Chapter 180 Cause of Yuliuchen’s disease

"Sir, Mrs. Yu is here!"

Not long after, Lu Qing stood at the door and reported.

"Mrs. Jade?"

Xiao Jingxuan frowned slightly, opened the door and walked out, asking in a deep voice: "Can you ask why?"

"Not yet!" Lu Qing said.

"Then you go to the new house and pick Ran Ran back!" Xiao Jingxuan ordered.

"Yes!" Lu Qing responded and hurried away.

Xiao Jingzhe said at the side: "Madam Yu is here to seek medical treatment for her son Yu Liuchen!"

"Oh?" Xiao Jingxuan was stunned.

Xiao Jingzhe recounted everything that happened during this trip to Jianglin where Xu Yan took Little Nipples with him, and then said: "If we can make friends with the Li family, it will be of no harm to us in the future!"

"Although we have enough money on hand now, why not have more friends and fewer enemies?"

"But the Yu family... is very close to the Wu family! Many people who have made friends with the Yu family have more or less relationships with the Ye Party!" Xiao Jingxuan frowned.

"Brother, you are like a fool sometimes!" Xiao Jingzhe said quietly: "You know right from wrong too clearly!"

Xiao Jingxuan was a little confused, "Isn't this bad? Black is black, white is white!"

"It's good for you to be like this, but it's not good either!" Xiao Jingzhe said slowly: "In the officialdom, in the business world, interests are complicated, collusion between officials and businessmen, and cases of officials protecting each other abound. Sometimes it would be better to turn a blind eye! "

"Also, although this world is black and white! But there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends!"

"We just need to be aware of it!"

Xiao Jingzhe said, and then turned the topic to the Yu family, "I told you last night that Li Qingqiu of the Li family robbed the top-grade imperial green jadeite from the second room of the Yu family in public!"

"If my guess is correct, Li Qingqiu is doing this to protect Mrs. Yu and suppress the second wife!"

"Nowadays, the first and second bedrooms of the Yu family are very different. This is not a secret!"

"Taking advantage of this momentum, let's help the Yu family's big house! Maybe we can get some good results!"

"You know... the president of our Yonglin Chamber of Commerce is the biological father of Mrs. Yu!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan was silent for a while, and then nodded slightly.

Xiao Naituanzi and Jin Ling came back very quickly. Xiao Jingxuan and Madam Yu had already arrived before they had even said a few words.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingxuan stood up, said hello and went to do his own business.

Jin Ling exchanged a few pleasantries with Mrs. Yu, and then Mrs. Yu explained her intention.

When Jin Ling heard this, she looked at Xiao Naituanzi and said, "Since this child has agreed to see a doctor, let her follow you to have a look first."


Madam Yu nodded lightly, then looked at Ran Ran and said, "Ran Ran, can Aunt Qing ask you something?"

Upon hearing this, the little breasted dumpling immediately moved her little buttocks and sat up straighter, "Aunt Qing, tell me!"

"Well, where's your brother Chen? Because of his legs, he has a bad temper and doesn't want to meet strangers, let alone have him see a doctor. So..." Mrs. Yu said with a little pain in her eyes. Hong wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, and then continued: "I want Ranran to play with him for a while first!"

"He has a bad temper. Aunt Qing wants to beg you. Don't get angry with him then!" "Also...if his illness cannot be cured, don't tell him that you are here to treat him, okay?" good?"

Mrs. Yu's tone was almost pleading, and she looked at her expectantly.

In fact, she was not particularly sure that Xiao Nai Dumpling could cure her son's leg disease, but it would be good if Xiao Nai Dumpling could help him a little bit!
"Well..." Xiaonuituanzi tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded.

"It sounds like Brother Chen's illness is somewhat similar to that of my fourth uncle. My fourth uncle was also gloomy and looked a bit scary before! Mother, do you think so?"

Jin Ling: "..."

"Don't say that to your fourth uncle, or he will ignore you if the news reaches his ears!" Jin Ling said with an angry look at her.

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi stuck out his little tongue and said, "Is what they say true? This is called heart disease. Master said that heart disease is the most difficult to treat and needs to be treated with heart medicine!"

"So, Ran Ran can only cure half of the fourth uncle's heart disease!"

Jin Ling knew that it would not be easy to completely cure Xiao Jingzhe's mental illness, but now it was rare for him to cheer up again!

Thinking about it, Jin Ling turned to Mrs. Yu and comforted her: "Chen'er's problem lies in his legs. I believe that after curing his legs, he will be cured!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu smiled bitterly, "Actually, that's not necessarily the case, there is also his sister!"

"I have a daughter named Liu Ying. When she was five years old, she went out with Chen'er and came back with a high fever. She has been in a daze ever since and finally fell into the water and died!"

"Chen'er also fell off his horse that time when he went out and broke his leg! Liuying is gone, and Chen'er has been blaming himself for this!"

"Although he doesn't talk about it on weekdays, when he has nightmares at night he always chants Liu Ying's name!"

"Actually, I asked Ran Ran to go see him because I wanted to see if I could get him out of this inner demon!"

"That's it!" Jin Ling looked at Mrs. Yu with some sympathy, couldn't help but reached out and held her hand, and said sincerely: "It will get better, everything will be fine!"

Seeing Jin Ling's sincere eyes, Madam Yu suddenly lost her guard.

After being married to Yonglin for such a long time, it was difficult for her to make a few true friends.

Jin Ling is the kind of person who wants to show her sincerity the first time!
After the two chatted for a while, Mrs. Yu took her leave!

As soon as she left, Xu Yan came over.

"Brother Xu!"

The little girl looked at Xu Yan and gave him a big smile, and asked, "Is Grandpa Xu okay?"

Xu Yan was happy when he mentioned his old man!
"Is your Grandpa Xu worried right now?"

"Huh?" Xiao Naituanzi looked at him doubtfully. After thinking about it, his eyes suddenly lit up and he asked excitedly: "Did you meet that kind of patient again who can owe you a favor?"

When Xu Yan heard this, he tapped her little head, "What are you thinking about!"

The little girl moved her little body, covered the place where Xu Yan had knocked her with her hand, and asked curiously with her mouth closed: "Then what is Grandpa Xu worried about?"

"Isn't it because of your wine?" Xu Yan said with a smile.

When Jin Ling heard this, she couldn't help laughing.

"Wine?" Xiao Naituanzi blinked his big innocent eyes, full of doubts, "What's wrong with the wine?"

(End of this chapter)

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