Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 202 Don’t forget to take advantage of the situation!

Chapter 202 Don’t forget to take advantage of the situation!

As soon as this person left, Jin Ling immediately stared at Xiaotuanzi and asked for confirmation: "Is everything Ran Ran said true? Is your fifth uncle really destined to Miss Li?"

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi smiled, showing eight teeth, and asked doubtfully: "Mom, did I say that? Why don't I seem to remember?"

Jin Ling: "..."

"Okay Ranran, my mother's good daughter, why don't you just tell me?"

Jin Ling really wanted to know, so she held the little breast dumpling in her arms, and her tone of voice unconsciously sounded coquettish.

"Do not say!"

The little breasted dumpling covered her mouth tightly!
"Speak or not?"

Jin Ling let go of her and made a big tiger expression to scare her!

Seeing this, the little breasted dumpling was not afraid at all but instead started to giggle.


Jin Ling opened her big mouth and imitated the howl of a wolf, approaching her step by step, "Are you going to tell me? If you don't tell me, the big tiger will eat you!"

"If you don't say it, if you don't say it, I won't say it!"

The little breasted dumpling jumped off the stool while shaking his little head, and then ran outside.

"Come on, come on, mother, come and catch me. If you catch me, I will tell you!"

"Little girl, let's see how mother handles you! Wow~"

With a smile, Jin Ling also ran out.

Mother and son, one ran in front and the other chased behind.

Suddenly, the originally quiet courtyard was filled with laughter and laughter!

After a while, Mrs. Xiao and Wang Wanqing's mother and son came back from outside. When Xiao Xiaoqi saw her aunt having fun with her sister, she immediately joined in.

He hasn't seen his sister for a day, he misses her so much!

Several people were running and jumping in the inner courtyard, and soon it became dark.

In the evening, the kitchen prepared a seafood feast that Mr. Li asked Li Qingqiu to deliver.

Platefuls of seafood were put on the table, and everyone couldn't help but swallow as the fragrant smell hit them.

"This delicious food must be paired with fine wine. Lu Qing, bring out Ran Ran's last wine, and let's have a few sips with the old lady!" Xiao Jingxuan said happily.


Lu Qing responded and hurriedly took a few girls and women down to move the wine.

After the wine was brought up, Lu Qing began to pour everyone a glass of wine one by one.

Wang Wanqing didn't want to drink, but Jin Ling smiled when she saw it: "Third brother and sister, you don't have to drink this other wine, but you must drink this wine!"


When Wang Wanqing heard this, she immediately became curious, "Could this be some kind of fine wine?"

Xiao Jingyao also pricked up his ears and watched the wine eyes rolling around.

"This wine can beautify and nourish the skin. It can also detoxify, cure all diseases, and strengthen the body!" Jin Ling said directly without giving in.

"Sister-in-law, it's not as exaggerated as you said, is it? If this wine is really that powerful, then it will be driven crazy?" Xiao Jingyao said with some disbelief.

"Yes!" Mrs. Xiao was also puzzled, "I have lived to this age, but I have never heard of wine with such effects!"

"Brother, sister-in-law, are you afraid that you have been deceived?" Xiao Jingyao said, picked up a glass of wine and drank it.

He is a person who always drinks wine as water, and he doesn't like ordinary wine.

But as soon as he drank the wine, he suddenly felt something different, and his whole body froze on the spot.

It was as if someone had tapped an acupuncture point and stabilized it.

"How?" Everyone looked at him in unison.

Xiao Jingyao licked his lips, smacked his mouth again, his eyes were bright, he stood up and picked up the wine jar next to him and said: "I don't taste it yet, have another drink!"

This was said to be a cup, but in reality, he put his cup aside, replaced it with a large bowl, and poured himself a full bowl.

Everyone: "..."

He is clearly ranked fifth, but he still wants to do things that only the sixth person can do!

After pouring the wine, he took another sip of wine and said, "Good wine!"

"Mom, I have drunk so much wine, and this wine is the best. After drinking it, your whole body feels warm, as if you are stepping on cotton! Your body feels much lighter!"

Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"Third brother and sister, you must drink this wine! Didn't you say that I look much better recently? It's all because of the wine I drank a few days ago!"

"You don't know, after drinking this wine, when you wake up the next morning, all the dirt in your body will be expelled, and your skin will be tender and smooth."

"Really?" Wang Wanqing's eyes also lit up.

What woman doesn't want to be beautiful?
As soon as she heard that she could become beautiful, Wang Wanqing immediately did not hesitate and said with a smile: "Then drink some."


While the adults were talking, Xiao Nai Dumpling was already eating so much that his mouth was full of oil. While he was eating, he was also taking very good care of Xiao Xiaoqi, peeling off shrimp shells for him from time to time!

Xiao Xiaoqi also likes to eat seafood. When his sister peels the shells for him, he also peels them for her.

Brother and sister, you feed me a bite, and I feed you a bite, which makes you look very loving.

This meal can also be regarded as a celebration of the family getting together. The atmosphere is very harmonious, harmonious and warm.

At night, when everyone was sleeping soundly, a loud noise suddenly came from Xiao Jingyao's room, followed by a painful and suppressed sound.

Xiao Jingxuan and others didn't wake up after drinking too much.

Lu Qing, on the other hand, was keeping vigil tonight. As soon as he heard the noise, he immediately rushed into Xiao Jingyao's room.

After lighting the candle, Xiao Jingyao fell to the ground in pain, his whole body red, and his handsome face was covered with dots.

Lu Qing was shocked when he saw this!
Could this...this fifth master be...poisoned or suffer from vitiligo?
Lu Qing's hands trembled when he thought of the word smallpox.

"Fifth Master? Fifth Master?"

"Hmm...itchy! It hurts, so uncomfortable!" Xiao Jingyao said in a daze.

As he spoke, his body curled up, and the facial features on his face were tightly wrinkled.

Lu Qing hurriedly picked him up and put him on the bed, then rushed to the next room to call Ran Ran.

The little girl also heard the noise, rubbed her eyes, slowly put on her shoes and socks and walked out the door.

Just as she was about to open the door, she bumped into Lu Qing who came to call her.

"Ran Ran, please give Fifth Master a good look! Fifth Master is feeling hot all over, red and swollen and has a rash! He still looks very uncomfortable!" Lu Qing said anxiously.

The little breasted dumpling raised his head slowly, yawned widely, and then said: "Don't worry, you won't die!"

"Uncle Lu, go over and ask your fifth uncle if he can be cured with a consultation fee of 1 taels."

"If it's not cured, just endure it. Once you get over it, you'll be fine! But be careful not to scratch your face. It'll be fine if you scratch your face!"

Lu Qing: "..."

They really are father and daughter!

Even at times like this, don’t forget to take advantage of the situation!

The 1 taels of silver that Mr. Wu has on his body haven’t even been warmed up yet!

(End of this chapter)

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