Chapter 182 The panicked Mrs. Yu Er

After lunch, Xiaonuituanzi will go to Yu's house.

Because Min Shenxing did not come to the county office today, Jin Ling thought for a while and asked Wang Wanqing to take Xiao Xiaoqi with him.

Think of it as a visit between sisters to deepen their relationship.

In addition, there are two children here, and if I accidentally see a doctor for Yu Liuchen, the effect may be much better!

In the name of visiting, Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing personally prepared some pastries and took them with them.

These pastries are all specialties from the capital city, which are different from those from Jiangnan. It is normal for sisters to chat and give each other something.

After preparing the pastries, the group got on the carriage and headed to Yu's house.

When I first arrived at the gate of Yu's house, I met Mrs. Yu Er who was in a panic as she didn't know where she had just come back from.

Mrs. Yu Er's complexion was extremely bad, her eye sockets were deep-set, her complexion was sallow, and she was very different from the first time she saw her at the racecourse.

As soon as the little breasted dumpling saw her, he felt that something was very wrong. His small eyebrows were knitted together, and his big eyes stared at her with curiosity and doubt.

Mrs. Yu Er didn’t notice them at first, until Jin Ling called her!Her body trembled violently and she stopped walking.

"Hey, isn't this the county magistrate's wife? What kind of wind has brought you here?"

Mrs. Yu Er spoke in a sinister tone, and looked at Jin Ling with a somewhat unkind look.

Jin Ling took a deep look at her. She felt that Mrs. Yu Er looked very strange, giving people the feeling of being secretive and guilty.

Even though she was very angry when I first met her, at least she looked calm. Today...

"I was invited by Mrs. Yu to come and have a little gathering, drink tea and enjoy the flowers! It just so happened that my three siblings and I made some pastries unique to the capital. Why don't we try it with Mrs. Yu?" Jin Ling smiled. He said politely.

He said he was inviting her to come with him, but for no reason, Mrs. Yu Er sensed that she was not welcome.

"No need!"

Mrs. Yu Er pretended to be calm, stroking her hair and saying, "I am very busy in charge of the inner courtyard of the Jade Mansion, so I won't bother you!"

Jin Ling: "..."

If you don’t want to go, you won’t go, and you deliberately made such an excuse! ?
It was like highlighting her status in the Yu family in front of them, how superior she was!
When Jin Ling heard this, she really wanted to roll her eyes on the spot.

"In that case, let's not disturb Mrs. Yu, the second wife, the head of the family! After all, the Yu family is a big business, unlike us, we usually have a lot of leisure!"

Jin Ling said with a slight smile, but what she said was mocking Mrs. Yu even though she was in charge of the Yu family, but she couldn't manage it properly!
Sure enough, Mrs. Yu Er's face turned a little green when she heard this.

When his eyes saw Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Xiaoqi, a sinister look flashed across his eyes.

How dare these two little things come here!
She will pay back the revenge for humiliating his son!
"Wow, old witch! Don't let you look at me and my sister like that! You are so scary!"

At this moment, Xiao Xiaoqi suddenly shouted. He was obviously a little scared when he looked at Mrs. Yu Er, but subconsciously stood in front of Xiao Nai Tuanzi and used his small body, which was not much taller than Xiao Nai Tuanzi. Standing in front of the little breast dumpling.

These words, this action... instantly made everyone's expressions freeze.

At this moment, the atmosphere fell into an unprecedented embarrassment.It is said that children have sharp eyes. Xiao Xiaoqi suddenly said this. It must be that Mrs. Yu Er looked at them too fiercely and made him feel scared and threatened.

There were not only the guards of the Yu family at the gate of the Yu family, but also Mrs. Yu’s nanny Li, who came to pick up Jin Ling and the others!
At this time, when Grandma Li heard Xiao Xiaoqi's words, her old face sank, and she said expressionlessly: "Second Madam, the county magistrate's wife is a distinguished guest invited by our eldest lady, and she is also an offender to our Yu family. My dear guest, if you feel unwell, please go back and have a rest!"

It has to be said that Mrs. Yu Er was still a little wary of Aunt Li. When she heard her words, her heart instantly shivered. She turned her head and glanced at Jin Ling and the others before throwing up her sleeves and leaving.

When Grandma Li saw this, she immediately became a little unhappy!

Putting aside the status of Jin Ling and the others, even ordinary guests, the matron, should not have such an attitude.

Sure enough, some people just can't hold up the wall with mud!
"Mrs. Xiao, my second wife must have been feeling a little unwell just now and frightened the two young masters. It's hard for me to stay with the two ladies here!" Aunt Li saluted them politely. The smile on his face is just right.

Wang Wanqing reached out and touched Xiao Xiaoqi's head, gave him a comforting look, and said gently: "The child is just ignorant, but it makes grandma laugh!"

"Ma'am, please come in!"

Aunt Li turned sideways and said respectfully.

Sure enough, these two ladies are worthy of being ladies from big families. Their behavior and demeanor are beyond the comparison of the second ladies born in the family!

Followed Aunt Li all the way to Madam Yu's yard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Mrs. Yu ordering the little girl beside her to place fresh melon and fruit snacks on the table.

"Sister Li!"

Jin Ling called out with a smile, and Mrs. Yu quickly turned around to greet her personally. She took the initiative to hold Jin Ling's hand and said with a smile, "I've finally waited for you to come!"

"Hello Aunt Qing!"

The little breasted dumpling raised her head and called out sweetly to Mrs. Yu.

Xiao Xiaoqi, who was beside him, didn't even acknowledge her. When he heard his sister calling someone, he also called out politely, "Aunt Qing."

Mrs. Yu Da likes children very much. She liked Xiao Xiaoqi who looked like a tiger-headed one. She stretched out her hand and gently touched his face and said: "This child looks very similar to the sister next to me. He should be like this." It’s my sister’s child!”

When Wang Wanqing heard this, she nodded slightly towards her, and then bowed her lower body slightly as a courtesy.

Jin Ling hurriedly introduced to Mrs. Yu: "This is my third younger brother and sister, their name is Wanqing!"

Mrs. Yu quickly also greeted Wang Wanqing and said politely: "You two sisters, please come in and sit down!"

Jin Ling was not polite and followed her through the door.

As he walked, he said: "We made some snacks and brought them over. They are unique to the capital! My third brother and sister are very good at their craftsmanship, so I just wanted to bring them over for you to try!"

"That's a good feeling!" Mrs. Yu said: "I tasted Beijing's dim sum when I was little. I thought it was a must-have at that time. I will never have the chance to try it again. Today I am really lucky."

"Aunt Qing likes to eat, then eat more!" the little milk dumplings said crisply.

Hearing this, several adults couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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