Chapter 210 The Xu Family Full Moon Banquet

In this way, Xiao Xiaoqi taught, Xiao Naituanzi wrote, and Xiao Jingyao took the test in different ways.

After a whole day passed, Xiao Naituanzi miraculously understood no less than forty words.

Especially some words with the same sound, she can remember them firmly!

In the end, Xiao Jingyao pretended to be pitiful and begged for mercy, pitifully admitting defeat, and then obediently admitted that he had lost to the two little guys and bought a big chicken drumstick to eat.

Xiao Jingxuan was surprised to know that Xiao Naituanzi, a word-blind person, had learned so many words in one day under Xiao Jingyao's practice.


After all, he underestimated Xiao Jingyao too much!
This brain is indeed relatively easy to use, but it is a pity that it is always unwilling to do serious things!
After Xiao Jingzhe found out, he couldn't help but curl up his lips, feeling very happy.

Sure enough, only someone like Lao Wu can inspire the little girl to work hard to read.

"How about it? Do you want to admit defeat or not?" The little breast dumpling looked at Xiao Jingyao arrogantly and gnawed on the big chicken drumstick happily.

Uncle Fifth has a saying that is right, the chicken drumsticks won are fragrant.

"Admit defeat and admit defeat!" Xiao Jingyao looked at the little breast dumpling with bulging cheeks like a little squirrel in amusement.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

He is still thinking about how to fool her tomorrow. Is this little girl still addicted?
"Come on!" Xiao Jingyao snorted and said, "The rules of our game today are too simple. How about we change it to horse riding tomorrow?"

"Wow wow wow!"

The two children's eyes lit up when they heard this.

Especially Xiao Xiaoqi, he really wanted to practice martial arts, but unfortunately he never had the chance. His mother always said that he was too young and had to wait!

But his sister is younger than him, and her martial arts skills are very powerful!

He also wants to beat up bad guys like his sister!

The three of them reached an agreement and continued to practice calligraphy.

The next day, Xiao Jingyao set up several mini-games so that Xiao Nai Tuanzi could review the characters they learned yesterday, then started teaching them how to ride horses, and finally learn how to read characters.

The two little guys were very tired, but they had a great time.

During the break, Xiao Jingyao would say one or two wrong words from time to time, but the two little guys rushed to correct them.

On the third day, it was April 25th, and Mrs. Xu Sanniang’s two little darlings held a full-moon banquet.

Xiao Jingxuan and his wife were going to attend with their little breast dumplings. Wang Wanqing helped Xu Sanniang dye the cloth two days ago, so Xu Sanniang specially invited her to come.

If Mrs. Xiao doesn't want to participate, she won't join in the fun.

Xiao Jingzhe was busy with the affairs of the academy.

The rest of Xiao Jingyao naturally wanted to go out and wander around if nothing happened.

As soon as Jin Ling and others arrived at Mrs. Xu Sanniang's door, they met many familiar faces they had seen at the racecourse.

These people seemed to be very familiar with each other and came forward to salute and say hello.

Jin Ling nodded to them indifferently as a return gift.

After entering the door, Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan separated.

Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing took their two children to the backyard to see Mrs. Xu Sanniang's two little dolls, while Xiao Jingxuan went to the male guests in the front yard.

As soon as they arrived in the backyard, they saw a lot of people surrounding Xu Sanniang, all of whom were interested in her twins.Everyone said compliments and festive words.

Mrs. Xu Sanniang also had a smile on her face and greeted them politely.

Seeing them coming, Mrs. Xu San went out to welcome them, "Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao San, are you here?"

"Ms. Xu Sanniang, congratulations!" Jin Ling said with a smile, and then stepped forward to look at the two children.

The two little guys were born prematurely and almost lost their lives. At this time, they looked smaller than ordinary full-month-old babies, but their eyes were very bright.

Being stared at by so many people, they were not afraid of anything. They raised their little hands and kept waving and shaking them in the air. They had a great time playing and even yawned a little from time to time. They looked so cute. Very endearing.

Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Xiaoqi stood at the front, reaching out to touch the little faces and hands of the two little guys from time to time, and then having a silly laugh on the side!

Not long after, the third lady of the Min family and Lady Yu, Li Qingyi, arrived.

After the two saw the child, they sat beside Jinling Wang Wanqing and talked.

Xiao Xiaoqi was playing in the yard with Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

"Sister Li looks a lot better. I heard that your brother Chen's legs are much better?" Mrs. Min San asked first.

There have been a lot of rumors about the Yu family these days, and it's hard for her not to know!

However, the Yu family kept it a secret, so nothing has been revealed yet.

When Li Qingyi heard her question, she answered openly and without any hesitation, "It's all thanks to Ran Ran. If it weren't for her, Chen'er's legs wouldn't be well!"

"And that night, luckily she showed up, so my Chen'er didn't get in the way of that poisonous woman!"

"Is your younger brother and sister really doing this?" Mrs. Min San gossiped.

"Who else could it be if it wasn't her!" Li Qingyi snorted coldly, "Now my brother-in-law has put all the blame on her, and even said that he wanted to divorce her! My mother-in-law can't understand it either. Keep saying nice things to me!”

"Let me tell you, just live alone together!" Jin Ling said.

To have such a legitimate mother who loves her concubine more than her own children, Li Qingyi has really been unlucky for eight lifetimes!

The younger brother of the same family killed his own brother's own son just to fight for the family property!

If this was in a house with strict rules, it would be possible to kill the bastard!
"Don't worry! After so many years, I'm not that easy to talk to! Either the second house and the whole family go out, or the big house and the whole family live alone! If my master is indecisive, then I will bring Chen'er back. Go to the Yu family!" Li Qingyi said coldly.

Now she has given up on the Yu family.

If her daughter's life and her son's legs still don't wake her up, she deserves to be bullied!
Wang Wanqing patted her hand gently and comforted her softly: "Everything will be fine!"


Jin Ling and Mrs. Min San also nodded.

"I'm so happy to get to know you sisters!"

As he spoke, Li Qingyi looked at Mrs. Min San again and said apologetically: "I heard that girl Qingqiu accidentally injured Young Master Min? What's going on now? Is it important or not?"

"It's nothing wrong with him! Don't worry!" Mrs. Min San said with a smile.

In the past, Min Shenxing was weak and needed to be looked after and protected by them all the time. After the last incident where he lost his soul, he became much stronger!

What do you plan to achieve after a few blows!
"That's good!" Li Qingyi said: "That girl Qingqiu has a hot temper, but her heart is still kind!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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