Chapter 192 Confrontation

Seeing that the scene finally calmed down, Mrs. Yu snorted coldly, and her sharp eyes swept over everyone present one by one.

"Say it, keep talking!"

"I, Li Qingyi, need to listen carefully to this person's case with all the evidence and evidence. Who dares to say that I have wronged her?"

"Boss daughter-in-law, you..."

As soon as the daughter of the Li family showed her aura, Mrs. Yu was completely overwhelmed and could not say a word.

Mrs. Yu glanced coldly and said with a sarcastic tone, "Mom, don't forget, Chongming is your eldest son!"


As soon as Mrs. Yu opened her mouth, she was interrupted sharply by Mrs. Yu, "Don't tell me that you brought up these two brothers, and they are both your biological sons!"

"Think carefully about who is your biological son!"

Mrs. Yu: "..."

"Boss and daughter-in-law, it's very late today. Let's talk about anything tomorrow!" At this time, the head of the Yu family said solemnly.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow?"


"Dad is afraid that no one will make the decision for me before I come back from Chongming, right?"

"Don't worry dad!"

"I, Li Qingyi, have the final say in my own affairs! I also have the final say in my son's affairs! If you don't settle the matter tonight, don't blame me, Li Qingyi, for not showing any mercy! You should know me, I can never bear to be wronged The one!"

"You!" The head of the Yu family looked at his daughter-in-law who suddenly became tough, and was immediately stunned and speechless.

The eldest son has always been weak-tempered. He originally wanted to wait until the eldest son came back before talking about this matter, so as not to cause too much trouble by then, but his daughter-in-law didn't give him any sympathy at all!
"A Ming, bring me here!"

At this moment, Mrs. Yu shouted expressionlessly to Guard Ming who was standing beside her.


When the Ming guards not far away heard this, they immediately brought someone up.

This person looks to be in his twenties, with a shrunken head and tail.

As soon as he was pushed to the front, he was trembling a little, and he didn't even dare to raise his head.

"Boss and daughter-in-law, who is this?" the head of the Yu family asked in a deep voice, looking extremely ugly.

The way the eldest daughter-in-law looks like this, she clearly came prepared!

"Let him tell himself, who is his name and where he lives?" Madam Yu said without even looking at her father-in-law's face, which looked like he had eaten shit.

" name is Sun Er. I used to live in Wanjiexiang. I am...the son of Sun Dagou!"

As soon as the terms Wanjiexiang and Sun Dagou came out, the eyes of Yu Chongyang and Mrs. Yu Er couldn't help but tighten!
"What Wan Jie Xiang? What Sun Dagou? Who are these people?" Mrs. Yu asked in a bad tone.

"Five years ago, what did your father and grandson do to my son? Where is he now? Tell me clearly one by one! Otherwise..." A Ming stepped forward and kicked him in a deep tone. Threat.

"I said, I said!"

Sun Er swallowed his saliva and spoke tremblingly, "It's my brother. My brother Sun Da lost a sum of money in a gambling house five years ago, a full 200 taels. My family couldn't pay it back at all. The people in the gambling house just Caught my brother!”

"Later, those people came to my house and said that as long as my father did one thing for them, they would let my brother go!"

"What's the matter?" asked the head of the Yu family.

Sun Er raised his head and glanced at Master Yu, and then said: "Set a trap on the road where Master Yu passes, and make Master Yu fall off his horse!" Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Mrs. Yu’s eyes were red.

"Keep talking!" The head of the Yu family said solemnly.

Yu Liuchen is his eldest grandson. He has been smart since he was a child, and he was once the heir he valued very much!
He was heartbroken that his eldest grandson was killed!

"My father agreed to it for my eldest brother!"

"Those people informed the place where Young Master Yu rode by, and successfully caused Young Master Yu to fall off the horse and break his leg! My father knew a little bit about bone-setting skills, so he connected Young Master Yu's leg crookedly!"

"After the pick-up went wrong, my father took Mr. Yu back to my house until your Yu family came to pick him up! He was also very grateful to my father!"

"My father and my eldest brother were afraid that something would happen, so they ran away with our whole family. I didn't want to leave, so I hid quietly!"

As he said that, Sun Er knelt down and kowtowed violently to Mrs. Yu.

"Ladies and gentlemen, sir! These things were all done by my father and my eldest brother. They have nothing to do with me! They have nothing to do with me at all! I have said everything you asked me to say. Please let me go! Let me go! Get over me!"

"Hmph!" Guard Ming snorted coldly, kicked him to the ground, and said coldly: "Although you didn't do it, you are also an accomplice!"

"Uncle, please spare my life! I know my mistake! I know my mistake!" Sun Er got up and continued to beg for mercy.

Mrs. Yu Da said at the right time: "I want to spare your life, but call out the person who instigated your father behind the scenes!"

"I said, I said! That's Bago from Tiandi Casino, that's him!"

"It was the money that my brother lost in gambling at Tiandi Gambling House!"

"Okay! Take him down!" Mrs. Yu waved her hand, and guards immediately took Sun Er down.

Mrs. Yu looked at Mrs. Yu and snorted coldly: "Brother from Tiandi Casino, if what I said is correct, he is the nephew of his sister-in-law's mother-in-law, right?"

"So what? It's none of my business!"

Mrs. Yu Er was slapped and had one of her teeth knocked out. She spoke in a vague and careless manner.


Mrs. Yu snorted coldly.

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

"Auntie, there's no need to blame anyone! Maybe the eldest brother has offended that Bage before?" Yu Mingxuan said angrily.

"Yes, the eldest daughter-in-law! The second daughter-in-law has always been responsible, how could she do something to harm Chen'er!?" Old Madam Yu immediately said something at the slightest opportunity.

"Her duty?"

Mrs. Yu's eyes immediately turned red, and she pointed at Mrs. Yu and said, "I thought so too, so I gave up all the power of running the family to her? But what about her!? Ask her carefully, what happened back then? Who are the people invited to save Liuying?"

As soon as this statement came out, another big stone was dropped in everyone's heart, causing thousands of waves!
Mrs. Yu Er suddenly raised her head and glanced at Mrs. Yu, with some panic in her eyes.

"Those are all people from Hanshan Temple!" Mrs. Yu Er whispered.

"Bah, you are still lying now!" Mrs. Yu was so angry that she was shaking all over. If Mrs. Yu hadn't stood in front of her and blocked her, she would have slapped her directly!
"Cheng Linrong, there is a god three feet above your head. Do you dare to swear to God that the person you invited to redeem me, Liuying, was from Hanshan Temple?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu Er said nothing.

Mrs. Yu said: "If it's not from Hanshan Temple, it's not from Hanshan Temple! What's so strange about this? Who can be saved but not saved? Liuying has been gone for so many years, you should let her go!"

(End of this chapter)

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