Chapter 209 Puppy Barking Dog

"Come on!" Xiaonuituanzi said arrogantly.

"Remember the rules, if you hit ten targets in a row, you win!" Xiao Jingyao repeated the rules again.

"it is good!"

The little breast dumpling clicks on the little head!
Aren’t they just ten bullseyes?

Xiao Jingyao looked at her confident appearance and curled his lips!

Baby, I can't cure you!
Before starting, the two little guys chattered for a while, and Xiao Jingyao let them go.

After the small breast dumplings were ready, Xiao Jingyao shouted: "The first herringbone target!"

As soon as he heard this, Xiaonuituanzi immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow, and he succeeded in one go!
With a "whoosh" sound, the arrow hit the target.

"Oh, my sister is amazing, my sister is amazing!" Xiao Xiaoqi jumped up happily.

"Don't be too happy too early, there are still nine arrows left, let's continue! The next target is Shanzi!" Xiao Jingyao said loudly.

Currently, these character targets are arranged one by one according to the order of the Three Character Sutra!
As soon as the little breasted dumpling heard about the word "good", he calmly crossed his chubby fingers and counted them one by one.

"Well...isn't it kind? Ranked sixth!"

"one two three,……"

When the little girl counted to the sixth target, she shot out an arrow and hit the target!

"Oh, yeah! Hit, hit! My sister got hit!"

Xiao Xiaoqi's little face turned red with excitement!


The little girl held the bow and snorted at Xiao Jingyao proudly. The little boy sounded, "Continue, continue!"

"Okay, next target!" Xiao Jingyao said with a smile.

The little thing, struggling in his trap, thought he was so powerful!

The small-breasted dumpling followed the same pattern, counted the numbers with his fingers, and then continued to hit the target!
that's it……

After shooting arrows one after another, Xiaotai Tuanzi hit the bull's-eye with nine arrows in a row.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the last arrow! The last arrow!" Xiaonuituanzi urged excitedly, as if there were already ten big chicken legs dangling in front of him.

"and many more!"

Xiao Jing glanced at the two little guys with a smile, then clapped his hands and motioned to the two government servants not far away to come over and help him put the targets out of order!
Xiao Xiaoqi: "..."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Fifth uncle, you are so ridiculous!" Xiao Xiaoqi pointed at Xiao Jingyao angrily and said, his little face turned into a meat bun with anger!
"Little guy, today my fifth uncle will tell you that in the art of war, soldiers should not explode! Our rule is to hit ten bullseyes in a row. You are not allowed to help. I just moved the target. I didn't violate the rules. ?”


Xiao Xiaoqi licked her lips and was speechless for a moment. She could only look at Xiaotuanzi with aggrieved eyes.

The little girl with small breasts looked at the messed up word target, puffed up her little face, and her eyes were red with anger!
Bully little kids!
Oh...she can't cry!
Never let him see the joke!

"Okay, okay, I'll just discuss it with you two. Call me when you're ready!" Xiao Jingyao said righteously.

"But as promised, I will still move the sign later!"

As soon as these words came out, they successfully aroused the desire to win and lose in the two little guys.

Xiao Xiaoqi waved to Xiao Nai Tuanzi, then pointed at the words on the target and told Xiao Nai Tuanzi one by one.

Although Xiaonuituanzi is illiterate, she has a good memory!

Xiao Xiaoqi described the shape, structure, etc. of each character very accurately and carefully.

While listening, Little Nipple Dumpling frowned and stared at the word.

Xiao Jingyao got a pack of melon seeds from nowhere and ate them leisurely.

Hmm...this effect seems to be pretty good!

If this continues, it won't take long before he can get his 1 taels of silver notes!

Oh, by the way, there is also the word "big brother's one tael of silver".

Just don't take it too easy.

Spend a little money, make a lot of money!
Even if you lose the bet, you won’t lose face!

After half an hour, Xiao Xiaoqi finally explained all the words on the twenty targets to Xiao Nai Tuanzi one by one!

After he finished speaking, he insisted on letting the little breast dumpling recognize him!
Xiao Naituanzi looked at the words and recalled the words Xiao Xiaoqi had described to her in her mind, and she actually recognized them all.

"Okay! We're done!"

Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiao Naituanzi said excitedly in unison.

"Are you sure? You don't have to count on your fingers this time, right?" Xiao Jingyao leaned on the pillar next to him and looked at the two little guys.

"No need!" Xiao Xiaoqi said proudly, "My sister is amazing!"

"Come on!" Xiaonuituanzi was also full of confidence, "No matter how you change, I will win!"

"Very good, ambitious!" Xiao Jingyao gave the two of them a thumbs up and praised them loudly.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xiao Jingyao stood up, clapped his hands, and then motioned to the government officials to start moving the target words again!

After moving, Xiao Jingyao said: "The tenth arrow is a puppy's dog. Note that it is a barking dog!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Xiaoqi's eyes widened, and just when he was about to speak, the arrow in Xiao Naituanzi's hand shot out with a "whoosh" sound.


The arrow hit the bull's-eye, but the target it hit was "Gou".

"I won, I won ten big chicken drumsticks!" Xiao Naituanzi said excitedly.

Xiao Xiaoqi touched his forehead with one hand and sighed deeply, full of helplessness.

My little sister!

"Xiao Qi, tell her whether you won or lost?" Xiao Jingyao said.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi blinked at Xiao Xiaoqi with a pair of big confused and innocent eyes.

Did she lose?

She remembered it very clearly, that was the word "Gou"!
Xiao Xiaoqi glared at Xiao Jingyao fiercely, then walked to Xiaotai Tuanzi and held her hand: "Sister, it's okay, let's play another game! Fourth uncle said, victory or defeat is a common thing in the military!"


When the little girl heard this, she pointed at the target and said, "That's obviously Gou, you lied to me!"


"You bully me!"

The little girl said as she cried, her tears streaming down like a faucet that was turned on, and she couldn't stop it no matter what!
"Who lied to you? I just said it. A barking dog is not an undisciplined dog! You heard it wrong yourself!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Why are they all different? Wuwuwu..."


The little girl with small breasts sniffed and looked at Xiao Jingyao with her little mouth pouted, feeling that what he said seemed to make sense!
"Sister, don't cry, we'll do it again! Brother Xiaoqi will help you!" Xiao Xiaoqi said.


The little girl wiped her hands with tears and nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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