Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 189 You are so weak, how can you still be reasonable?

Chapter 189 You are so weak, how can you still be reasonable?

But who is he?

What Xiao Jingyao is best at is hiding himself.

Therefore, after discovering that there were two little tails following him, Xiao Jingyao led the two of them into the busiest place at the time - Yicui Tower.

Wang Yang and Qin Shi stopped immediately when they looked at this place.

Both of them looked very ugly.

"Come in?"

Wang Yang looked at Qin Shi and asked.

Qin Shi said with a straight face: "Go back!"

Both of them are deserted, serious people, and they never like this kind of place.

They also know that Xiao Jingyao is very slippery. They don't want to find anyone else after entering here, so they'd better leave quickly.

Just go back and report the matter to the two masters.

When Xiao Jingyao saw the two people leaving, he slipped out of the darkness not far away and curled his lips slightly.

He had been wandering outside all day, but he was not wandering around in vain.

With the county government as the center, he had already clearly figured out the area within a radius of two kilometers!

Just these two things and you still want to follow him?
After watching Wang Yang and Qin Shi walk away, Xiao Jingyao quickly took out a small box from his sleeve. After opening the small box, a little bee flew out.

Xiao Jingyao curled his lips and smiled, "Good boy, let's go! Go find your little master!"

Following Little Bee, Xiao Jingyao soon saw the small figure of Little Milk Dumpling.

He quickly took back the little bee and looked around the surrounding environment.

"Yu Family?"

Why did the little girl come here in the middle of the night?

Although the Yu family is just a merchant, it also has a lot of masters. Xiao Jingyao did not dare to take too many risks and could only approach the little breast dumpling quietly.

After a while, he sat on a tree not far from Xiao Nai Dumpling and threw a pebble at Xiao Nai Dumpling.

Hearing the noise, Xiaotai Tuanzi turned his head and looked over.


Xiao Jingyao bared his teeth at Xiaonuituanzi, and raised his big palm and waved at Xiaonuituanzi with some pride.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Did you really find her?

The little girl puffed up her cheeks and jumped up to the big tree where Xiao Jingyao was.

"Little girl, is the fifth uncle powerful? Huh?"

Xiao Jingyao smiled proudly at Xiaonuituanzi.

The little girl curled her lips and said in disgust: "You're half an hour late!"


He's very fast, okay?

During this time, he even shook off the tails of two dogs!
However, it is indeed not as fast as this little girl!
"Little girl, is there a ghost in the Yu family?" Xiao Jingyao asked doubtfully, with a hint of excitement in his tone!

He Xiao Jingyao has seen everything, but he has never seen a ghost!

"hold on!"

Xiaotai Tuanzi said softly.

When she got close to Madam Yu Er today, she faintly smelled an unusual smell on her body, and she could also feel some kind of seal on her body.

So she kept a cautious eye secretly.

The money sword shook violently at night. She followed the money sword here. The seal must have been broken.

"How long will you wait?"

Xiao Jingyao asked excitedly.

The little breasted dumpling looked up at the sky, sat on the tree and dangled his legs, and thought for a moment, "Almost!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a sneaky man in the courtyard not far away, holding something and heading towards the remote courtyard behind.Xiao Naituanzi's heart trembled.

She remembered that was the direction of Brother Chen's yard.

That old witch wants to harm Brother Chen!

"Who is that person?"

Xiao Jingyao was a little curious.

"It was the mother who beat up your bad guy brother that day! She wanted to harm Brother Chen! What she was holding in her hand was a kid she had fed!"

Xiao Jingyao paused, "Is there really a ghost?"

"Can the kid still be fed?"

"Can I get one too?"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"That's a sorcery, and it will backfire if you're not careful! It doesn't take much trouble for the fifth uncle to want to see the ancestor, Ran Ran can do it!" Xiao Naituanzi said with bared teeth.


Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but shudder!

He stretched out his hand and pinched the little breasted dumpling's face, and hummed: "You girl, you are really not cute at all!"

Not to be outdone, the little girl pinched his face and snorted: "You bastard, you are so annoying!"

"Hey!" Xiao Jingyao pinched it back, "Do you know how to respect your elders? I'm your fifth uncle!"

The bosses just called him a bastard, but the little girl actually followed his example!

The little girl rubbed her face, kicked Xiao Jingyao's feet, and said fiercely: "Do you know how to take care of the juniors? I'm a child!"

"Hey~ What's wrong with the child? You are a child and you still have sense? Don't look at your own skills, one can beat ten!"

This gadget shouldn't be viewed as a child.

How can any child be like this?

The little girl snorted coldly and looked at him with a pout, "You are so weak, how can you still be reasonable?"


Xiao Jingyao choked and gave a thumbs up to Xiaonuituanzi, "Okay, you are the boss, and I am the boss's little follower!"

"Hmph!" Xiaonuituanzi snorted arrogantly, "It's good to know!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Give me some color and open a dyeing room!

"Little girl, where did the little ghost in the old witch's hands come from? Have you ever thought about it? Why do people want to harm people?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

Xiao Jingyao heard his sister-in-law mention it. The reason why his eldest brother was so unlucky before was that someone used this evil magic behind his back to take away his luck!

But such an evil thing shouldn't be manipulated by anyone who wants to, right?

The little girl looks powerful, but in the end she is just a little girl. She has a very simple mind and doesn't think too far into the problem.

Seeing such evil stuff, Xiao Jingyao connected all these things.

Maybe this kid or something comes from the person who harmed the Xiao family behind his back?

Hearing Xiao Jingyao's words, Xiao Tuanzi's chubby little face suddenly wrinkled into a big meat bun. After thinking for a while, he looked at Xiao Jingyao and said, "Ran Ran thinks I got it from that Qingxuan liar!"

She had thought about it before!

Uncle Heiying said that Qingxuan captured many little ghosts to practice evil arts and raise evil spirits!

"Qing Xuan?"

Xiao Jingyao didn't know this and looked at the little breast dumpling with doubt.

Xiao Naituanzi told Xiao Jingyao about Qingxuan.

After Xiao Jingyao heard this, a fierce look flashed in his eyes and quickly disappeared. Then he looked at Xiaotuanzi seriously and asked, "Can the little girl find that Qingxuan?"

The little breasted dumpling pouted her mouth and shook her head.

Ordinary people can figure it out just by pinching their fingers, but Qingxuan... can do magic and is also very powerful!She can't figure it out!
It's been such a long time and he hasn't appeared again!

(End of this chapter)

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