Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 183 Yu Liuchen is infected with evil spirit

Chapter 183 Yu Liuchen is infected with evil spirit
After a few people sat down and ate a few snacks, Xiaonuituanzi jumped down from the stool, patted the pastry crumbs on his hands, looked at Mrs. Yu and said: "Aunt Qing, take me to see Brother Chen. !”

Mrs. Yu nodded slightly, and then ordered Aunt Li to take the little breast dumplings.

As soon as Xiao Xiaoqi saw Xiao Naituanzi was leaving, he couldn't sit still anymore. He stretched out his hand and asked Wang Wanqing to wipe it for him, then jumped off the stool and wanted to follow Xiao Naituanzi.

Xiao Naituanzi took the initiative to hold his hand and followed Granny Li towards Yu Liuchen's yard.

Because Yu Liuchen was ill and had a cold temperament, he lived in a relatively remote place.

After walking for a while, I reached his yard.

"Grandma Li, why don't you let me and brother Xiao Qi go in? You wait for us here!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

She still kept in mind what Aunt Qing said. Brother Chen didn't like others coming to see him. If Granny Li brought them in, maybe Brother Chen would resist.

Aunt Li thought for a while and nodded slightly, "Then you should be careful, the young master's temper is not very good!"


The little breasted dumpling nodded heavily.

Xiao Xiaoqi also said: "I will protect my sister well!"

Aunt Li: "..."

She had already inquired about the little girl's abilities, so she didn't need anyone to protect her.

On the contrary, this little boy... is actually a doting sister at such a young age!

Seeing the affection between the two brothers and sisters, Grandma Li felt more or less emotional.

It would be great if the Yu family could see such a scene of brothers and sisters respectful and harmonious.

"Okay, let's go!" Nanny Li said with a smile.

Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded slightly and took Xiao Xiaoqi's hand towards Yu Liuchen's yard.

Yu Liuchen's courtyard was deserted. Once inside, it was eerily quiet, with no one around.

A gust of wind blew, and Xiao Xiaoqi couldn't help but shrink his neck.

The brother and sister looked here and there, and finally found a white figure sitting in a wheelchair at the Huxin Pavilion not far away.

"Sister, there is someone there!"

Xiao Xiaoqi pointed at the figure in the lake pavilion and said.

"That should be Brother Chen, let's go over and have a look!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.


The brother and sister walked over holding hands, but as they approached the Huxin Pavilion, the money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's pocket buzzed and shook twice.

Is there evil spirit?
Xiaotai Tuanzi's heart trembled slightly, and her face suddenly turned serious.

The money sword only shook slightly, which showed that the evil spirit was not serious.

At this time, Yu Liuchen was holding a headband in his hand, staring at the calm lake for a moment.

His body was extremely thin. He was obviously over fifteen years old, but he looked like an eleven or twelve-year-old child.

When he wore that robe, he looked like an opera singer on the stage.

Looking from a distance, although he couldn't see his face, his long hair was scattered on his shoulders, and his whole person exuded a gloomy and decadent aura.

"elder brother!"

Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Xiaoqi walked to his side, raised their heads and called him softly.

The soft and waxy little milky voice rang in his ears, and Yu Liuchen's figure trembled slightly, as if someone had suddenly dropped a small pebble on the calm lake surface, it was filled with circles and circles. ripples.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

The little girl stretched out her hand and carefully pulled his sleeves. When she raised her head, she stared at him curiously with a pair of innocent and innocent eyes.

Yu Liuchen's empty eyes gathered a beam of light bit by bit, and he slowly moved his neck and looked at Xiao Naituanzi.

Seeing this, Xiaonuituanzi immediately showed him a sweet smile.The curved eyebrows, the clear and bright big eyes, and the deep dimples all attracted Yu Liuchen's attention.

"Hello brother!"

Seeing that Yu Liuchen was only paying attention to the small breast dumplings, Xiao Xiaoqi said hello not to be outdone, and also showed a big smile to Yu Liuchen.

It's just that compared to the softness and sweetness of the little breast dumplings, his smile looks a bit naive and silly!

Yu Liuchen just glanced at him, and then his eyes fell on Xiaotuanzi again.

"You... who are you?"

He didn't speak for a long time, and he opened his mouth several times before he managed to make a little noise.

His voice was not pleasant at all. Perhaps it was due to the period of voice change. It had a bit of hoarseness and even sounded a little scary.

"Brother, I am Ran Ran! This is my brother, his name is Xiao Qi!"

Xiaotuanzi explained in a sweet voice, looking at Yu Liuchen he didn't feel scared at all and kept smiling.

When she spoke, her voice was soft, and she held Xiao Xiaoqi's little hand and shook it, giving people a very innocent feeling.

The brother and sister were wearing clothes of the same color, and they looked a little bit similar.

Standing together like this, it's easy to put people's minds at ease!

"How did you get in?" Yu Liuchen asked.

When he spoke, his eyes were always looking at the little breast dumplings, as if he couldn't get enough of them!The voice is also very soft when asking questions!

"You just walked in like that!"

Xiaotai Tuanzi said with an innocent face.

Xiao Xiaoqi said: "Stupid sister, my brother asked who we came with!"

Xiao Xiaoqi said, then turned to Yu Liuchen and said, "Aunt Qing invited us and my mother-in-law to come here as guests!"


The little girl nodded.

Looking at the appearance of the small breast dumplings, Yu Liuchen's gloomy eyes gathered a rare smile.

At this time, Xiao Xiaoqi suddenly said: "Brother, what's wrong with your legs?"


As soon as he asked this question, Xiaonuituanzi covered his mouth.

I forgot to tell Brother Xiao Qi not to mention Brother Chen’s legs!

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Xiaoqi finished speaking, the smile in Yu Liuchen's eyes was swallowed up bit by bit by a sense of loneliness until it disappeared.

"Sister, why did you cover my mouth?"

Xiao Xiaoqi had no idea what he had done, so he pushed Xiaotuanzi's hand away and pouted in a slightly dissatisfied tone.

After speaking, he looked at Yu Liuchen and said, "Brother, my fourth uncle is also in a wheelchair! He is just like you!"


"Get out, this is not the place you should be!" Before Xiao Xiaoqi could finish his words, he was interrupted by Yu Liuchen's cold words, and he directly issued an eviction order, "Don't come here again!"

"Brother Chen, this is for you!"

Seeing that Yu Liuchen was conflicted, Xiao Naituanzi rolled her eyes and took out a triangular talisman and stuffed it into his hand.

Yu Liuchen's hands froze slightly, but he did not look back at the little breast dumpling again.

Xiao Naituanzi said crisply: "This is a peace charm. It can ward off evil spirits. Brother, please keep it with you!"

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi pulled Xiao Xiaoqi away.

Yu Liuchen looked at the two little Douding who had walked away, then lowered his head to look at the peace charm in his hand, his eyes dark!
(End of this chapter)

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