Chapter 198 Xiao Jingyao causes trouble again!

There are so many acupuncture points on the head that problems can easily arise.

Xu Yan was an experienced practitioner, but he was extremely cautious when administering the needle, for fear that he would make the slightest mistake.

The injection was only half done, and there were already fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Xu Sanniang and Nanny Tang looked very nervous, but their breathing slowed down subconsciously, for fear that they might inadvertently make a slight sound and frighten Xu Yan's hands to shake.

Xu Yan made the small breast dumplings for three times before inserting all the needles.

Looking at Wang Xiucai who looked like a hedgehog, Xu Yan let go of his hand, wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

"All right!"

Xu Yan smiled.

With nearly two hundred silver needles, he did not make any mistakes in terms of the order or the depth of the needles.

"Well, not bad!" Xiaonuituanzi gave him a thumbs up and smiled sweetly at him.

No wonder Brother Xu can be called the little miracle doctor!
She just practiced it once, and Brother Xu could remember it completely.

After being praised by Little Nipple Tuanzi, Xu Yan's eyebrows were filled with arrogance, and he said regretfully: "It's just that I have never practiced internal strength, and I only know some three-legged cat skills. With the method of Qi Crossing Needle, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

"It's okay!"

Xiao Naituanzi said: "I know how to use Qi to pass the needle, just to speed up the dissolution of the blood clot in his head! In the future, when Brother Xu encounters such a patient, it will be the same if he uses acupuncture a few times more!"


Xu Yan nodded.

After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, her little hand gathered a burst of internal strength and gently swept the tail of the silver needle.

Wherever her little hand passed, the tail of the silver needle began to buzz and tremble.

Dazzling to see.

About a quarter of an hour later, after the tail of the silver needle came to a stop, Xiao Naituanzi asked Xu Yan to take out the needles one by one.

The removal of the needle is as important as the application of the needle and must be done carefully.

After a while, Xu Yan took off all the silver needles.


The little breasted dumpling smiled, looked at Mrs. Xu Sanniang and said, "Take the medicine carefully, and just give it a few more days and it will be fine!"

"That's good, that's good!"

Mrs. Xu Sanniang looked at Wang Xiucai and cried with joy.

Just at this time, Yan Shu, the son of Grandma Tang, came back and reported anxiously: "Madam, something happened again in the dyeing room!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Xu Sanniang's heart trembled, and the look on her face was extremely ugly.

"Ms. Xu Sanniang, the acupuncture on Wang Xiucai's side has been completed. It's time for us to leave. If you have something important, go ahead and do it!" Xu Yan said.

With an apologetic look on her face, Mrs. Xu Sanniang gave them a slight salute, told Aunt Tang to entertain them well, and then hurried away with Yan Shu.

Grandma Tang looked at Mrs. Xu Sanniang's back and sighed with heartache.

Her mother-in-law worked hard to give birth to two children. She was originally supposed to be in double confinement, but she was already dealing with various things before they were even a month old.

It hurts to watch.

Xu Yan glanced at Nanny Tang, but didn't ask anything. He gave Nanny Tang a few words, and then left with Xiao Naituanzi.

Min Shenxing, on the other hand, was very gossipy and was always curious about what happened to Mrs. Xu Sanniang's family.

After returning to the Huichun Hall, Xiao Naituanzi and Xu Yan went up to the third floor, ready to continue refining the elixir.

Min Shenxing couldn't sit still, so he was going out to listen to the gossip.

The most gossipy places are of course teahouses and wine shops.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at a teahouse, he saw Xiao Jingyao being chased down by a woman in red.

"Proceed with caution, help! Help!"

When he saw Min Shenxing, Xiao Jingyao seemed to have seen a savior, shouting for help.

Before Min Shenxing could react, he was kicked with a bang.

"Ouch, ouch..." Min Shenxing was wronged. Who did he provoke and who provoked him?

To suffer this unreasonable disaster!
"Hey, you are a bitch, you are so unreasonable! You beat people up casually!"

With that said, Xiao Jingyao helped Min Shenxing, who was kicked to the ground, and stood up with a confused face, "Eldest nephew, are you okay?"

Min Shenxing held his stomach and his sore buttocks, and glared at Xiao Jingyao fiercely, "Try to see if you get kicked. Are you okay?"

Unjustly killed him!

Why is it that every time he meets the fifth master of the Xiao family on the street, he always suffers some unreasonable disaster!

Before Min Shenxing could recover, the whip in Li Qingqiu's hand was swung at them again. Xiao Jingyao's quick eyesight and quick hands pulled Xiao Jingyao to avoid the attack.

Seeing this, Li Qingqiu waved the whip in his hand and struck Xiao Jingyao again.

Xiao Jingyao pushed Min Shenxing away, dodging her whip and shouting loudly.

"Everyone, come and see, the shrew is beating someone, the shrew is unreasonable!"

"Everyone, come and give me a review!"

"It's totally unreasonable. I was just listening to a storyteller, but a crazy woman came out and chased me and beat me!"

In a short time, many people gathered around, pointing at Li Qingqiu.

"You are such a slut, how dare you talk nonsense. If I don't beat you to pieces today, my surname will not be Li!" Li Qingqiu said with a cold face.

"What a bastard, you told me I was saving people!"

Xiao Jingyao was hiding here and there, shouting while hiding.

"What about saving people? That's nonsense! Whoever saves people has to take off their girl's clothes!"

Li Qingqiu's eyes were cold, and the whip in his hand danced vigorously, hitting the ground with a "snap", which made the people watching the show feel frightened.

"I told you I wasn't the one who took it off!"

"You didn't take it off, so who took it off? I only believe what I see with my own eyes! Don't make excuses!"

"Auntie, it's really not me! If you don't catch the real traitor, why do you have to keep an eye on me?"

"It's you! You're like me, Li Qingqiu, beating every one of you!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Then you shouldn't mind your own business.

If he meddles in other people's business, the trouble will surely come to him!

Why is he so unlucky!

"Grandma, can you please be reasonable? It's really not me!"

Xiao Jingyao was panting and almost crying.

This shrew is very good at martial arts, she can't escape even if she wants to!

Min Shenxing watched Xiao Jingyao jumping around like a loach under Li Qingqiu's whip, and was amazed.

He also has no kung fu, so why isn't he as good as Uncle Xiao Wu?

"Eldest nephew, why are you still standing there? Where is my eldest daughter? Go and call someone quickly."

"oh oh!"

Min Shenxing nodded blankly.

As soon as he turned around, a long whip strangled his waist.

He paused in his steps and struggled twice but failed to break free.


Suddenly, the whip was pulled hard, and Min Shenxing flew directly out, landing on the ground with a "bang".


Min Shenxing's face was full of pain, and he felt like his whole body was falling apart.

(End of this chapter)

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