Chapter 199: Cheating someone out of 1 taels of silver
"Big nephew?"

"Are you okay, nephew?"

Xiao Jingyao hurriedly ran over to check on Min Shenxing's condition.

"Ouch~, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Uncle Xiao Wu, it hurts so much!" Min Shenxing's face was full of pain, he touched his face and shouted: "Uncle Xiao, please help me take a look, take a look. Is my handsome face disfigured?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

You still care about your face at this time!
"Don't worry, don't worry, it's fine!" Xiao Jingyao said angrily.

"But my whole body hurts! I can't even move!"

He simply suffered a disaster!

"It's okay, it's okay! You have such a strong body, you need to fall a lot! If you fall too much, the skin will become stronger!" Xiao Jingyao said.

Min Shenxing: "..."

He hurts!
He regrets it!
Wouldn't it be nice for him to stay well in the Huichun Hall?

Why does he have to come out?

He deserves it!

"Come on, I'll help you up!"

Xiao Jingyao had no choice but to help the person up!

"Hey, Li! Don't come here again! If a good man doesn't fight with a woman, I'll leave it to you! Don't push yourself too far!" Xiao Jingyao said coldly.

Loser is not lost!
He would never admit that he couldn't beat her!

Li Qingqiu snorted coldly, crossed his arms and stared at Xiao Jingyao and Min Shenxing with disdain.

"Girl, girl!"

When Li Qingqiu was about to say something, an old man and a young man in the teahouse hurriedly walked out.

The old man said anxiously: "Girl, you have really wronged this young man!"

"Yes, girl!"

The little girl nodded hurriedly and said with tears in her red eyes: "It wasn't this young master who bullied me, it was another person! If this young master hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid..."

Li Qingqiu frowned and glanced at Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao raised his neck, puffed out his chest, and hummed at Li Qingqiu!

"I just said I was saving people, but you didn't believe me! Seeing is not necessarily believing, do you understand?"

Li Qingqiu pursed his lips, a hint of embarrassment flashed across his cold face, but he quickly suppressed it, and said coldly: "Then you are not a good person, just save people, why do you have to...have to ..."Take off other girls' clothes!"

Li Qingqiu did not say the next few words.

I'm afraid that this will tarnish the reputation of this little girl.

Hearing this, the little girl said softly: "Sister, I have been suffering from asthma since I was a child. I was frightened a while ago and couldn't breathe for a while, so I fainted! That's what happened over there. The young master must be trying to help me...that's why..."

When Li Qingqiu heard this, he glanced at Xiao Jingyao, still not convinced that he would be so kind.

"Little sister, you don't have to be afraid of him. If he really does something to you, just tell your sister directly. She will beat him until he has teeth! There is no need to keep those dog claws. Cut them off to become a human being. Got it!"

Everyone: "..."

This girl is so tough!
So cold!So heartless!
Xiao Jingyao looked at his hands, cleared his throat and subconsciously hid his paws back.

"Hey, why can't you make sense? I'm just listening to a storyteller and drinking tea in the teahouse! The suffering master has come out to speak for me, and you're still so stubborn!" Xiao Jingyao said, scratching his neck.

This woman makes people feel unhappy from the first time they see her.

Sure enough, you are at odds with him!She obviously has a pair of beautiful big eyes, but they are just like the pictures and cannot see the truth!
Do not!
Not only are you blind, but your heart is probably also blind!

Otherwise, why would you think that he is a scumbag who is handsome, elegant, and handsome like a scumbag? ?

With Xiao Jingxuan's face, how many women are not attracted by him wherever he goes?
Is it necessary to molest a little girl whose hair has not even grown yet?
"Sister, I'm really not that big brother!" the little girl looked at Li Qingqiu and whispered.

"Hmm, it's really not this young man!" the old man said.

Li Qingqiu pursed his lips, calmly put away the whip in his hand, then turned around and left!
"Hey! Are you leaving now?" Xiao Jingyao was unhappy, holding his neck high and shouting: "You beat my eldest nephew for no reason. Even if you don't pay some money, at least say sorry, right?"

"Uncle Xiao Xiao!" Min Shenxing tugged on his sleeves and shook his head at him, "Forget it, I guess it's nothing serious. Why don't you send me back first?"

"What the hell!? She has to pay some money and feel the pain so she won't be so reckless next time!" Xiao Jingyao said righteously.


Li Qingqiu snorted coldly, took out 1 taels of silver notes from his sleeves, slapped it on Xiao Jingyao's chest, and said expressionlessly: "If you want to extort money, just say it, don't say it so grandly! 1 Ten thousand taels! That’s enough for you to buy a coffin made of golden nanmu! Is that enough?”

After saying that, Li Qingqiu turned around and left!

Don't take a single cloud with you!
Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Min Shenxing: "..."

"Uncle Xiao, 1 taels of silver, will the dignified young lady of the Li family feel pain?"

Min Shenxing said it was absolutely impossible!
"Is the point about her money? The point is that this means that she has given in! She admits that she was wrong!" Xiao Jingyao said while putting the money into his pocket.

Min Shenxing: "???"

"Uncle Xiao Wu, it seems I am the one who was injured, right?" Min Shenxing's head was filled with black lines.

"That's right!" Xiao Jingyao nodded and said, "So I'm taking you to see the doctor now. Don't worry, you've suffered the injury for me. I'll pay for the doctor's visit later!"

The corners of Min Shenxing's mouth twitched again and again!
How generous!
There is nothing like this in the eyes of losing money!

Xiao Jingyao sent Min Shenxing to Huichun Hall. Xiaonaituanzi and Xu Yan heard that Min Shenxing was injured and immediately went downstairs!
"What's wrong? Wasn't it fine not long ago? How come it's like this just after being out for a while?"

Xu Yan asked while checking Min Shenxing.

"I was beaten by a blind black widow!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Black... Black Widow? What Black Widow?"

Xu Yan's face was full of doubts, and Xiao Naituanzi also looked at Xiao Jingyao in confusion.

Min Shenxing's mouth twitched, he glanced at Xiao Jingyao, and said aggrievedly and pitifully: "I was the one who was implicated by Uncle Xiao!"

Hearing this, Xu Yan looked at Xiao Jingyao and said, "Uncle Xiao, your ability to cause trouble has never been defeated by anyone since you were a child!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"What are you causing trouble for? I was here to help, but who would have killed a blind black widow? This person doesn't know right from wrong, let alone listen to anyone's excuses, so he picked up her whip and chased after her!"

"What can I do? I can't fight, so I can only run!"

"I saw my eldest nephew happened to be there, and I just said hello, but then..."

"Hey... I was born with bad luck, no wonder I am! I shouldn't be kind, I shouldn't do good deeds! It's all my fault!"

As Xiao Jingyao spoke, he also pretended to sigh.

Everyone: "..."

Min Shenxing glanced at his mouth and turned his head away, not wanting to recognize him!

Why don't you tell me about the fact that you defrauded someone of 1 taels of silver?
You still have the nerve to call me Black Widow?

(End of this chapter)

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