Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 227 Aren’t these three brothers a bit stupid?

Chapter 227 Isn’t this third brother a bit stupid?

"Okay, since you don't know who he is, then I'll dig out his heart!"

Qingfeng raised his hand fiercely, flashing his claws and trying to dig into the young man's heart.


The little girl's eyes changed, and the last pastry in her hand went straight towards Qingfeng, hitting his elbow.


The small-breasted dumpling's blow was so powerful that Qingfeng gasped in pain.

After being stunned for a moment, the young man quickly reacted and kicked Qingfeng with his foot!

Qingfeng's eyes turned cold and he had no choice but to dodge, but the young man took advantage of the opportunity to break free from his shackles and quickly attacked him with his black sword.

The young man's martial arts is good, and every move is fierce.

Qingfeng relied on the evil god's power to break through Xiaonai Tuanzi's formation. Now that the formation was broken, he only had half a life left, and he was at the end of his strength.

The kidnapping of the young man before was just to take him by surprise.

Now when fighting against the young man, he could still resist for a while at first, but gradually he lost the upper hand.

"Brother, come on! Great~"

Seeing this, the small-breasted dumpling excitedly cheered for the young man from the side!
When the young man heard this, his hand movements became faster and faster, and his sword moves became more and more fierce.

Qingfeng gritted her teeth with hatred, suddenly made a feint at the young man, and quickly dropped her heart blood on the jade pendant.


Xiao Naituanzi frowned and threw a few talismans and seals casually.


Under the golden light, the jade pendant suddenly shattered, and the newly condensed black mist dissipated.


At this moment, Qingfeng sneered and turned to attack the young man.

At that time, the young man was still shocked by the talisman thrown by Xiao Naituanzi. He didn't check it for a moment, but his arm was scratched by the breeze.


Qingfeng laughed loudly, quickly backed away, looked at Xiao Naituanzi and said coldly: "He has been poisoned by me. If he is not treated in time, he will die! Little girl, shall I die or will your brother die? You choose one!"

Hearing this, the young man was suddenly startled and looked at his arm. Sure enough, he saw that the blood on the scar on his arm was black.

The little girl looked at the young man, puffed up her cheeks, and quickly walked towards him.

Qingfeng laughed, turned around and ran away.

"Squat down and let me show you!" Xiaotuanzi walked up to the young man and looked up at him, with a bit of coldness on his face.


The young man swayed, vomited out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

The little girl quickly grabbed his wrist, and after a slight squeeze, she took out a colorful pill from her pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

The medicine melted in the mouth, and the young man felt a sweet spring flowing through his throat, and then he felt much better.

He looked at the small breast dumpling in front of him in disbelief, with a little more admiration in his eyes.

"Little sister, thank you!" the young man said.


The little girl with small breasts snorted, pouted her lips and said, "My pills cost money, do you know if I will pay for them in the future?"

It's all my brother's fault for letting that bad uncle run away!
No one knows how many more babies will die in his hands.


She had to go back quickly and tell her father so that someone could catch him.

Thinking about it, the small-breasted dumpling looked at the young man with disgust and said: "Get up and come with me!" The young man said: "..."

Is the little girl angry?

The young man climbed up from the ground with difficulty. After thinking for a while, he followed him. He looked at the little breast dumpling eagerly and asked: "Little sister, what is your name?"

"When you first dealt with the Taoist priest, was that a talisman that you threw?"

"And what happened just now was the earthquake, was it you who caused it?"

"How old are you? Why are you so powerful?"

"What kind of pills did you give me? Are they antidote?"


Little milk dumpling: "..."

Seeing his chirping look, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly thought of the scene when he first met Xiao Xiaoqi, and he was the same.

Thinking about it, Xiaonuituanzi paused, frowned and looked up at the young man, "Brother Han?"

Hmm... Brother Xiao Qi said that the third brother seems to be called Xiao Jinghan... Is that right?

Xiao Jinghan was stunned, and immediately his pupils widened and his mouth opened into an o-shaped shape.

"Little girl, little girl? Why are you so powerful? So powerful that you can figure out my name?" Xiao Jinghan was excited and surprised. Looking at the little breast dumpling, she was shocked and admired.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Isn't this third brother a bit stupid?

Well...Master said, "Three people lead one to be lazy, three people lead one to be diligent!"

So, three idiots can lead a smart guy as well!

There are already three idiots around her: Uncle Fifth, Brother Xiaoqi, and Brother Min. They are enough for her to worry about, and then there is the third brother...

No, she doesn't want to become stupid!
The little girl thought about it, then she ran very fast, and then quickly ran to the place where Qingxuan was before, picked up Qingxuan and ran away!
Xiao Jinghan scratched his head inexplicably, his face full of doubts, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Or does my face scare her?"

"But when I go out with this face, isn't it something that everyone will praise me for?"

"Well, there may be something wrong with the little girl's eyes!"

"Hey... what a pity, I still want to ask her for advice on the formation!"

"You are so powerful at a young age, you will be great when you grow up!"

Xiao Jinghan muttered a few words to himself, and then walked towards Yonglin City.

After Xiao Naituanzi returned to the county government office, Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come here, let me take a good look at you. Is everything okay?"

Seeing that the little breasted dumpling came back safely, Jin Ling was still a little worried, so she had to take the little breasted dumpling and check it carefully before she felt relieved.

Xiaotuanzi's little face was full of tiredness. After yawning loudly, she pointed at Qingxuan who was knocked unconscious by her and said: "Dad, he and another bad uncle want to arrest me! They also arrested people and dug them up." Take away people’s hearts and livers!”

"A bad uncle ran away! He was seriously injured!"

"What? To dig out... to dig out people's hearts? To dig out people's livers?" Jin Ling's face turned pale when she heard Xiao Naituanzi's words.

Xiao Jingxuan's face also darkened.

What do these people want to do?
If we don't find it as soon as possible, I don't know how many more people will die innocently!

Looking at Qing Xuan on the ground, Xiao Jingxuan shouted outside: "Here comes someone, take this person down and interrogate him strictly!"


After Xiao Jingxuan finished speaking, several government servants came in and took Qingxuan away.

"Madam, prepare some food for Ranran and let her have a good rest!" Xiao Jingxuan knew the habits of small breast dumplings and ordered in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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