Chapter 230 Xiao Jingyao’s idea!

After Jin Ling came out of Xiao's house, she hurried back to the Yamen.

As soon as she got off the carriage at the yamen gate, she saw Mrs. Wu rushing towards her as if she was crazy.

Jin Ling's feet reacted faster than his brain, and he kicked him in one go.


Mrs. Wu was immediately kicked out, fell to the ground and slid far away.

"Bitch, pay for my daughter! Pay for my daughter!"

Mrs. Wu covered her chest, pointed at Jin Ling and cursed loudly.

Jin Ling pursed her lower lip slightly and said in a cold voice: "Mrs. Wu, what happened to Wu Luxuan was her own fault! No one wronged her in the slightest. If she didn't have any intention of harming others, how could she have ended up like this!"

"Bullshit! You lie!"

Mrs. Wu's eyes were red and full of fierceness, "My Luxuan has always been pure and kind, and it's all you! If you hadn't made her embarrassed, if you hadn't humiliated her in front of everyone, how could she have done such a thing? ?”

"Don't you, the Xiao family, just want to use this to suppress our Wu family?"

"I tell you, as long as I am in the Wu family for one day! I will not let you get what you want!"

"Ha!" Jin Ling sneered disdainfully.

"Come here, send Mrs. Wu back to the Wu family and tell Mr. Wu that he will be given three days. If he can't find any clues about the poison, the Yamen will act according to the rules. Anyone involved in the poison will follow the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Deal with it!"


The two guards at the Yamen Gate immediately put Mrs. Wu into a carriage and then sent her back to Wu's house.

Watching the carriage slowly leave, Jin Ling clapped her hands, her eyes slightly cold.

How could such a shrewd person like Wu Gongli marry such a fool?
The daughter I gave birth to is also extremely stupid!
At this moment, he actually came to the Yamen to make trouble!I still want to take a breath for Wu Luxuan, maybe I want to be divorced!

Jin Ling's guess was correct. After Mrs. Wu was sent back by the Yamen people, it didn't take long for Wu Gongli to give Mrs. Wu a divorce note!
Not even Wu Haolin could stop him in the slightest.

My mother is so confused. The Wu family was already in a storm, but she went out to do stupid things!I'm afraid I'd have to pay the entire Wu family for this!

Because Wu Luxuan is alone, the Wu family has lost two-thirds.

If you let it go on any longer, you won't be able to survive.

People are selfish!

Wu Haolin gave up on his mother without any hesitation!

Of course, this is just something to say later, let's not mention it for now.

After Jin Ling finished dealing with Mrs. Wu, she entered the Yamen.

At that time, Xiao Jingzhe had just returned from outside and was talking to Xiao Jingxuan about this gu.

Jin Ling walked to the door of the study, glanced at Wang Yang and Qin Shi who were guarding not far away, and walked straight in.

Seeing that it was her, Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe asked at the same time, "Have you received Brother Han?"


Jin Ling nodded slightly, "I've entered the mansion. I met Xiong Xiazi on the way down the mountain. He was injured a little. I've asked Xu Yan to take a look!"

After saying that, Jin Ling talked about the purpose of his hurry.

"I heard from Jing Han about the battle between Qingxuan, Qingfeng and Ran Ran. I suspect that... the Gu incident was deliberately done by the people behind it! Their target should be Ran Ran!" Jin Ling said seriously The way.

If the poison was planted by people from Northern Xinjiang, then Qingfeng and Qingxuan were also involved.

This is thought-provoking!

Either the person who took away their luck was from Northern Xinjiang!
Or as they thought, the Ye Party had colluded with Northern Xinjiang!In the current situation, he believes it should be the latter.

"This issue has been discussed with my fourth brother just now! It needs to be reported to the court and acted upon!" Xiao Jingxuan said in a deep voice.

Right now, the most worrying thing is whether the organization behind Qingfeng is really poaching people's hearts and livers as Xiao Naituanzi said!

"If we fail this time, I'm afraid they won't show up again for a long time!" Jin Ling pursed her lips.

"If they don't show up, we can go find them!" Xiao Jingzhe said the method he had discussed with Xiao Jingxuan before to lure the snake out of its hole.

Jin Ling slightly disagreed after hearing this, "How can you use Ran Ran as bait?"

"Their current goal is Ran Ran. Only by using Ran Ran as bait can they quickly dig out the people behind!"

How could Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe be willing to let Xiao Naituanzi take this risk?But right now, except for her, I'm afraid no one can lure those people out!

"Don't worry, we will be fully prepared before then!"

Although Jin Ling still disagreed, she had no choice at this time.

When he returned home in the evening, Xiao Nai Tuanzi was still awake. Jin Ling thought about it and took her back to Xiao's house.

The little breasted dumpling slept for two days before waking up.

At that time, Xiao Jingyao could already get out of bed and walk around.

After hearing about Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe's plan, he immediately said: "Why use Ran Ran to catch these small fish and shrimps? If we lure Cheng Xun out and give him a good beating, maybe there will be clues!"

"Besides, those people are taking away our Xiao family's luck, so it would be better for me to be the bait!"

"If that doesn't work, add the third nephew!"

"According to their past behavior, what they want is the luck of the Xiao family, and they want to get rid of Ran Ran!"

"My third nephew and I are acting as bait, so we won't get killed! Ran Ran is different!"

"Our people are protecting Ran Ran from behind, it's better to let Ran Ran protect us from behind!"

After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, Xiao Jinghan immediately expressed his position, "I think the fifth uncle is right. As a man, how can you let your sister take the lead! I will go with the fifth uncle!"

Jin Ling nodded slightly, "What Lao Wu said makes sense!"

Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingzhe looked at each other. After they thought about each other for a while, Xiao Jingzhe said: "Cheng Xun has disappeared these days!"

After what happened to Li Qingqiu, Xiao Jingzhe asked Zhang Biao to send people to keep an eye on Cheng Xun, but Cheng Xun, a slippery man, suddenly disappeared.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Isn't it Cheng Xun? I have a way to catch him!"

"Do you have any idea?" Xiao Jingzhe raised his eyebrows, looked at him, and asked, "Tell me."

Xiao Jingyao looked at the little nipple dumpling and laughed, and said, "Don't forget what the Cheng family does! I know that half of the Cheng family's property is in the hands of Cheng Xun!"

The little breast dumpling was stared at by Xiao Jingyao. He puffed up his cheeks and said, "Ten big chicken drumsticks! I'll help you!"

"Hehe, when it's done, not to mention ten big chicken legs! Uncle Wu will buy you a hundred big chicken legs!" Xiao Jingyao rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

Everyone: "..."

What kind of riddle are these two playing?

Xiao Jingzhe thought for a while, and suddenly understood Xiao Jingyao's meaning, and gave Xiao Jingyao a rare compliment, "It's a good idea!"

Xiao Jingyao immediately stretched out his hand towards Xiao Jingzhe, and said with a playful smile: "The cost must be paid, right?"

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

Sure enough, you still can’t expect too much from him!
(End of this chapter)

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