Chapter 181 Mr. Xu is worried!
"I forgot to tell you, your Grandpa Xu only woke up after sleeping for three days!" Jin Ling said with a crooked smile, "Now, your Grandpa Xu has rejuvenated and has green hair growing out of his silver threads. Don’t worry!”

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Does this wine still have this effect?
Thinking about it, the face of the little breast dumpling wrinkled into a big meat bun.

She also drank. Will she become smaller and smaller?
When she thought that she was going to be like Aunt Xu's little sister, Xiao Naituanzi decided not to drink that wine in the future!

Xu Yan didn't see the melancholy on the little breasted dumpling's face, and he smiled crazily, "My old man doesn't dare to go out now! I'm afraid someone will laugh at him!"

"His hair has been gray for more than ten years, right!?"

Speaking of this, Xu Yan's eyes flashed with sadness and longing, but he quickly suppressed it.

When Jin Ling heard this, she took a deep look at Xu Yan and nodded slightly, "Yes, to be precise, it has been 15 years!"

15 years ago, Mr. Xu’s son, Mr. Xu’s biological father, was killed by the enemy because he was an accompanying military doctor on the battlefield!

When Xu Yan's mother found out, she was so heartbroken that she killed two people!
It was also at that time that Mr. Xu turned gray overnight!

If Xu Yan, who was only five years old, hadn't been with him at that time, I'm afraid Mr. Xu would have...

Xu Yan glanced at Jin Ling, turned his head and pinched the small nipple on Xiao Tuanzi's face, and changed the subject, "I just saw Aunt Qing coming, but did she ask you to treat his son?"


The little breasted dumpling nodded, "I'll go after lunch!"

"Do you need Brother Xu to accompany you?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Naituanzi thought for a moment and shook his head at Xu Yan, "No, Aunt Qing said that Brother Chen doesn't like to see many people, so let me not tell Brother Chen that Ran Ran is here to see a doctor! "

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi looked at Xu Yan eagerly, grabbed his arm and shook him, "Brother Xu, don't be angry!"

Xu Yan was inexplicable, pinched the small cheeks of the little breast dumplings, and said angrily: "Is your brother Xu so easy to get angry?"

The little girl puffed up her cheeks and replied with her mouth closed: "But Brother Xu was so angry that day at Grandpa Li's house!"

Xu Yan paused slightly. He thought Xiao Naituanzi was angry because he thought he would be angry because she wouldn't let him accompany her to Yu's house!

But when he thought about the words of the little breast dumplings carefully, Xu Yan suddenly understood!

"Brother Xu was angry at Grandpa Li's house that day because they didn't believe in your medical skills! Forget it if you don't believe it, they still want to find someone to test you! Who are those people? Their medical skills are not as good as yours, what can they test out? Come? This is a disguised form of humiliation, okay?"

"You are still young and don't understand this yet! But with Brother Xu here, Brother Xu will not let you get hurt!"

"As for Aunt Qing, she is thinking about her son and telling you the situation in advance. This means that Aunt Qing respects your ideas! It is different from that day at Grandpa Li's house! Do you know?"

"oh oh!"

Xiao Naituanzi was a little confused after hearing this, and nodded his head randomly.

Although she doesn't quite understand, it would be great if Brother Xu Yan doesn't get angry!

"By the way, Aunt Jin, this is the invitation from Mrs. Xu Sanniang to you!"

After talking for a while, Xu Yan remembered the business of coming over, took out a post and handed it to Jin Ling's hand.

"Full Moon Banquet?"

After Jin Ling read it, she was surprised and asked doubtfully: "Why are you the one delivering this post?"

Xu Yan said: "Ms. Xu Sanniang's husband, Wang Xiucai, was found a few days ago. He suffered some injuries and was treated by a doctor from our medical center! I happened to go over and take a look today and learned that she was coming to treat you. Send posts, so I took the initiative to take over this job!" "It seems that Mrs. Xu Sanniang's business is not going well. I heard from the servants of the Xu family that it was because there was something wrong with the batch of refugees that they recruited before!"

"I saw that she was too busy to touch the ground, so I did it for her!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling nodded slightly, accepted the post and said, "It doesn't matter!"

Xu Yan finished his business and asked Xiao Nai Tuanzi to go to the Huichun Hall after going to Yu's house. Then he got up and said goodbye and left.

As soon as Xu Yan left, Jin Ling felt something was wrong and hurriedly got up and told Xiao Jingxuan about Mrs. Xu Sanniang.

Xiao Jingxuan disagreed, "Many of the refugees recruited have never done these things. It is normal for some minor problems to arise! Mrs. Xu Sanniang has been in the business field for many years. She can handle such small things by herself!"

"is it?"

Jin Ling frowned slightly, hoping she was overthinking it!

"By the way, Mrs. Xu Sanniang's husband has been found. There will be a full moon banquet on April 25th! What gifts do you think we should prepare?"

Xiao Jingxuan is not good at preparing something. When Jin Ling asked about it, he felt a little headache and said, "Why don't you ask your third younger brother and sister about this? She is good at this!"


Jin Ling smiled and looked at Xiao Jingxuan with disgust, "Asking you about this kind of thing is useless."

Wang Wanqing is the granddaughter of the former prime minister.

Although she was only born as a concubine, her aunt treated her well and she was raised by her grandmother!She is very good at welcoming and sending people off!

Jin Ling thought for a while and then said: "From now on, we should leave this kind of thing to the third brother and sister!"

"Just make your own decision. If it doesn't work, just ask your mother, or leave it to the new housekeeper!"

Speaking of the new butler, Jin Ling took out 500 million taels of silver notes and threw it to Xiao Jingxuan, "Look at this!"


To be honest, Xiao Jingxuan has never seen so many banknotes in his life.

Since marrying Jin Ling, he has a 100-tael banknote, which is a luxury.

"Leave these to the fourth child! The school needs a lot of money!" Xiao Jingxuan said directly without even daring to touch the banknotes.

"There's more, Fourth Brother!" Jin Ling said: "I heard Lu Qing talk about the problem of building a new dam before. New channels need to be dug, and it will definitely cost a lot of money! The previous investigation did not go well either. , let’s fill up this side with the money first!”

"This is the money Ranran earned, how can he top it up? There is still some money in the county government account!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling rolled her eyes.

"There is money in the account? How much can it be? 10 taels? Or 20 taels?"

"The dam matter is very important. The little money in the county government's account will only make dregs and make people look twice. Once a disaster occurs, you won't be able to resist it even if you want!"

"Now that we've done it, let's do it better!"

"Of course, if Ranran's money is used, it must be named after our Ranran! We must let everyone know clearly what we, Ranran, have done for the people!"

"Okay!" Xiao Jingxuan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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