Chapter 195 I’m just tired and want a hug!

Xiao Naituanzi walked over and gently held Yu Liuchen's hand.

Yu Liuchen raised his head slightly and looked at her with scarlet eyes.

"Brother Chen, don't be afraid, Aunt Qing will always be with you!" Xiao Naituanzi said in a sweet voice.

"My mother, she..."

Yu Liuchen opened his mouth, his tone full of fatigue and heaviness.

"Aunt Qing is fine, Ranran will come see her again tomorrow! Brother Chen is fine, and Aunt Qing will be fine too!"

As he said that, Xiaonuituanzi smiled sweetly at him.

Such a sweet smile immediately soothed Yu Liuchen's heart.

"Can my leg...really be okay?" Yu Liuchen asked in a hoarse voice.

Mrs. Yu Da told him that this little girl is very capable and has very good medical skills!
He didn't believe it before, but now... he does!
"It's going to be better. After the evil spirit is gone, Brother Chen's legs will no longer hurt! From now on, Brother Xu Yan will come to give Brother Chen acupuncture every day~"

"In less than ten days, Brother Chen's leg will be better!"


Yu Liuchen looked at her expectantly, with a bit of excitement and confirmation in his tone!


The little girl nodded.

"Brother, be obedient and go to sleep. Ranran is leaving first!"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi yawned loudly, looking extremely sleepy.

After leaving the door of Yu Liuchen's room, Xiao Naituanzi walked straight away without saying hello to anyone else.

As for how the Yu family will deal with Mrs. Yu Er next, it has nothing to do with her.

Arriving at the gate of Yu's house, Xiaonuituanzi saw her lost fifth uncle—Xiao Jingyao!

"It's finally out~"

Xiao Jingyao looked at the small breast dumplings coming out of Yu's house with bright eyes. He bent down and walked to her flatteringly, holding the melon seeds and peanuts in his hands, "Would you like some?"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Seeing the little breast dumpling looking at him with eyes wide open, Xiao Jingyao took out a peanut with a playful smile and handed it to her mouth, hehe said: "Eat some? It's quite delicious!"

"Really! I tasted it for you!"

The little breast dumpling puffed up her little face, and she was about to open her mouth to catch it, but Xiao Jingyao's hand suddenly turned, and the peanut was thrown directly into his mouth, chewing it until it was crunchy!

"Hmm...not bad! It smells so good! Do you really want one?"

"Oh, don't forget it! You'll get angry if you eat too much!"

"I just watched a show and cracked a bunch of melon seeds, and my mouth got blistered!"

"You are a kid, so you better not eat it!"

"Let these things harm me alone!"

"Oh... smells good! It smells so good!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao threw a peanut into the air, then turned around and raised his head and quickly took the peanut into his mouth.

Click, click, chew extremely delicious!
The little girl stared at him with her little mouth pouted!

Stare at him hard!
Stare at him hard!
But Xiao Jingyao continued to throw peanuts into the air as if he didn't see it at all, and then caught them with his mouth!
Little milk dumpling: "..."


The little breasted dumpling stamped her feet fiercely, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and left angrily!
"Oh, wait!"

Xiao Jingyao saw the little breasted dumpling groaning in anger, and immediately followed him again.

"Come on, this is for you. Are you hungry? Eat quickly, eat quickly!"

Xiao Jingyao smiled and took out two more glutinous rice cakes from his pocket and handed them to her.

The little girl stopped and looked at him with a bulging face. "I'm not teasing you, I really left it specially for you!" Xiao Jingyao winked at her, looking very sincere.

The little breast dumpling snorted, stretched out his hand to take it, opened his big mouth and took a hard bite, as if he was biting Xiao Jingyao!

After working for so long, I’m really hungry!
"I'm tired, I can't walk anymore!"

After walking a few steps, Xiaonuituanzi stopped and stood there, looking up and staring at Xiao Jingyao with burning eyes.

That meaning is very obvious.

I'm just tired and I need your hug!

Xiao Jingyao looked at her eager little look and felt soft in his heart, but he said: "Want a hug? Praise me! Say something nice and I'll give you a hug. How about that?"

The little breasted dumpling stood still, looking straight at him.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Xiao Jingyao was helpless and defeated, and picked up the small breast dumplings with one hand.

"It's so heavy, is it made of iron?"

Xiao Jingyao said he was disgusted, but he left easily.

The little breasted dumpling held his little head up and ate the pastries with big mouthfuls.

She would never admit that she wanted to be hugged by the bastard fifth uncle!
"Little girl, where did that kid come from? Have you asked clearly?"

Xiao Jingyao seemed to be asking casually, but in fact he pricked up his ears and listened.

"Cheng Xun, the old witch said it was a man named Cheng Xun who gave it to her!" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi said crisply.

Cheng Xun?

Is that the person from Mrs. Yu’s natal family?

When he thought that the person behind this was related to the Cheng family, a flash of cruelty flashed in Xiao Jingyao's eyes, and the hand holding the little breast dumpling tightened subconsciously.

"When daybreak, let's go find this Cheng Xun together, right?" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Hmm..." Xiao Naituanzi thought for a while and nodded, "Although Fifth Uncle is good at martial arts, he can't do it when escaping, so I'll take you with me!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Little girl, you discovered the only good thing about your fifth uncle!?" Xiao Jingyao curled his lips and smiled.

"That is!"

The little girl raised her little head proudly, "Master said that the best way to run is when you can't beat him! So Ran Ran runs the fastest, just like my fifth uncle!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao's mouth twitched!
From this tone, it seemed as if she was depressed that she had something in common with him.

Seeing the little breast dumpling eating snacks, the breasts on his face bulging, he couldn't help but want to reach out and pinch it.

"Little girl, your fifth uncle has many advantages. You will know about it later!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded, not denying what he said, and said in a very pertinent tone: "There are many advantages, but there are not as many disadvantages as there are! Fifth uncle, please take it easy!"


Xiao Jingyao choked!
Does this little girl know how to chat?

We all talked to death about this day!
On the dark road, the two of them walked slowly, step by step.

When I returned to the county government office, it was already the fourth watch.

The two of them quietly returned to the room, but as soon as they opened the door, they saw candles suddenly burning in the room.

Xiao Jingyao stiffened and winked at the little breast dumpling.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and walked in with a smile.

"It's so late, where have you been?"

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the big one and the small one who came in deeply. When his eyes turned to Xiao Jingyao, he glared at him fiercely!
This old man is so outrageous!

Not only did I go out by myself in the middle of the night, but I also packed up and went out!
If you follow him, you will be led astray by him sooner or later!

(End of this chapter)

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