Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 179 Thank you, brother, for the monthly reward of 12 silver!

Chapter 179 Thank you, big brother, for the reward of one tael of silver every month!
"Big brother, fourth brother, we brothers haven't gotten together for so long, shouldn't we buy some wine and have a drink or two?"

As if Xiao Jingyao didn't see the seriousness on Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe's faces, he walked in as if he didn't know anything and sat down on the chair next to him, crossing his legs and shaking constantly.


Xiao Jingyao took the tea cup in his hand and slammed it on the table, and said with a calm face: "Still drinking? Will you drink if you pee?"


It’s been so long since we last seen each other, why is my eldest brother talking so disgustingly?
Is this still the expressionless, emotionless elder brother?

You must have been led astray by your sister-in-law!

"Ahem, um... there's no wine, then let's drink tea, drink tea! Hehe~"

Xiao Jingyao shrank his neck, looking like a coward!

"Tell me the truth, when did you learn martial arts and when did you destroy your Dantian? And why did you hide it from us?" Xiao Jingzhe asked straight to the point, not bothering to listen to her tricks.

"If you can't tell me something today, don't blame me and your brother for being merciless!"

"Uh... this... this... hey, I just practiced casually with my father when I was young, and then I thought about it on my own, and I just learned two moves! It's just a three-legged cat's kung fu, it can't be put on the stage! "

"You also know me. I am a person who spends three days fishing and two days drying nets. It's okay if you ask me to fight cocks, walk dogs, and play dice. But if you want me to practice martial arts, won't it cost me my life?"

"Is it really just like this?" Xiao Jingyao took a sip of tea calmly, lowered his eyelids and couldn't see any emotion, and asked in a deep voice.

"With all my conscience, how dare I lie to you! We are good brothers!" Xiao Jingyao said with a smile.

Xiao Jingzhe just stared at him expressionlessly, as if I don't know how else you can quibble, staring at him for a moment.

What Xiao Jingyao was most afraid of was Xiao Jingzhe like this. He swallowed subconsciously, feeling very nervous in his heart.

"Then what happened to your Dantian being destroyed?" Xiao Jingxuan said solemnly: "Such a big thing happened, why didn't you tell your family?"

"Look what brother said, what does Dantian mean to a little gangster like me? It's not a big deal, right? There's no need to make everyone worry about me, right?" Xiao Jingyao smiled playfully and said nonchalantly: "It's just a fight with someone. I accidentally punctured my belly when I was doing it, that’s all!”


Xiao Jingxuan stood up immediately, with anger all over his body, pointing at Xiao Jingyao and saying: "You kid, I'm afraid you don't even know it. Every time you lie, your eyes will subconsciously turn to the left!"

The smile on Xiao Jingyao's face froze instantly.

"Brother, I..."

"Lao Wu, Lao Wu, we are a family! What happened to you, why did you hide it from us?"

When Xiao Jingxuan said this, his eyes suddenly turned red.

He is 12 years older than Xiao Jingyao. This younger brother grew up with him when his parents were not around.It could be said that he had brought him up, but now he found that he didn't understand him at all!

I have never understood him!
He didn't know anything about such a big thing!
If Ran Ran hadn't exposed him, would he have to hide it for the rest of his life?

Xiao Jingxuan felt sad that Xiao Jingyao had hidden it from him, and also hated himself for neglecting to discipline his younger brother!

"Brother, don't do this!"

Seeing that Xiao Jingyao, who usually never showed his emotions and was always serious about words, had red eyes because of him, Xiao Jingyao felt uncomfortable!

But there are some things he doesn’t want to say!Can’t say either!
"Tell me the truth, when did you learn martial arts? And when was your Dantian destroyed? Was it six years ago..." Xiao Jingzhe asked solemnly.Xiao Jingyao lowered his head and was silent for a while before saying: "I learned martial arts when I was seven years old. That year... if I hadn't clamored to go out to see the lanterns, Ning'er wouldn't have been taken away!"

"Then I secretly became a disciple of Lin...Lin Ping and studied Kung Fu for several years! Six years ago, when Ning'er had an accident, I impulsively went to find the old witch to settle the score, but I was injured by someone from Prince Ning's Mansion. Destroy Dantian!"

"Because... Lin Ping has a bad reputation and reputation, so I didn't dare to tell you!"

"Later, Dantian was destroyed, so there was no need to talk about it!"

"So many things collided together, the third brother was wronged, the eldest brother was demoted, the fourth brother's leg was disabled, Ning'er's death... none of them are more important than me? It's just the destruction of Dantian. , it’s not like he lost his life!”

"Brother, fourth brother, this has been going on for so long! And look, am I not alive and kicking and nothing happened?"

"So this is over? Huh?"

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao smiled playfully at Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe again. His relaxed look really seemed like he didn't care at all.

"Is everything okay?" Xiao Jingxuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong!" Xiao Jingyao's eyes were blazing, he raised his hand shamelessly, put his thumb on his little finger and made a gesture, flatteringly: "If the eldest brother and the fourth brother treat me... a little more Just a little bit will be fine!"

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

"Ahem, just ask my sister-in-law to give me a small increase in my monthly salary every month!"

"Look at your potential!" Xiao Jingxuan snorted with helplessness on his face, and waved his hand towards him pretending to be impatient, "Get out of here, get out of here!"

"Did you agree to the monthly routine?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Jingxuan snorted with a straight face, "One more tael of silver every month, no more!"

"Poof!" Xiao Jingyao vomited blood.

As expected of a big brother!
Wife control is strict!
I don’t have any money to spend, so I let my younger brother suffer along with me!
Come and have mercy on the poor child!

"Ahem!" Xiao Jingzhe couldn't help but cough a few times. The boss is really...

"Thank you, big brother, for the reward of one tael of silver every month! Brother, please retire!" Xiao Jingyao said helplessly, and then left.

When he reached the door, he paused and breathed a heavy sigh of relief!
As soon as Xiao Jingyao left, Xiao Jingxuan looked at Xiao Jingzhe and asked, "What do you think?"

Xiao Jingzhe's eyes were dark and his face was serious. He was silent for a while and then slowly uttered a few words, "Half truth and half lie!"


Xiao Jingxuan nodded, "This kid is much smarter than we thought!"

"He doesn't want to say it, he has his own reasons! Let him go!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"Yeah." Xiao Jingxuan sighed slightly, "In the final analysis, I didn't take enough care of him. When he was young, everyone's eyes were on Ning'er! He was ignored!"

"Brother, please don't think like that. This kid looks a little confused on weekdays, but in fact he understands it in his heart!" Xiao Jingzhe said.

"Hope it!"

(End of this chapter)

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