Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 229: Luring Xiaotai Tuanzi into the situation?

Chapter 229: Luring Xiaotai Tuanzi into the situation?

"Does she know who I am?" Xiao Jinghan suddenly asked.

"Yeah." Jin Ling nodded.

"Then why didn't she wait for me?"

When Xiao Jinghan thought about how fast the little breast dumplings had slipped away, her face suddenly drooped.

The first time I met my sister, she was held hostage in such a embarrassing manner.

My sister must have disliked him!
"Ranran is anxious to bring people back, and... she is hungry and sleepy!" Jin Ling explained, "She is too young and will easily get sleepy and hungry if she consumes too much!"

After all, I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was disliked.


Xiao Jinghan felt a lot better after hearing this explanation.

"Third brother, why are you in such a mess?" Jin Ling looked at him in confusion.

"When I was going down the mountain, I met Xiong Xiazi and had a fight!" Xiao Jinghan pursed her lips and explained.

I don't know if it was the effect of the poison, but his reaction was much slower, and he almost died from the bear's mouth.

Fortunately, he met a hunter with extraordinary skills and helped him!
Jin Ling looked at the wounds on his body carefully. In addition to some scratches, there were also a few bear paw prints. She immediately understood what Xiao Naituanzi said about "can't die".

"The scratch from the bear's claw is also poisonous. You have to take care of it after you go back!" Jin Ling looked at the wound and said worriedly.

"It's okay, aunt, don't worry. I've been traveling around with my master in the past few years. What kind of injuries have I not suffered?" Xiao Jinghan said indifferently, with an indifferent attitude.

Jin Ling shook her head, "A bear scratch is no different than others. Your mother will be sad when she sees you in such a mess!"

Xiao Jinghan's eyes couldn't help but turn red when Jin Ling mentioned Wang Wanqing.

He misses his mother too!
Seeing this, Jin Ling patted his shoulder, silently comforting him.

Several of her children have not been seen for five or six years.

In order to protect them these years, even letters have been rarely exchanged.

Now, I hope it is right to recruit all their brothers back!
After half an hour.

The carriage stopped at the gate of Xiao's house, and Jin Ling took Xiao Jinghan in, introducing him to the people in the house as he walked.

As soon as he arrived at the front hall, Wang Wanqing heard the noise and hurried over.



Both mother and son couldn't help but blush. They called each other and hugged each other.

Xiao Xiaoqi ran over behind them and stood beside the two of them, looking at Xiao Jinghan curiously with her little head raised.

Jin Ling walked over and touched his little head.

"Third brother and sister, Jing Han encountered an accident and suffered a slight injury. Let's take him in to treat the wound first!" Jin Ling reminded.

Hearing this, Wang Wanqing hurriedly let go of Xiao Jinghan. When she saw that he was covered in scars, her eyes became redder and she didn't dare to touch those wounds with her hands.

"Mom, I'm fine!"

Xiao Jinghan smiled, put her arm around Wang Wanqing's shoulders, and smiled when she saw Xiao Xiaoqi, "Is this Xiaoqi?"

Xiao Xiaoqi stared at Xiao Jinghan's face for a few seconds, and then said: "Well... my brother and mother look so much like each other, they are biological children~"


Hearing this, several people couldn't help laughing.

Jin Ling said: "Your brother looks like your mother, but you look more like your father!"

"That is!"

As soon as Jin Ling said that he looked like his father, Xiao Xiaoqi immediately became proud again. He put his hands on his waist and said fiercely: "I want to be a general like my father!"

With that said, Xiao Xiaoqi looked at Xiao Jinghan and asked: "Brother, can you shoot arrows?"


Xiao Jinghan nodded.

His father taught him how to shoot arrows when he was young.

"Then let's compete?" Xiao Xiaoqi asked. "Uh..." Xiao Jinghan paused, then nodded, "Okay!"

Xiao Xiaoqi immediately jumped up excitedly.

Finally someone to accompany him in archery!
The fifth uncle lay down, the fourth uncle and the eldest uncle were busy, and even the sister was missing all day long, and there was no one to accompany him in archery!

Finally caught one!

Seeing his excitement, Wang Wanqing couldn't help but tap his little head, and said angrily: "Your third brother just came back, let him have a good rest first!"

"With your little archery skills, how dare you compete with your third brother?"

Xiao Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue and laughed, "Isn't that why I can't compare to my sister? My sister doesn't even want to play with me anymore!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

In terms of relationships, he is just a foil, a spare tire!
"Let's go in and talk!" Jin Ling said with a smile.

The few people walked back while talking. Xiao Xiaoqi pulled Xiao Jinghan and chatted. They felt no stranger to this brother whom they had met for the first time.

Jin Ling and Wang Wanqing were very pleased to see this.

Not long after, Xu Yan hurried over carrying his medicine box.

When he arrived in the living room, he realized that it was Xiao Jinghan who was injured.

"This is... Brother Mu?"

Seeing Xu Yan, Xiao Jinghan suddenly said this.

Xu Yan: "..."

Why does everyone know that he has such a nickname, but he doesn’t know it?

Xu Yan hummed, but didn't say much!
Xiao Jinghan was younger than him, and they didn't have much contact with each other. In addition, because he was obsessed with medical skills in the past, he only knew that there was such a person in the Xiao family, and he didn't match up at all!
The kind that you wouldn't recognize at all if you met them on the street.

"Aunt Jin, is Ranran back?" Xu Yan asked while treating Xiao Jinghan's wounds.

He was still worried about that girl.

The matter of Gu can be big or small!Although the little breasted dumpling is powerful, leaving alone is worrying.

Nowadays, the news that Wu Luxuan was killed in the Yamen due to involvement in Gu has been spread out.

Whatever the outside world says.

The people behind the scenes dare to kill people so blatantly, which shows how deeply hidden they are in Yonglin.

If word gets out that the little naughty dumpling can cure poison, I'm afraid...

"Don't worry, I'm back!" Jin Ling said.

Hearing this, Xu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

When Xiao Jinghan heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "But what happened?"

Jin Ling briefly told what happened, and then said with a smile: "Fortunately, Ran Ran is here, otherwise our Xiao family would not be able to establish a foothold in Yonglin so quickly!"

Ran Ran is the little lucky star of their Xiao family.

If it weren't for her, given Xiao Jingxuan's unlucky luck before, it would be good to be able to protect himself now, not to mention dealing with so many things.

Not to mention that they can settle down in Yonglin and even recruit the younger generation of the Xiao family back!

When Xiao Jinghan mentioned the small breast dumplings, he thought of the scene in the forest where the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and he couldn't help but talk about it vividly.

After hearing this, Jin Ling frowned fiercely.


It seems like someone did it on purpose!

It is also a game specially designed to attract small-breasted dumplings.


Fortunately, the little breasted dumpling is very capable!
Thinking about it, Jin Ling stood up and said, "I'm going to the Yamen. Third brother and sister, please ask the kitchen to make some delicious food for Han'er to catch the wind. Xu Yan can also stay for dinner, right?"

Xu Yan shook his head slightly, "No, I have other things to deal with!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling didn't force it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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