Chapter 194 Mrs. Yu Er confesses!

This question is exactly what Mrs. Yu is wondering about.

Instead of doing so much, wouldn't it be better to just kill Liu Chen?

Without Liu Chen, their big house might...


Mrs. Yu Er laughed again looking at Mrs. Yu's face.

"Of course it's because of the power behind you, Li Qingyi!" Mrs. Yu Er sneered, with tears in her eyes, "Your Li family is the richest man, and your power is complex and extremely powerful!"

"With such a force, even if they don't deliberately help the Yu family, outsiders will provide a lot of convenience for the sake of the Li family! Only then will the power of the Yu family become stronger little by little!"

"Yu Liuchen is dead. According to your temperament, Li Qingyi, you will either let him go, or you will leave the Yu family and go back to the Li family!"

"What's in it for us?"

"But if Yu Liuchen is disabled, it will be different! As long as he doesn't die, you will still be there! Seeing him slump little by little, you feel sorry for your son, and you will put all your energy on him! Hahaha...the power of the Yu family, the position of the future head of the Yu family..."

"All of this will belong to our second wife! It belongs to my son and husband!"

"And your big house is just a chess piece in my hand!"

"You vicious woman, shut up!" When Yu Chongyang heard these words, his eyes turned red and he shouted loudly.

Now that these things have been revealed, how will the Li family help the Yu family in the future?How do the people of the Yu family view their second wife?He Yu Chongyang said that he was completely unaware of these things. Will anyone believe this?



Yu Chongyang opened his mouth and was about to say something, but the head of the Yu family slapped him in the face.

"Damn things!"

"In the past, I only knew that you were a good person and that you were brothers and sisters! You always said that everything in the Yu family will belong to your eldest brother in the future! Everything you did was to help your eldest brother! But in reality? What did you and that vicious woman do behind the scenes?"

"Me! Dad, I didn't know about any of this. This poisonous woman did it all! It was her... she did it all!" Yu Chongyang pointed at Mrs. Yu Er and said.

At this moment, the truth of "husband and wife are originally birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes" is truly demonstrated.

"Really? My good brothers and sisters?"

Mrs. Yu gritted her teeth and looked at Mrs. Yu Er.

Mrs. Yu Er looked at Yu Chongyang's eyes full of affection. When she heard him pointing out everything to her, she felt sad and in great pain!But she also knew that this was the only way to save herself and her son!

She bit her lip, trying to force herself to answer that they didn't know anything, she did everything alone!

But no matter what, the words turned out to be the truth again!

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Mrs. Yuer wanted to bite off her tongue and die!
But the little girl with big breasts next to her was very smart and quickly reached out to remove her chin!

There was a "click" sound, and those watching felt pain!

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her cheeks and said, "You won't necessarily die if your tongue is bitten off. Ranran has good medical skills and can help you get it back!"

Everyone: "..."

Mrs. Yuer was so angry that she could only glare at Xiaotuanzi with her own eyes.

Due to the removal of the chin, there was leakage from the corner of the mouth!
Xiao Nai Tuanzi looked at her with disgust, pinched her little nose and slapped her, her voice was full of disgust, "Master is right, people with evil hearts will smell bad when they open their mouths!" "

As he said that, Little Tits Dumpling stretched out his hand and pushed her chin.


There was another click, and Mrs. Yu Er's hanging chin was put back in an instant.

"Aunt Qing, wipe your little hands!"

The small-breasted dumpling turned around and raised his chubby hand in front of Mrs. Yuda.Madam Yu was stunned for a moment, then took her own handkerchief and wiped Xiao Naituanzi's hands.

After wiping it, he threw the handkerchief directly in front of Mrs. Yu Er and said coldly: "If it's dirty, just throw it away!"


Mrs. Yu Er was so angry that her chest kept rising and falling.

Mrs. Yu, however, didn't even look at her. She looked at the head of the Yu family and said, "Dad, you must have heard what she just said! This poisonous woman conspired with her second brother to kill my son! If the Yu family can't give anything to their daughter-in-law and If Liu Chen says something, the only way my daughter-in-law can solve it is by using her own power!"

Mrs. Yu's eyes were extremely cold, her tone was cold and ruthless, and there was a strong sense of oppression in it, which made the head of the Yu family tremble!

Before Master Yu could speak, Mrs. Yu Er burst into laughter again.

"Dad, you have to think clearly. Now you only have a son like Chongyang! If you deal with Chongyang, this huge Yu family will fall into the hands of others!"

Madam Yu was shocked, "You...what do you mean?"

"It means literally! Yu Chongming is dead! He is dead! Hahaha..."

"Li Qingyi, if you want to blame, blame yourself, if you want to blame, blame your Li family! I didn't want to take action at first, but you, the Li family, just jumped out to oppose us! It makes my master feel embarrassed and ridiculed! If Yu Chongyang and Yu Liuchen are immortal, how can they relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"If they die, this Yu family can become our second wife!"

"Having said this, I'm not afraid to tell you! I also killed your daughter Yuliuying! Watching her struggling and flopping in the water, I felt happy!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

I didn’t expect that Mrs. Yu Er, who usually seemed gentle and gentle, could be so vicious!
You know Miss Liuying was only five years old back then!
"Poison woman! Poison woman!"

"You vicious bitch!"

"You are so cruel!"

"I, Liu Ying, am still so young, how could could you do this to her?"

"Why? Why?"

Mrs. Yu Da seemed to be in a state of madness, and she punched and kicked Mrs. Yu Er!


Aunt Li hugged Mrs. Yu tightly with red eyes, feeling so distressed that she couldn't help herself.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi took out a silver needle and pierced Mrs. Yu's body directly. Mrs. Yu immediately fainted and passed out.

"Mother-in-law, take Aunt Qing back!"

"it is good!"

Aunt Li nodded and looked at the little breast dumpling gratefully.

After Grandma Li took the person away, Xiaotai Tuanzi looked at Mrs. Yu Er and asked solemnly: "Who gave it to you, kid?"

"My natal brother, Cheng Xun."

Cheng Xun?

Xiaonuituanzi silently wrote down the name!

No matter what other people thought, he jumped into Yu Liuchen's house and quickly put the brat away.

Inside the house, Yu Liuchen had already woken up.

He heard everything that happened outside the door clearly.

At this time, his face was full of pain and sinisterness, and his whole body was filled with an aura of violence.

(End of this chapter)

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