Chapter 211 Xiao Qi was beaten!
"What happened this time is all my fault! That kid Shen Xing suffered an unreasonable disaster!" Jin Ling said helplessly.

"Hey, Sister Jin, don't say such things! As a guard, Shen Xing deserves to be punished for his master!" Mrs. Min San said matter-of-factly.

"That thing was weak when he was little, and there was only one boy in the Min family, so they always protected him, for fear that he would get bumped into him! Now he gets beaten more often! He seems to be in better spirits. !”


As soon as he said this, several other people started laughing.

"That's true! Boys should practice more!" Li Qingyi agreed.

At this moment, the image of Yu Liuchen running and jumping in front of her also appeared in her mind, and a faint smile slowly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The four of them were chatting and laughing in the small pavilion, and not long after, there was a burst of lively sounds from the garden.

Wang Wanqing glanced around a few times but didn't see Xiao Xiaoqi and Xiao Naituanzi, so she immediately stood up and said, "I'm going to see where the two children are!"

"Seeing as the banquet is about to start, why don't we go look for it together!" Mrs. Min San stood up and said.

"Yeah." Li Qingyi nodded in agreement, "She hasn't thanked Ran Ran properly for what happened last time!"

Several people walked towards the lively direction together, but when they reached the garden, they realized that someone was actually making a noise.

It's really ugly to quarrel at other people's banquet!
"It seems to be Ran Ran and Xiao Qi!"

At this time, Wang Wanqing's sharp eyes saw that her two little guys were there, and there was another little girl with them.

I do know this little girl Jin Ling, Miss Yu from the jewelry shop, Yu Pinting!
The other little girl who quarreled with them was also an acquaintance, Wu Luxuan, a girl from the Wu family.

It seems that the thirty big sledgehammers last time didn't hit her hard enough, so she turned out to be a monster so quickly!
"what happened?"

Jin Ling and others stepped forward and asked in a deep voice, looking at Wu Luxuan with a somewhat unkind look.

As soon as Wu Luxuan saw Jin Ling, she subconsciously took a step back.

Jin Ling taught her a lesson so hard last time that she was scared!

"Mom, it was she who bullied brother Xiao Qi!" Xiao Naituanzi pointed at Wu Luxuan in a milky voice.

Jin Ling was slightly stunned, and after taking a closer look at Xiao Xiaoqi, she discovered that Xiao Xiaoqi's face was red and had the mark of a slap.

The little guy's eyes were red, but he resisted the tears from falling.

"Little Seven!"

Wang Wanqing was startled and hurriedly knelt down. She pulled Xiao Xiaoqi to her side and examined her carefully.

"Mother, I'm fine!"

Xiao Xiaoqi pursed her lips, stretched out her hand to wipe her eyes, and said softly.

Man, bleed but not shed tears!
He can't cry!

Wang Wanqing looked at his appearance and felt heartbroken.

"Who hit it!"

Jin Ling stared at Wu Luxuan with her eyes fixed on her and gave a sharp shout.

Attack a six-year-old baby!How shameless!


Wu Luxuan was shocked by the aura emanating from Jin Ling. She moved her lips and rubbed her neck: "Who told him to talk nonsense! I just touched him lightly!"

"Oh, a light touch?"

With a mocking look on her face, Jin Ling walked up to Wu Luxuan in a few steps, raised her hand and slapped her away.


There was a snap, which not only stunned Wu Luxuan but also stunned everyone.

"You..." Wu Luxuan covered her face and looked up at Jin Ling in disbelief.

"What? I just touched you lightly. Do you have any objections?" Jin Ling said arrogantly with her hands on her hips.

Anyone who hurts her children, whether justified or not, who is right or wrong, should be beaten first!
What's more, she believes in her children!
"Miss Wu family, since the Wu family doesn't teach you how to be a good person, Mrs. Japan doesn't mind teaching you a lesson today!" Jin Ling said coldly.

"Sister-in-law, this is the Xu family, don't disturb other people's banquets!" Wang Wanqing shook her head at Jin Ling and said.


Jin Ling snorted coldly, "Miss Wu, we are in the Xu family now. For the sake of Mrs. Xu Sanniang, I will save some face for you! Afterwards, I will definitely go to the Wu family to seek justice!"

After saying that, Jin Ling asked Wang Wanqing to hug Xiao Xiaoqi, and they went to the pavilion on the side.

Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly took out a bottle of ointment from her pocket and gave it to Wang Wanqing, "Third Aunt, quickly apply it to Brother Xiaoqi. It won't hurt anymore!"


Wang Wanqing took it with red eyes and silently applied medicine to Xiao Xiaoqi.

Li Qingyi and Mrs. Min San felt distressed when they looked at his red and swollen face.

"Sister Jin, you should have slapped her a few more times just now. If you slap such a young child, you should teach her a lesson!" Mrs. Min San said.

This Wu family just had a magistrate, and he dared to act so arrogantly!

This is simply disrespectful!
A good little girl, well-educated like a bandit woman.

"Mrs. Xiao, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

At this time, Yu Pinting stood up and said extremely apologetically.

"It turned out that I accidentally bumped into that Wu Luxuan, and I didn't expect that the young master would be implicated!"

"No!" Xiao Naituanzi looked at Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing and said in a sweet voice, "It was Ran Ran who accidentally stepped on Sister Yu's skirt, and Sister Yu almost fell down before bumping into that bad sister! "

"Both Sister Yu and Ran Ran apologized! Not only did she say ugly words and scold Sister Yu, she also wanted to hit me! Brother Xiaoqi helped me block it before I got beaten!"

"no no!"

After Xiaotiao Tuanzi finished speaking, Xiao Xiaoqi shook his head hurriedly, "That bad sister bumped into Sister Yu on purpose! I saw it all, and she even put something on Sister Yu's body!"

"What was put there?" Wang Wanqing asked doubtfully.

Jin Ling and Li Qingyi all looked at Yu Pinting!
Yu Binting shook her head and said, "I don't know either, I didn't find it!"

"It's a little bug!" Xiao Xiaoqi said.


Several people looked at each other one after another.


Xiao Xiaoqi nodded, "I stood far away. That bad sister had been staring at Sister Yu for a long time. When she saw Sister Yu going that way, she hurriedly ran over. It happened that my sister stepped on Sister Yu's skirt, so she scolded her. Sister Yu!”

"Miss Yu, do you feel anything is wrong?" Jin Ling asked doubtfully.

For some reason, she always felt something was wrong.

With Wu Luxuan's temperament, how could it be so easy to just put bugs on Yu Pinting's body?
Yu Binting shook her head, "No!"

"Maybe she just wanted to scare me! But Xiao Qi saw it, so she gave up again!"

Jin Ling looked at her and said, "You must be on guard against others. Wu Luxuan has targeted you again and again, so you have to be more careful!"

"Yes." Yu Binting hummed slightly, and then thanked her gently.

(End of this chapter)

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