Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 228 She is still a little more generous than Uncle 5!

Chapter 228 She is still a little more generous than her fifth uncle!

Jin Ling responded, then picked up the small breast dumpling and held it in her arms.

"Mom, I met the third brother. She was held hostage by that bad uncle, so he ran away!" Xiao Naituanzi suddenly thought of Xiao Jinghan and pouted.

"The third one?"

Jin Ling thought about it and realized that the third child was indeed coming soon, but he didn't expect to meet Ran Ran first.


The little breasted dumpling nodded looking at his little face, "He was poisoned by the bad uncle, but Ran Ran gave him some antidote pills!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling was startled and looked at Xiao Naituanzi in confusion, "Is he okay? Then why doesn't Ran Ran come back with her third brother?"

"Uh... so stupid!" Xiao Naituanzi said in disgust.

Like Brother Xiaoqi, he talks a lot and doesn't look very smart.

Jin Ling: "..."

"Then did he recognize you?" Jin Ling asked curiously.

"He's so stupid, he must not have recognized it."

The little breasted dumpling became even more disgusted when she thought about it. She is so smart and cute. Are there many people like her in this world?The third brother didn't recognize her!

The money for the pills must be returned!
At most, for the sake of Brother Xiaoqi and Third Aunt, I can give him, ten cents!

She is still a little more generous than her fifth uncle!
Jin Ling looked at the disgusted expression on the little breast dumpling, and suddenly felt dumbfounded.

Jing Han was rejected by her sister before she officially met him! ?
Thinking of Xiao Naituanzi saying that he was poisoned, he couldn't help but worry and asked, "Has his poison been completely cured? Will he be okay?"

"Well... don't worry, mother, you won't die!"

Jin Ling: "..."

After nibbling on a few chicken drumsticks, the little girl went back to her room to sleep sleepily.

Jinling settled him, went to Xiao Jingxuan's study, and then talked about Xiao Jinghan.

Her original intention was for Xiao Jingxuan to send two people to deal with Xiao Jinghan.

But who would have thought that when Xiao Jingxuan heard that Xiao Jinghan was being held hostage, he let Qingfeng run away. Before he even recognized Xiaotuanzi, he immediately said with disgust: "Ran Ran is right, he is quite stupid! Since he can't die, Just let him go back by himself! He won't get lost, right?"

Jin Ling: "..."

Isn't she worried that her third brother will also be deprived of his luck?
After all, they finally managed to send several children out safely back then.

Counting, when the third brother was sent away, he was not even ten years old!

Now I am afraid that I have grown into a young man.

"Sir, my subordinates and others caught a man who fired a cold arrow!"

Not long after, Lu Qing came back and reported in a deep voice.

His body was stained with a lot of blood, and he also suffered large and small injuries. He looked like he had been fighting with someone, and he was very embarrassed!

Seeing this, Xiao Jingxuan hurriedly asked him to go down and treat the wound first, while he went to the cell.

Jin Ling looked at the injuries on Lu Qing's body with a bit of heartache in her eyes, and shouted outside, "Hongxing, hurry up and get some medicine."

There was no response from Hongxing outside the door.

Jin Ling frowned slightly and saw Lu Qing grinning like a fool, with red cheeks and said: "Madam, when Hongxing saw that her subordinate was injured, she hurriedly went to get medicine!"

Jin Ling: "..."

Jin Ling shook her head helplessly. It seemed that... a female college student had no choice but to stay. That girl might have fallen in love with Lu Qing!
"Go back to your room and recuperate these two days!" Jin Ling said. "Then... Madam, can you ask Hongxing to take more care of me?" As he said that, Lu Qing lowered his head in embarrassment and explained, "I just help my subordinates make medicine, give me some medicine or something! "

Hearing this, Jin Ling chuckled, raised an eyebrow and looked at Lu Qing, and teased: "Isn't this a deliberate trick on your part?"

"how come?"

Lu Qing lowered his head, not daring to look up at Jin Ling, and his neck was stained a bit pink.

In fact, he didn't need to be so seriously injured, but in order to save Wu Tong, he was... injured more seriously. At first, he didn't think so much, but Wu Tong reminded him that he... thought of letting Hongxing Take care of him.

Jin Ling couldn't help but cover her lips and laugh when she saw Lu Qing's appearance.

"My wife has watched you grow up, and you have always done your duty diligently when you are with the adults. I know you are good!"

"That girl Hongxing has been with me for almost ten years, and she is also an honest and capable person!"

"If she is also interested in you, my wife will approve your marriage! But one thing is, you can't bully her! Otherwise, you know my wife's methods!"

Hearing this, Lu Qing immediately raised his head with joy and excitement, "Thank you, madam!"

Jin Ling smiled and said, "You have good vision! Go ahead!"


Lu Qing responded and left excitedly.

Seeing Lu Qing's anxious look, Jin Ling couldn't help but think of the time when she just got married to Xiao Jingxuan. He seemed to be like this every time he saw her!
After Lu Qinggang left, Jin Ling thought about it and found a few yamen servants with good martial arts skills to go meet Xiao Jinghan in the direction Ran Ran mentioned!
It wasn't until it was getting dark that Jin Ling found Xiao Jinghan who was dizzy and looked like he was about to fall down at any time.

Xiao Jinghan was not yet nine years old when she left. Now she has completely changed from before. If it weren't for the face that looked similar to Wang Wanqing's, Jin Ling wouldn't dare to recognize her!
"Third brother?"

Jin Ling called out.

"You...are you? Auntie?" Xiao Jinghan looked at Jin Ling doubtfully and asked.

He was still somewhat impressed by Jin Ling's appearance.


Jin Ling nodded and looked at him in a mess with many wounds on his body. He was full of doubts. After helping him onto the carriage, he asked: "Didn't Ran Ran say I would detoxify you? What are you doing?" ……What's wrong?"

"Ran Ran?"

Xiao Jinghan noticed the name, looked at Jin Ling in confusion, and automatically ignored her other question.

"Didn't your mother and your fourth uncle tell you when they wrote the letter? Ranran is the youngest sister in our family, the one you met in the mountains and forests!"

"Sister? She is my sister?" After hearing this, Xiao Jinghan suddenly became energetic, and she pulled a wound on her body with excitement, and she grimaced in pain.

Looking at his look, Jin Ling knew that when she wrote to him before, none of them mentioned anything about Ran Ran, so she told Xiao Jinghan about Ran Ran.

After Jin Ling finished speaking, Xiao Jinghan couldn't help but widen her eyes, and then swallowed unconsciously.

Didn’t expect that awesome little girl to be so awesome?

Hehe ~
He was still thinking about where to find that little girl from now on!

I didn’t expect it to be my sister?

He actually has a sister!

Jin Ling looked at Xiao Jinghan's silly look and shook her head helplessly!

You know, he was disliked by the little girl, and he didn’t know how to feel!

(End of this chapter)

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