Chapter 185 My sister dislikes him!

"Is there something wrong with these things?" Jin Ling looked at Aunt Li suspiciously and asked.

Aunt Li looked at Mrs. Yu, pursed her lips slightly, and said: "These things were our little miss's belongings during her lifetime. The eldest son has always cherished them. He will look through them one by one and wipe them before going to bed every night. , which is also the closest thing to him.”

"But...but how could the little lady's things be contaminated with that filth?"

It would be fine if it were other things, but if it were these...

If the eldest son knew, how could he bear it?
"These things themselves don't have evil spirits. Someone deliberately put evil spirits on them!" Xiao Naituanzi said softly.


Mrs. Yu looked at the little breast dumplings with blurred eyes, and she had a lot of thoughts in her heart.

In other words, someone deliberately wanted to harm her son!
who is it?

"Madam, could it be... the second master!"

Aunt Li said this very quietly, but everyone listened.

Jin Ling knew that this was a family matter and it was not easy to talk about it, so she and Wang Wanqing acted as if they hadn't heard anything. They directly changed the topic and looked at Xiaotai Tuanzi and asked, "Ran Ran, is there any way to get rid of this evil spirit?"

"Yes, yes!"

The little girl nodded and immediately took out two coins.

Everyone saw that she put the coin in the palm of her hand, moved her left foot lightly to make a semicircle, lightly stamped her right foot under her feet, muttered a few words slightly, and the coin in her hand lit up. .

The money coin in Xiao Naituanzi's hand rose upwards and was suspended in the air for an instant.

Under the golden light, the few small things placed on the side trembled slightly, as if something was being attracted upwards.


At this time, Xiaonuituanzi gave another soft drink, clasped his hands together, and formed a beautiful hand gesture.

After a short while, the ornaments stopped vibrating, and the two coins gradually lost their luster, and fell accurately into the palm of Xiao Naituanzi.

"This... is this all right?"

Mrs. Yu was stunned.

If she hadn't seen it from the front, she wouldn't have known that a little glutinous rice dumpling, only four years old, could have such abilities!

This is much better than those Taoist priests found in Taoist temples!
"Yeah, the evil spirit has been driven away!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded and said, "Brother Xu won't have leg pain anymore when he sees these things!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu immediately smiled, looked at Xiaonuituanzi excitedly and said, "Thank you! Ranran, thank you!"

"Aunt Qing, you're welcome!" Xiao Naituanzi gave her a sweet smile and continued: "If you want to perform acupuncture, just ask Grandpa Xu and Brother Xu!"

"Yeah." Mrs. Yu nodded.

I'm afraid it may still be difficult to persuade Chen'er to undergo treatment again.

Wang Wanqing said something at this time, "Maybe we can find out where this evil spirit comes from? This way we can take precautions in the future!"

"Hmm..." Xiao Naituanzi held her chin and thought for a while, then said: "If the evil spirit disappears, the people behind will attack again. Aunt Qing can just ask someone to watch Brother Chen!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu's face was full of seriousness, and her fists clenched tightly unconsciously.

If anyone knew who was behind her child's harm, she would definitely not make things easier for her!
If the rabbit is anxious, there will be one that bites!
Knowing that Mrs. Yu would have to deal with and investigate some matters next, Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing did not bother them any more and said goodbye.

Madam Yu politely asked Aunt Li to send them off in person, and then went to Yu Liuchen's yard.

After getting on the carriage, Xiao Xiaoqi was still looking at the little breast dumpling with admiration.

"Sister, you are amazing!"

Xiao Xiaoqi's eyes were almost twinkling with stars. He looked at the little breast dumpling eagerly, took her hand and shook it gently, "Sister, sister! You can teach me too!"

"Well... you can't learn!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

Taoist exercises and spells are not something that ordinary people can learn!
As soon as Xiao Xiaoqi heard what the little breasted dumpling said, Xiao Xiaoqi's little face became a little depressed, and she pouted her little mouth a little depressed.My sister dislikes him!

Definitely is!
Wang Wanqing knew her son well. One look at his little expression and she knew that he was a little unhappy because of Xiaonuituanzi's words, so she touched his head and comforted him: "Sister, I don't dislike you for being stupid, but this spell is not Ordinary people can learn it!”


Xiao Xiaoqi looked at her mother and then at Xiao Naituanzi, as if seeking confirmation.

"Yeah!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi rolled his eyes and grinned, "You're going to learn magic and become a girl!"

"Wow, I don't want to!"

Xiao Xiaoqi was instantly frightened by the little breast dumplings, her head shook like a wave drum, and she shouted: "I am a man, I don't want to become a girl!"


Hearing this, Jin Ling couldn't help but burst out laughing. She gave Wang Wanqing an angry look and said with a smile, "This Xiaoqi is already having a shadow of the fact that she wore girl's clothes when she was a child!"

Wang Wanqing was also helpless.

"Actually, Xiaoqi's dress up is really like that of a female doll. It's a pity that she can only live a happy life! But now it's better, we have Ran Ran!"

Xiao Naituanzi made an appointment with Xu Yan to go to Huichun Hall, so he asked a carriage to take her there.

Xiao Xiaoqi wanted to follow Xiao Naituanzi, but Wang Wanqing forcibly took her back.

He was not happy, so Wang Wanqing said with a fierce face: "Have you forgotten the punishment your fourth uncle gave you?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Xiaoqi felt a little scared.

If you don't finish writing those big characters tomorrow, your fourth uncle will be punished twice as much!
Fourth uncle is so vicious!

Why doesn’t my sister need to write?
I'm so envious!

When Xiao Naituanzi arrived at Huichun Hall, she went upstairs to find Xu Yan.

Xu Yan knew that he had just returned from Yu's house and hurriedly asked him about Yu Liuchen's situation.

Xiao Naituanzi told the truth, and then said: "Brother Xu, I leave it to you to give Brother Chen the acupuncture!"

"No problem." Xu Yan nodded.

But he was wondering in his heart, "Who on earth wanted to harm Yu Liuchen? Was it possible that someone had done it intentionally when Yu Liuchen's bones were crooked?"

The little girl held her cheek, her little brows furrowed, looking thoughtful.

There was something very wrong with the aunt I met in front of Aunt Qing’s house!

She smelled like someone who had been in contact with an evil god.

Could it be that she caused that evil spirit?

Fortunately she is smart, hehe...

At this time, the Yu family!
"Second Madam, I saw that Granny Li took the magistrate's child to the eldest son's yard!" An old woman stood respectfully in front of Madam Yu Er, her head lowered and she said.


Mrs. Yu Er didn't care at all. Thinking of her plan, she calmly took a sip of the tea on the side and asked casually: "Is there any movement over there, Madam?"

The old woman said: "Shortly after the two children left the eldest son's yard, that old nanny Li took people to the eldest son's yard and took away all the things in the eldest son's room!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu Er's hand paused, and the tea in the tea cup overflowed, making her let out a soft sigh.

"What did you say!?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu Er immediately panicked, with unclear meaning in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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