Chapter 200: Poor mouth, weak body!
After Xu Yan examined Min Shenxing, he found that the injuries suffered were ordinary skin injuries, so he gave him some ointment to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis and asked him to take it back and rub it properly.

After all this trouble, Xiaotai Tuanzi no longer went upstairs to teach Xu Yan how to practice elixirs.

After sending Min Shenxing back to Min's house, they took the carriage back to the county government office.

But as soon as the two of them arrived at the gate of the county government office, they smelled a fishy smell.

Xiao Jingyao pinched his nose and fanned it, his face full of disgust, "What does it smell like? It smells really bad!"

While saying this, Xiao Jingyao jumped out of the carriage.

After getting off the car, I saw many people carrying this thing into the Yamen.

"What is this?"

Xiao Jingyao stretched his neck and took a look, his face full of doubts.

"It's seafood!"

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi also jumped down from the carriage, looking at the things being carried into the county government office, his eyes were bright and he said.


Xiao Jingyao was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xiaonuituanzi in confusion, "Isn't this thing only found in the sea? Although we have a big river in Yonglin, there are at most some fish in it, small shrimps and the like, right?"

Although he has never seen many things, let alone eaten them, he still knows the geographical environment of Dazhou and the varieties that are abundant in various places.

"It must have been sent by Grandpa Li!"

The little breasted dumpling said excitedly.

After saying that, he quickly ran into the county government office, not even bothering to talk to Xiao Jingyao.

As soon as he heard the word Li, Xiao Jingyao's mind instinctively pictured the black widow dressed in red and chasing him with a long whip - Li Qingqiu!


Xiao Jingyao shuddered.

It couldn't be such a coincidence that she was the one who came to deliver the things! ?
As soon as he thought about it, Xiao Jingyao instinctively tightened his grip on his wallet!
No one wants to let him spit out the money he swallowed!

Not even if you beat him to death!
Thinking about it, Xiao Jingyao turned around and walked towards the street.

But after taking two steps, I felt something was wrong again!

This is his home, why should he leave?
He didn't do anything!
The 1 taels of silver were also given by herself!
His original intention was to collect some symbolic medical expenses!

That's it!
Thinking of this, Xiao Jingyao immediately turned back, and then swaggeringly and effortlessly entered the county government office with a majestic step as if he didn't recognize his relatives!
The gatekeeper looked at his appearance and suddenly had black lines on his head.

Is this Fifth Master Xiao really a member of the Xiao family?
Except for looks, everything else doesn’t match the Xiao family at all!
Could it be that he picked it up?
The little breasted dumpling here hurriedly ran in and saw Li Qingqiu walking at the front.

Li Qingqiu's temperament and aura as well as that red outfit are really cool in the eyes of Little Nipples!It fits her aesthetic so well!

"Sister Qingqiu!"

The little breasted dumpling rushed forward and called Li Qingqiu sweetly.

Li Qingqiu was stunned, looking down at the small breast dumpling that suddenly appeared next to him, stopped, and asked coldly, "Do you know me?"


The little breasted dumpling had a plump little face full of smiles, and his little head was dotted like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I met Sister Qingqiu at the stone gambling den a few days ago. Sister Qingqiu was so cool at that time. She threw out a stack of silver notes and looked so cool!"

The little girl said vividly, her face flushed red, and her voice was soft and waxy, which immediately made Li Qingqiu laugh out loud.

Li Qingqiu stretched out his hand and lightly scratched the tip of her nose. He knelt down and pinched her cheek again. His tone became a little softer unconsciously, and he asked, "Are you Ran Ran?"


The little girl nodded, "Sister, do you know me?"

"I didn't know each other before, but now I know them!" Li Qingqiu pointed to the seafood that was brought in and said, "Your Grandpa Li personally ordered these to be delivered by me!" "Hehe~"

The little breasted dumpling laughed twice, "Grandpa Li is so nice!"

Li Qingqiu said: "He is still thinking about your wine! After a while, he will come to Yonglin to find you in person!"


The little girl with starry eyes clapped her little hands and said, "When Grandpa Li comes, Brother Min and I will treat him to delicious food!"


As soon as Xiao Naituanzi said these words, she heard a soft sneer coming from behind, and then Xiao Jingyao's careless and slightly unhappy voice came over, "Your brother Min was beaten by her!"

"Is it you?" Li Qingqiu looked ugly.

"Yes, it's me!"

Xiao Jingyao swaggered to the side of the little breast dumpling, pointed at his own face, and then pointed at the face of the little breast dumpling, then pulled his lips and gave a fake smile, looked at Li Qingqiu and asked: "Does it look like it? "


Li Qingqiu looked at Xiao Jingyao's face, then at Xiao Jingyao's face, and then looked at Xiao Jingyao in disbelief and said, "You must be County Magistrate Xiao, right?"

She heard from her grandfather and eldest sister that this little girl Ran Ran was the daughter of Magistrate Xiao!

She...she regards Magistrate Xiao as a traitor who destroys people's innocence?
This misunderstanding is really big!

Xiao Jingyao originally wanted to scare Li Qingqiu, but before she could say anything, he heard the little breast dumpling softly say: "No, she is my fifth uncle!"

She didn't want to say that her fifth uncle was her biological father!
"Let me tell you, if the county magistrate is like you, the people of Yonglin will be in great misfortune!" Li Qingqiu immediately returned to his cold image, looking at Xiao Jingyao with his neck raised and said.

Except for his face, there is really nothing about him that I like!
Fortunately it's not the county magistrate!

"Hey, what are you talking about, you black widow? It's obvious that you don't have eyes, so you wronged me, and even injured the young master of the Min family! I don't know how to apologize, but you still look down on others!"

"Black Widow?"

Li Qingqiu was so angry that his face turned green. He smoothed his sleeves, raised his fist, and gritted his teeth to Xiao Jingyao: "Believe it or not, I will beat you to death!"

"Come on, come on, hit here!"

Xiao Jingyao shamelessly stretched his head over and said while patting his cheek.

That look is as rogue as it is, and as much as it deserves a beating, it deserves a beating!

"Lao Wu! You deserve a spanking, don't you?"

At this moment, Xiao Jingyao and Jin Ling walked over side by side, and when they saw Xiao Jingyao's appearance, they glanced at him coldly.


The expression on Xiao Jingyao's face froze, and he immediately changed his expression and said with a playful smile: "Hey, hey, I'm kidding, I was joking with Miss Li!"

"The weather is so nice and life is so wonderful. Isn't it tiring to carry yourself with a straight face all the time?"

"Occasionally changing your expression and mood is beneficial to your physical and mental development!"

"Miss Li, we have never known each other without fighting! Hey, let me introduce you formally, I am Xiao Jingyao! This is my eldest brother, the county magistrate Xiao Jingxuan, and the one next to me is my sister-in-law!"

"Brother, sister-in-law, Miss Li, please chat slowly, I'll leave first if I have anything else to do!"

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao immediately ran away.

Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling, the couple, looked at Xiao Jingyao running away with hands and feet, their faces full of confusion.

Li Qingqiu's face was full of disdain.

This is the kind of person you are talking about, who is weak in speech and cowardly in body!

(End of this chapter)

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