Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 193 Old witch, you are not allowed to slander my mother!

Chapter 193 Old witch, you are not allowed to slander my mother!

"lay down!?"

"My daughter died in an unknown manner. After her death, she was used by others to harm my son. How do you want me to let it go? Mom, Liu Chen and Liu Ying are your direct grandsons and granddaughters. If anything happens to them, you can help them. Ever shed a tear?"

"Me!" Mrs. Yu was speechless. After pursed her lips, she said coldly: "Is someone gossiping in front of you? I heard that you have been getting along well with the new county magistrate's wife recently. She is the one who instigated you! Isn’t it?"

"Let me tell you, that person is not a good person, she..."

As she spoke, Mrs. Yu’s mouth suddenly became silent!
"Old witch, you are not allowed to slander my mother!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi suddenly said, not forgetting the threat of Nai Ji Nii Ji, "If you dare to say a bad word about my mother again, I will stop you from saying a word. come out!"

The little breasted dumpling remained silent, and no one noticed that there was such a little breasted dumpling in the yard.

As soon as he made a sound, everyone's attention was attracted!
"It's you?"

Among these people, the one who reacted the most was Yu Mingxuan.

Yu Mingxuan has dealt with Xiaonuituanzi two or three times, but every time he was either embarrassed or suffered a loss!
Thinking that last time it was this little guy who bet 10 taels of silver, causing him not only embarrassment but also a big loss, he felt itchy with hatred!
"It's me!" Xiaotuanzi raised his little chin high, raised his little fist, and said fiercely: "Brother, do you still want to be beaten?"


Yu Mingxuan grinds his teeth.

Damn little thing, how dare you run wild in his Yu family and even threaten him!
"Who are you? Why are you here in the middle of the night?" asked the head of the Yu family with a stern face.

"Grandpa, she is Xiao Jingxuan's daughter!" Yu Mingxuan gritted his teeth.

"That's right, my dad is Xiao Jingxuan!" Xiao Naituanzi was not afraid of them at all. He walked to Madam Yu and held her hand. He held his neck high and said proudly: "I am here to help Aunt Qing treat Brother Chen. Legs! They’re here to catch ghosts too!”

"The little ghost is in Brother Chen's room right now. He has been controlled by me. You can go and have a look!"

"Oh, that's right! That little kid was raised by this ugly old woman. We all saw it! She cut her palms and fed it to the little kid!"

Ugly grandma?
Mrs. Yu Er was almost so angry that she spit out a mouthful of blood.

Unexpectedly, he was suppressed by Li Qingyi's guards at this time, and he had no power to fight back!
After Xiaotiao Tuanzi finished speaking, fearing that everyone wouldn't believe it, he even stepped forward and opened Mrs. Yu Er's hand!

Sure enough, a clearly visible scar was placed on her palm.

The small breast dumplings moved, and it hurt so much that Mrs. Yu grimaced.

"I don't know anything, I don't know anything!"

At this time, Mrs. Yu Er began to act again.

The little breasted dumpling pouted and puffed up the breasts on her face. She took out a truth-telling charm and put it on her forehead. She curled her lips and said, "I don't know if it's true. Just try this." knew!"

The talisman was placed on her forehead, and a dazzling light instantly bloomed and disappeared immediately.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Mrs. Yu Er was filled with fear.

What did this damn girl do to her! ?

Why did she feel extremely uneasy?

Before anyone could ask anything, Xiao Naituanzi said in a sweet voice, "That was the truth charm just now. She will answer whatever you ask her!"

Everyone: "..."

"Aunt Qing, you ask first!" Xiao Naituanzi said, pulling Mrs. Yu's hand. "Um."

Mrs. Yu nodded and glanced gratefully at the little breast dumpling.

"Cheng Linrong, let me ask you, was it you who caused my son to fall off the horse? Was it something you ordered someone to do?" Mrs. Yu said sharply.

Mrs. Yu Er opened her mouth and wanted to say no, but when she reached her mouth, the words turned into, "Yes!"

As soon as the words came out, not only others were stunned, but Mrs. Yu Er herself was stunned!
She said yes!

She actually said yes!

Suddenly, she looked at the small breast dumplings with frightened eyes.

What is the origin of this little girl?
Mrs. Yu tightened her palms and asked again: "Did you raise the kid? Do you want to kill my son tonight?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu Er immediately gritted her teeth!

She held back, not wanting to admit it, but there seemed to be a force in her body that was suppressing her.


Mrs. Yu Er nodded again.



Yu Chongyang and Yu Mingxuan called her at the same time. Yu Mingxuan even wanted to rush forward to stop Mrs. Yu Er from speaking, but Xiao Naituanzi tapped her acupuncture points quickly and could only stand there obediently, unable to move. Can't speak!

Seeing this, Yu Chongyang and the head of the Yu family were no longer calm, and looked at the baby in front of them in horror, who was only three or four years old!
"Okay, it's okay!" Xiao Naituanzi showed a big smile to them, then yawned a big yawn, and said sleepily: "I'm all sleepy, let Aunt Qing finish the question properly, Sleep well!"

Everyone: "..."

Mrs. Yu tightened her palms, held back the tears in her eyes, gritted her teeth with red eyes and asked, "Why? Why did you do this?"

"They are just children! How did they offend you!?"

"He offended me everywhere!" Cheng Linrong raised his head and looked at Mrs. Yu with a sneer. Knowing that he couldn't hide it anymore, he looked like a broken person and said coldly: "You have good looks and a good family background. I was born to be a eldest lady who has no fingers in the spring water!"

"On the second day after marrying into the Yu family, my father handed over the power of running the family to you! Why!? I was the one who walked in first! Just because you are the eldest? Are we the second? Are you the direct descendants? And we are concubines?"

"Haha, it's really ridiculous!"

"My parents keep saying that the eldest master and the second master are the same, but what's the result? No matter what good things happen, doesn't it all fall on your eldest brother's head!?"

"Liu Chen and Mingxuan were born one after another. Why was Yu Liuchen taken seriously by the family leader when he was born? My son has to look up to him?"

"My son is obviously more talented, why should he be trained as the future head of the family?"

"As long as he is disabled! As long as he is disabled! As long as he becomes a disabled person, naturally everything about him will belong to my son! No one can compete with my son anymore!"


As she spoke, Mrs. Yu Er burst out laughing as if she was going crazy.

After laughing for a while, the expression on her face suddenly stopped. Looking at Mrs. Yu, she snorted coldly and chuckled: "Do you really want to ask, why don't I just kill your son? Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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