Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 201: Why not talk about the chapter title of 52 silver?

Chapter 201 Why not talk about five taels of silver?
"What's going on with Fifth Brother?" Jin Ling muttered, then turned to look at Li Qingqiu and said with a smile: "Is the girl from the Li family?"


Li Qingqiu nodded slightly and said calmly: "My grandfather is Li Qingtian, the head of the Li family. This time I came to Yonglin to visit my eldest cousin, Mrs. Yu of the Yu family. Secondly, it was for my grandfather. A few friends sent some fresh seafood."

"These were all salvaged this morning and delivered quickly! Grandpa knew that Ran Ran liked to eat, so he sent more!"

"Master Li, you are so polite!" Jin Ling said with a smile, "Miss Li, please come in!"


Li Qingqiu nodded slightly, his face was cold but he was very polite, and his whole person was elegant and elegant, which was typical of everyone.

Lu Qing took the Li family's servants to deliver all the seafood to the kitchen at the back.

Because he was afraid that they would not be able to handle these kinds of seafood, Mr. Li also had people carefully write down the methods of handling seafood and some recipes for their reference.

After welcoming Li Qingqiu into the Yamen, Xiao Jingxuan went about his own business and handed Li Qingqiu to Jin Ling and Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Li Qingqiusheng is so beautiful. She is stunningly beautiful in a red dress. She has a cold personality, but she is very bold. She has the feeling of being a heroic figure in the world. She chats with Jin Ling very well. Come.

When he learned that Jin Ling was born in the General's Mansion and had been on the battlefield, Li Qingqiu immediately showed admiration for Jin Ling.

Li Qingqiu said: "Since I was a child, I have thought that one day I would be able to go to the battlefield and protect my family and country and become a female general. It's a pity that I never had the chance!"

Jin Ling smiled and replied: "Even if you can't go to the battlefield, with Miss Li's martial arts, you can travel around the world and eliminate harm for the people!"

"That's right!" Li Qingqiu nodded.

The small-breasted dumpling beside her held her little face on the table with her hands, looking at Li Qingqiu without blinking, and letting out silly laughs from time to time.

As soon as Li Qingqiu finished talking to Jin Ling, he saw Xiaotuanzi staring at her like a little fangirl.

A faint smile appeared on Li Qingqiu's lips, he poked Xiao Tuanzi's chubby breasts with his fingers, and asked, "Little girl, why are you giggling at me?"

"Sister is so pretty, Ran Ran likes it very much!"

"My sister and my fifth uncle are very close. Maybe we can become a family in the future!"


Li Qingqiu was originally quite happy when he heard the first sentence, but when he heard the latter sentence, his expression suddenly froze!

Are you related to Xiao Jingyao?

The devil is destined to be with him, he is a scoundrel!
Even if there is a fate, it is a bad fate!

Xiao Jingyao, who was lazily leaning on a stone pillar in the yard and watching Xiao Jingzhe practice walking, suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose and muttered: "Some little girl must be missing me again!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe glanced at him, and then said: "I heard that you had a fight with Miss Ren Li on the street today?"


Xiao Jingyao sat up straight and looked at Xiao Jingzhe in surprise, "Fourth brother, you won't send someone to keep an eye on me, right?"

Qin Shi replied expressionlessly, "It was Lu Qing who went out to do errands for the Lord. He happened to pass by and saw a good show!"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he immediately laughed, "Misunderstandings are just misunderstandings!"

"A small misunderstanding made you earn a net profit of 1 taels in banknotes?"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Lu Qing, you are a talkative woman, I will take care of you later!
Xiao Jingyao cursed Lu Qing tens of thousands of times in his heart, but he still smiled happily and said, "I just wanted an apology, but he didn't want to apologize so he just gave me a 1 tael banknote. , then there’s nothing I can do!”

"If you have money, don't be a bastard!"

"I should receive this money for granted!"

"Ha!" Xiao Jingzhe chuckled softly and said angrily: "In the past, I only knew that you, Lao Wu, were thicker-skinned than the city wall, but I didn't realize that you would be so shameless!" "Me!"

Xiao Jingyao choked, "It's a windfall from heaven, don't give it up for free! I also make money based on my ability!"

Xiao Jingzhe's mouth twitched, but he had nothing to say.

Then Miss Li and Lao Wu, one is willing to give and the other is happy to receive!He really couldn't care less about this.

At this moment, Lu Qing came over from the kitchen. Xiao Jingyao's eyes lit up and he immediately ran over. He put a hand on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Lu Qing, let's go together." How long has it been since we last talked together? Why not talk about five taels of silver!"

When Lu Qing heard this, he quickly tightened his grip on his purse.

"Fifth Master, you'd better let Wang Yang chat with you. He can chat with you even if it's 50 taels of silver, let alone [-] taels of silver!"

Among these guards, he is the poorest!

He had saved this little money from his fingers through frugality, and he couldn't let the Fifth Master plunder it.

Qin Shi and Xiao Jingzhe looked at Lu Qing with sympathy on their faces.

"Did Lu Qing explain clearly why the fifth child was chased and beaten by the young lady from the Li family?"

Xiao Jingzhe asked abruptly.

Qin Shi replied: "The fifth master heard about books in the teahouse. A little performer girl was bullied. He drove her away. As a result, the little girl developed asthma, so the fifth master loosened her clothes. I was misunderstood by Miss Li like this!"

"This fifth child..."

Xiao Jingzhe shook his head helplessly, "You are really as unlucky as my eldest brother!"

"Who says it's not the case!" Qin Shi said: "Every time I go out, something will happen! It's like being possessed by a disaster star!"

"On the other hand, Fifth Master is nosy, and he is misunderstood and chased! But he is also a nosy person!"

"Fortunately, you..."

Speaking of this, Qin Shi suddenly shut his mouth.

Xiao Jingzhe smiled calmly, "It's not that I'm not unlucky enough, it's just that I rarely go out, that's why I'm so lucky!"

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other!"

Qin Shi pursed his lower lip slightly and said nothing.

In the front hall, Li Qingqiu's pretty face almost became tense when he heard what Xiao Naituanzi said!

Jin Ling was stunned for a moment, and a touch of excitement emerged in her heart.

Ran Ran never talks nonsense. Since she said this, she must have seen something.

Lao Wu and Miss Qingqiu?
Gee, they seem to be a good match in terms of looks, but it’s just their personalities...

No problem, no problem!
Jin Ling thought about it and comforted herself.After all, this character can be gradually developed!
With a temper like Lao Wu's, he deserves a wife who can control him.

Mother-in-law has always been worried about Lao Wu's marriage. If it can happen, everyone will be happy.

"Cough cough!"

Jin Ling suppressed her inner excitement, coughed lightly, pretended to scold Xiao Naituanzi, then looked at Li Qingqiu with a smile and said: "Miss Qingqiu, don't mind what children say! She just likes you too much, so she wants to I want to be so close to you!"

These words relieved Li Qingqiu's embarrassment, and he said calmly: "I understand!"

Next, Jin Ling and Li Qingqiu chatted casually for a few more words, and Li Qingqiu stood up to say goodbye and leave.

Jin Ling originally wanted to keep her here, but Li Qingqiu left on the grounds that she wanted to go back to accompany her eldest cousin, Mrs. Yu!
(End of this chapter)

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