Chapter 190 Uncle Five will take you to have fun~
"Then let's go through this old witch and see if we can find her!" Xiao Jingyao said.

The little breasted dumpling blinked, "How to try?"

"It's very simple!" Xiao Jingyao looked at Mrs. Yu Er who had entered Yu Liuchen's courtyard and sneered, "Just capture her and interrogate her!"

After being subjected to 48 kinds of tortures, I don’t believe that such an old witch can’t tell the truth!

"oh oh!"

Xiao Naituanzi nodded, feeling that what Xiao Jingyao said made sense.

When Xiao Jingyao saw that Xiao Naituanzi agreed with him, a proud look appeared on his face.

"Why are we the only two watching such a good show? Everyone should know it!" Xiao Jingyao said with a smile.

Xiaonuituanzi was a little puzzled.

She is here to collect the brat tonight!

"Little girl, let Uncle Five take care of you! Uncle Five will take you to have fun... tell you what it means to punish evil and promote good!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao jumped down from the tree and quickly went in a certain direction.

Small breast dumpling: "???"

Is Uncle Fifth reliable?

The little girl puffed her mouth, glanced at the direction Xiao Jingyao left, and then quickly walked towards Yu Liuchen's yard.

As soon as he entered Yu Liuchen's courtyard, Xiao Naituanzi found that several guards in the dark had fainted.

She quickly took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket, put it under the noses of the guards and smelled it.

The guard woke up and was horrified when he saw the little breast dumpling.


Xiaotai Tuanzi hissed, and then whispered: "Some bad guys have come in and want to harm Brother Chen. Go and notify Aunt Qing!"

Xiao Naituanzi was here today, and these guards all know it.

After hearing Xiao Nai Tuanzi's words, some people immediately left in a hurry, while the remaining few followed Xiao Nai Tuanzi and sneaked into the surroundings of Yu Liuchen's room.

At this time, Yu Liuchen in the room was sleeping soundly.

For years, he had suffered excruciating pain in his leg bones every night while sleeping.

But tonight, he didn't feel any pain at all, so he believed Mrs. Yu's words. He was harmed from behind, but the little breast dumpling he saw today was a very powerful girl who had already The evil spirits on those things he cherished were driven away.

Therefore, very early in the morning, he held the peace charm that Xiao Naituanzi gave him in his hand and fell asleep peacefully.

When Mrs. Yu Er appeared in Yu Liuchen's room holding the black wooden box, what she saw was Yu Liuchen sleeping extremely soundly.

Looking at him, her face became distorted!

Evil thoughts abound!

"Yu Liuchen, if you want to blame, blame the Li family! It was the Li family who killed you!"

Mrs. Yu Er's eyes were empty, as if she was possessed by something evil. She slowly opened the lacquered wooden box in her hand, and the corner of her mouth slowly turned up with a hint of malice!
The moment the box was opened, a black mist slowly flew out of the box and gradually condensed into a small shadow in mid-air.


Xuying looked very excited and called out sweetly to Mrs. Yu Er.

Mrs. Yu Er stared at the phantom with blank eyes and slowly turned her head, "Be obedient and let him die, and I will give you delicious food!"


The phantom responded and quickly moved towards the sleeping Yu Liuchen.


Just when the shadow was about to approach Yu Liuchen, a golden light suddenly flashed from his hand, causing the shadow to run away quickly.

"Mother, mother, help me!"

Xu Yingying quickly hid in the lacquered wood box in Mrs. Yu Er's hand, very scared of that golden light!
At this time, Mrs. Yu Er's empty eyes moved slightly.Slowly walking towards Yuliuchen, he reached out and took down the peace talisman that was tightly held in his hand.

As soon as the peace charm came into her hands, it quickly turned into powder.

The little girl outside the door paused for a moment, and was about to enter the room to take in the brat.

But at this moment, a group of people holding torches were seen coming from a distance!

And the movement is not too small.

Mrs. Yu Er in the room seemed to have heard the commotion. She quickly took off a golden hairpin on her head and swiped it in the palm of her hand without hesitation!
Then he reopened the lacquered wooden box and dripped blood on the little wooden figure in the box again.

One drop, two drops, three drops...

Countless drops of blood dripped down, and the little wooden figure absorbed all the blood as if drinking water.

The guards outside the door were shocked when they saw this scene!
None of them could see the shadow, but they could see the clouds of black mist and the sudden flash of golden light.

What kind of sorcery is this! ?

As Mrs. Yu Er's blood was absorbed by the little wooden man, the clouds of black mist quickly condensed, forming a larger shadow than before.


At this time, Xiao Naituanzi kicked the door open and walked in with a swagger holding the money sword.

"You kid, how dare you hurt someone's life!"

The little girl let out a soft drink, raised the money sword in her hand, and one hundred and eight money coins quickly spread out, emitting golden light and heading towards the surrounding shadow!


The kid kept screaming and wanted to go back into the box, but the little nippled dumpling jumped up and kicked the black wooden box away!

The black wooden box fell to the ground and split into two!
The little devil has nowhere to hide!

He could only huddle in the corner and tremble constantly.

Mrs. Yu Er seemed to suddenly wake up. When she saw the scene in the room, she quickly picked up the golden hairpin in her hand and headed towards Yu Liuchen who was lying on the bed.


Seeing this, the little breasted dumpling quickly flew over and kicked her away.

The guards watching the theater outside finally reacted and hurriedly stepped forward to detain Mrs. Yu Er.

"Let me go, let me go! What are you doing? Let me go!"

Mrs. Yu Er struggled hard.

"What are you doing? Let go of my mother!"

At this moment, Yu Mingxuan hurried over and punched and kicked the guards.

Yu Mingxuan is the second young master of the Yu family, so the guards naturally dare not take action against him, but they are the eldest lady's people, and they have seen with their own eyes what the second lady did to the eldest young master, so they cannot let him go so easily.

"Xuan'er, Xuan'er..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Where am I?"

"What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go!"

When Mrs. Yu Er saw the head of the family, the old lady, and Mrs. Yu, they all came, she hurriedly looked confused and struggled hard, looking like she was completely confused about the situation.

"What are you doing!"

The head of the Yu family shouted loudly and walked over in a hurry!

Mrs. Yu quickly entered Yu Liuchen's room!

When Mrs. Yu saw Yu Liuchen lying on the bed, she thought something had happened and exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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