin tomorrow and stay at Zuixiang Tower for the time being. If it is convenient for the girl, I can go there with the silver ticket to find it and exchange it for the jade token!"

"If it's inconvenient, then go to Jianglin some time later!"

"Okay!" Li Qingqiu curled his lips slightly and nodded.

Soon, some guards from the Li family came in and carried the top-quality imperial green away in a short time!


At this moment, Yu Chongyang suddenly closed his eyes and fell to the ground.



"Second Master Yu!"

Sounds of worry and panic resounded throughout the venue.

A group of people just gathered around!
Zhao Hu glanced at the fainted Yu Chongyang with a calm expression, walked out of the crowd slowly, exchanged a look with Xiao Jingzhe, and left in a hurry!
With Wang Chongyang fainting, the Stone Gambling Club is over!

Xiao Jingzhe didn't stay much with the others. He got on the carriage and headed towards the inn.

On the way, Min Shenxing couldn't stop laughing. He probably couldn't get tired of talking for three days and three nights about how embarrassing Yu Chongyang and his son were today!

As everyone listened to his chattering, their heads were covered with black lines.

"Hey... what do you mean when you say that Li Qingqiu intercepted Hu Yu Chongyang?" Min Shenxing asked doubtfully.

"What's the point of this? The one with the highest price gets it. How many meanings can it have?" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Then you don't know!" Min Shenxing sat up straight and said slowly, "The Yu family is related by marriage to the Li family!"

"This Mrs. Yu is the daughter of the Li family!"

Xiao Jingyao shrugged, a little confused, "What happened to the in-law relationship? For some people, this benefit is more important than in-laws!"

"Just that big piece of top-quality imperial green, if it were made into head and face jewelry, it could be turned into at least twice as much!"

"This is a great temptation!"

"Besides, looking at the posture of that Overlord Flower, he might have wanted to deal with the Yu family!"

"Not necessarily!" Xu Yan shook his head and said, "Although Mrs. Yu is a branch of the Li family, when we went to the Li family two days ago, we could see that Mr. Li still values ​​Mrs. Yu's branch very much!"

"If the Li family wants to deal with the Yu family, that's unlikely!"

"There is another reason!" At this time, Xiao Jingzhe, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, everyone looked at him!
Xiao Jingzhe said solemnly: "The Yu family is in a weak position, and the Li family wants to support the family! This can explain why Yu Chongyang suddenly fainted after hearing that the other party was from the Li family!"

"Well, what Fourth Uncle Xiao said makes sense!" Xu Yan nodded in agreement.

Min Shenxing became happy after hearing this, "If the second wife is suppressed because of this, let's see how arrogant Yu Mingxuan will be in the future!"

Xu Yan glanced at him lightly and said with a smile: "I think you should be careful!"

"Why should I be careful?" Min Shenxing looked at Xu Yan with confusion on his face.

The corner of Xu Yan's mouth twitched, I really don't know how this person grew up!
"You are also guilty of offending the Min family today!" Xu Yan reminded casually, "They can't deal with the Li family! If something happens to Mr. Zhao, the first person to be suspected will be the Yu family, not to mention the Yu family. That person is not necessarily easy to mess with! So you are the only one left!"

"Don't ever be silenced by someone and you still don't know what happened!"

Min Shenxing's face immediately stiffened.

After a while, he swallowed and said, "Didn't you also offend them?"

"We only won a little bit of money at most, and you are the culprit!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Ran Ran, help me! You can't leave me alone!"

Immediately, Min Shenxing looked at Ranran for help. Her pitiful appearance was like a little puppy that had just opened its eyes.


Xiao Jingyao sneered mercilessly, kicked Min Shenxing with his foot, and said in a rather disgusting tone, "Hey, are you putting the cart before the horse? Don't forget that you are Ran Ran's bodyguard!"

Who are these people? They don’t have any self-consciousness about being a guard!
If you don’t have any martial arts skills, you’ll be the No. 1 trouble maker!
Where is the guard here?

This is obviously the uncle!

Do not!
It should be a super drag bottle!

I don’t know what the elder brother and sister-in-law are thinking. Do you think the little girl is too powerful?
Need to lower the overall force value?
"Brother Min, don't worry! Ranran will protect you! You are my brother Min!"

The little girl glanced at Xiao Jingyao and smiled sweetly at Min Shenxing!
Xiao Xiaoqi rolled his eyes and immediately agreed with Xiao Naituanzi. He raised his little fist and said, "I will also help Brother Min fight the bad guys. My sister and I will protect Brother Min together!"


Min Shenxing immediately grinned and reached out to rub Xiao Xiaoqi's head.

Suddenly I felt that it would be nice to have such a younger brother in the family!

I'm so envious!

It's a pity that he is a loner!

"Little traitor! Where are you from?" Xiao Jingyao glared at Xiao Xiaoqi angrily.

Xiao Xiaoqi pointed at the little breast dumplings as expected, "Of course I am on the younger sister's side!"

After saying that, I didn’t forget to show my teeth at the little breast dumpling!

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

I can’t stand this typical girl control!
Whatever the little girl does, he finds it delicious!

It was already past noon when we returned to the inn. Everyone was so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs. Some of them ate in a hurry because they had to rush back to Yonglin.

As soon as the little girl got on the carriage, she fell asleep in Wang Wanqing's arms.

Xiao Xiaoqi was sitting on the other side of Wang Wanqing, chattering non-stop!
Wang Wanqing listened patiently and echoed from time to time.

After the carriage entered the county town of Yonglin, it slowly stopped.

"Old madam, it's the eldest uncle and eldest madam who are here!"

The old woman who was sitting in the same carriage with Mrs. Xiao opened the curtain and took a look, and then said something.

(End of this chapter)

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