Chapter 184 Thinking of a familiar person

"Sister, what's wrong with Brother Chen? Why has he suddenly changed?"

After leaving the door, Xiao Xiaoqi still asked questions full of doubts, puzzled by Yu Liuchen's attitude.

"Stupid brother!"

Xiao Naituanzi let go of his hand, frowned and said, "Brother Chen injured his leg, can't you lift his leg?"


Xiao Xiaoqi touched his head and was very confused, "Uncle Four also injured his leg! What's wrong?"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

This question was too profound, and she didn't know how to explain it to Xiao Xiaoqi.

After thinking about it carefully, Xiao Naituanzi looked at Xiao Xiaoqi and asked, "Brother Xiaoqi, what do you hate most about others saying about you?"

"Well... you say I look like a little girl!" Xiao Xiaoqi answered seriously.

The little girl smiled instantly, and said with a bright smile, "Brother, you look like little sister. I will call you little sister from now on, and let your third aunt comb your little sister's hair, just like Ran Ran!"

"I do not want it!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Xiaoqi's face was filled with rejection.

When he was very young, his mother liked to dress him up as a girl, and the children laughed at him!
What he hates most is being called a girl!

He is the son of the general!

The general is majestic!Very, very powerful!
He also wants to be a general!
I don’t want to be a little girl!

"My sister is bad! Humph!"

Xiao Xiaoqi snorted and turned away!
Hearing this, Xiaotai Tuanzi chuckled, pouted and lectured like a young gentleman: "Brother Xiaoqi doesn't like others to say the things you hate the most, right?"

Xiao Xiaoqi rolled his eyes, as if he suddenly understood something. He glanced at Xiao Naituanzi secretly but still held his head up proudly and said nothing.

Xiaotuanzi continued in a sweet voice: "Brother Chen is the same. His legs are sick and he is very sad. He hates others talking about his legs!"


Xiao Xiaoqi muttered, turned around, took Xiaotuanzi's hand again, lowered his head and felt a little guilty, "Then what should we do now?"

"Mom said that I have to apologize for doing something wrong! I will go in and apologize to Brother Chen now!"

After saying that, Xiao Xiaoqi was about to run towards the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

But the little breasted dumpling held him back, "You don't have to go~"

"Why? Xiao Qi said something wrong and needs to apologize!"

"Well... But Brother Chen doesn't want to see us now. We'll apologize next time!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"OK then!"

Xiao Xiaoqi nodded.

The two of them came out of the courtyard. Aunt Li was still waiting outside. When she saw the two of them coming out, she immediately stepped forward and asked, "Have you two young masters seen my eldest son?"


The little girl nodded, her delicate brows wrinkled again, and her little face looked serious, "Grandma Li, let's go see Aunt Qing first!"

"Oh, good! Good!"

Granny Li nodded hurriedly and took the two little guys to Madam Yu's yard.

But what they didn't know was that as soon as they left, a sneaky old woman walked out from behind the rockery not far away. After taking one look at them, the old woman hurriedly went in the other direction.

Mrs. Yuda stood up eagerly when she saw Xiao Naituanzi and the others coming back.

"Ran Ran, your brother Chen's legs..."

"Aunt Qing, Brother Chen's legs are corroded by evil spirits, so he can't stand up!" Xiao Naituanzi said seriously and solemnly.

The evil spirit this time was different from the previous ones in the Wen family.The evil spirits formed in Wen's paintings come from resentment and are somewhat cruel.

The evil spirit on Yu Liuchen's body was not very obvious, it was more like someone had specially refined it.

This made Xiao Naituanzi suddenly think of a person - Qingxuan.

"Bad air!?"

Mrs. Yu's face suddenly turned pale. She has often fasted and chanted Buddha's name in recent years, so she naturally knew what it was!
This kind of mysterious and mysterious thing, once it is contaminated, it will be bad!


How could her Chen'er get this stuff on her?

He has never been out in all these years!

"Ran Ran, how can I get rid of this evil spirit? Do I need to invite a Taoist priest to come to my house to do the ritual?" Mrs. Yu said slightly excitedly.

"No need~"

Xiaotai Tuanzi smiled sweetly at her and said: "Ran Ran can do it on her own, and Ran Ran also gave Brother Chen a peace charm that can drive away evil spirits. As long as Brother Chen takes it with him, it will be fine!"

"And his legs?"

"Brother Chen's leg has not been able to walk for a long time, and the blood flow is not smooth. He will need an injection later!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu breathed a sigh of relief and was so excited that she shed tears, "That's good, that's good! Ranran, thank you so much, Aunt Qing doesn't even know how to thank you!" "

"Aunt Qing, does Brother Chen's leg only hurt so much at night?"

The little girl raised her head and asked.


Madam Yu nodded with red eyes, "It's fine during the day, but at night he's often in so much pain that he can't sleep. He's scratched himself with things several times, and even hit the wall!"

When she thought of those scenes in the past, Mrs. Yu felt so distressed that she could hardly breathe.

I really wish I could go up and bear the pain for my child!

"Aunt Qing, the evil spirit has to pass through other things to invade Brother Chen's legs, and Brother Chen's legs only hurt at night. That thing is probably in Brother Chen's room!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu felt a chill in her heart, and hurriedly ordered Aunt Li to take someone to Yu Liuchen's room to fetch the ornaments one by one.

After receiving the instructions, Grandma Li quickly left with the people.

After tossing for a while, Xiao Nai Dumpling became a little hungry, so he took the pastries on the table and started eating them.

After eating a small plate of pastries, Grandma Li came back and reported: "Madam, those things have been placed in the yard!"


Madam Yu nodded and looked at the little breast dumpling.

The little girl patted the pastry crumbs on her hands and mouth, then quickly slid off the stool and walked towards the door with a clatter.

When everyone saw this, they followed him curiously.

I saw Xiaonuituanzi circling the objects twice with his hands behind his back like a little old man, and then he picked out several items from the pile.

There are longevity locks, jade bracelets, Tongxin pendants, wave drums...


Looking at the small gadgets picked out by Little Nipples, Grandma Li looked at Mrs. Yu in shock, her old face full of worry.

"How could it be...that these things could be..."

Mrs. Yu took a few steps back in a daze, her eyes filled with disbelief and pain.

"Sister Li!"

Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing saw that she looked very strange and rushed forward to support her.

(End of this chapter)

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