Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 212 I’m jealous of you being chased by 7 aunts and 8 aunts!

Chapter 212 I’m jealous of you being chased by seven aunts and eight aunts!
When Xu Sanniang learned about this and rushed over, Wu Luxuan had already left!
And Wang Wanqing had just applied good medicine to Xiao Xiaoqi's face.

Xiaonaituanzi's ointment is very effective. It is refreshing and refreshing when applied, and it also has a light fragrance. In just a short time, most of the red marks on my face have disappeared!
Mrs. Xu Sanniang looked at Wang Wanqing and Jin Ling who were extremely apologetic and said, "You two, I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Please forgive me for not taking good care of them!"

Xiao Naituanzi is the lifesaver of their family of four. Just the day before yesterday, Wang Wanqing helped her solve the problem of dyeing cloth.

I didn't expect that such a thing would happen on such a festive day.

Jin Ling shook her head at her, "I should apologize to you for disturbing such an important day today!"

"It's okay."

Mrs. Xu Sanniang was not a stingy person. She patted Jin Ling's hand and said, "It's all for the sake of the child. As long as the child is fine!"

"I will give an explanation to the Wu family and seek justice at the same time. I'm afraid I'll have to trouble Mrs. Xu Sanniang..."

"Small things."

Mrs. Xu Sanniang smiled.

Although the Wu family has a great position in the Chamber of Commerce and has a strong voice, they still have to sell some face to merchants like them!

In this matter, the Miss Wu family did something wrong. Wherever they went, they would find a place to reason with her.

After the luncheon, Wang Wanqing took her two children and left first.

And because there were fake refugees in Xu's store, Jin Ling took this opportunity today to ask Mrs. Xu Sanniang to make an appointment to see if the same situation had happened to those merchants that had accepted refugees.

After leaving the Xu family gate, Xiao Nai Tuanzi wanted to visit the medical clinic, so Wang Wanqing sent her to the Huichun Hall, and then took Xiao Xiaoqi back to the Yamen.

There were not many people in the Hui Chun Hall today. As soon as Xiaonuituanzi walked in, he was spotted by the sharp-eyed boy.

The young boy pulled the little girl to the side and said in a low voice: "Miss Ranran, our young master's biological father is back!"


The little girl raised her little head and looked at him with confusion, "Did you commit suicide?"

Boy: "..."

"What corpse to blow up?"

"Hmm... Mom said that Brother Xu's biological father was lying in a coffin when he was very young~" Xiao Naituanzi blinked her big eyes and said in a sweet voice.


The boy glanced upstairs subconsciously, and then swallowed.

Then who just came up...who looked exactly like their old boss?
"Yeah, it's true!"

The little breasted dumpling thought for a while and answered seriously.

After answering, he asked again, "Are Brother Xu and Grandpa Xu here?"

"Young master just brought a man who looks exactly like my old boss... up... up!" The young boy pointed to the upstairs in a daze.

The little girl's eyes lit up and she grinned, "That's Grandpa Xu!"

After saying that, the little breasted dumpling went upstairs excitedly, leaving behind the real boy who was messy in the wind...

So... is that your old club?
Not only him, but many people in Huichun Hall couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard this, and then started a wave of discussions.

After the small-breasted dumpling went up to the third floor, she saw Mr. Xu who was more than 20 years younger!
"Grandpa Xu!"

The little breasted dumpling called out loudly, then held her little chin and circled around him twice.

"Little girl, how are you? Isn't your Grandpa Xu a suave and graceful man with a tree facing the wind? Doesn't he look taller and braver than your brother Xu? More fearless? More..."

"Okay, old man!" Xu Yan heard what he said just as he walked over from the house next to him, and immediately rolled his eyes, "I'm going to get sick just hearing what you said!"

"Go, go, go!" Mr. Xu kicked him in disgust, "You are just jealous of me!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm jealous of you!" Xu Yan looked at him funny, "I'm jealous of you being chased by those seven aunts and eight aunts!" Hearing this, Mr. Xu glared at Xu fiercely. After a few words, "Don't mention these unlucky things to me!"


Xu Yan couldn't help laughing.

In fact, Mr. Xu woke up yesterday afternoon. After waking up, his hair and beard were all black, and even the wrinkles on his face were reduced a lot, making him look twenty years younger.

Because of his appearance, demeanor and prestige, several aunties were eyeing him and wanted to have a second love with him!

It's a pity that I'm too embarrassed to say it.

Good guy, as soon as the old man went out yesterday, all these aunts and uncles immediately chased after him like bees.

He chased the old man around three streets before he stopped.

This was ridiculous and made Xu Yan angry.

As energetic as the old man is, it would be absolutely fine to give him a brother-in-law!

"Grandpa Xu is so handsome, just like daddy!" Xiao Naituanzi praised with a smile.

When Mr. Xu heard this, he lovingly touched the small head of Xiaonuituanzi, "You are still a little girl who can talk!"

Xu Yan curled his lips and winked at Xiaonuituanzi, "Girl, from now on you call him uncle!"

Old Xu: "..."

"Oh!" The little breasted dumpling puffed up his face and nodded in understanding. Then he looked at Xu Yan in confusion and asked, "Then shall I call you nephew?"

Xu Yan: "..."



When Mr. Xu heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Yes, yes, yes, let's call him nephew! Hahaha..."

Xu Yan's face darkened, then he looked at Xiaotuanzi and said, "No, I will just call him daddy from now on!"

"You bastard, you've messed up the seniority!" Mr. Xu said with his beard and eyes wide open.

"With your image now, who would recognize you as Mr. Xu when you go out?" Xu Yan said.


Mr. Xu snorted and felt melancholy as he touched his face!

More than ten years ago, my hair turned white overnight!

After more than ten years, my hair has changed again after sleeping twice!
If he hadn't seen such an unfilial descendant like Xu Yan standing in front of him, he would have suspected that his life had been in vain all these years!
Youthful sorrow!

"Sir, Mr. Xiao Wu has been carried in. Do you want to go down and take a look?"

At this moment, the boy downstairs hurriedly ran up, his eyes kept glancing at Mr. Xu as he spoke!
Old Xu: "..."

"Master Xiao? Which fifth master?"

Xu Yan didn't react for a while and asked in confusion.

"Uh..." The young man looked at the little breast dumplings and replied: "It's Miss Ranran's fifth uncle. He was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he asked you to treat him by name!"

Xu Yan glanced at Xiaonuituanzi, and Xiaonuituanzi's chubby little face suddenly wrinkled into a big bun!
What kind of evil thing has Uncle Fifth done again?

Can't you run?
Why was he beaten?

(End of this chapter)

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