Chapter 234: Deal with Mrs. Yu!
" dare to hit me!?"

Mrs. Yu covered her face and was stunned when she saw Grandma Li!


Aunt Li slapped her twice again with a cold face, then grabbed Mrs. Yu's hand with her backhand, took off the foot wrap from her feet, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Even Jin Ling was dumbfounded by these flowing movements, let alone the girls and women who were following Mrs. Yu.

Before they could react, Grandma Li ordered in a cold voice, "Tie them all up, gag them and throw them out!"


The guards responded and threw out all Mrs. Yu's people as ordered without saying a word.


Mrs. Yu struggled desperately, her old eyes full of cruelty.

Aunt Li looked at her mockingly, "I've wanted to touch you, old man, for a long time. If Madam hadn't been worried about you being her mother-in-law to save some face for the eldest man, I would have cut you into pieces long ago. !”

"My wife is the one that the Li family's master and the Li family's head have loved and cherished since childhood. She can't even scold her! You old man, you're usually just partial, but today you dare to touch my wife!"

"Anyway, my wife doesn't plan to stay in the Yu family anymore!"

"Whatever you, old man, have done to my wife, I will return it to you one by one on my wife's behalf!"

With that said, Aunt Li dragged Mrs. Yu out of Li Qingyi's yard.

Yu Liuchen walked out slowly, his eyes were a little red looking at this scene, and his hands clenched into fists subconsciously.

Blame him!

It's all his own fault!
Over the years, not only has his mother been sad and worried about him, but he has also been bullied!

Now facing these things, I feel even more powerless and unable to protect my mother at all.

Even dad... was plotted by them just after he came back!
Jin Ling turned around and saw Yu Liuchen standing behind him with red eyes, looking remorseful and helpless.

Jin Ling looked at his legs, then at the wheelchair not far away, then walked over and pushed the wheelchair over.

"If you want to be able to protect your loved ones, you must first protect yourself! The past has passed. You are still young. Only when you have strengthened your legs and strengthened yourself can you serve your parents for you. Build a world for yourself and your future!"

Hearing this, Yu Liuchen raised his head and looked at Jin Ling.

After a long moment, he nodded solemnly.

Jin Ling helped him sit down, patted his shoulder silently, and then asked about the situation inside, "Ran Ran, did you tell me, how is your father?"

"It's an illusion! I'm currently undergoing treatment, parents are both..."

For the rest of the words, Yu Liuchen couldn't speak any more, and his voice was choked with sobs.

Jin Ling didn't quite understand what illusion was, but just from Yu Liuchen's expression, he knew that things were not that simple.

"Don't worry, trust Ran Ran!" Jin Ling said.


Yu Liuchen nodded.

In this room, Grandma Li tortured Mrs. Yu, and then had them tied to the tree trunk and ordered a few guards to guard her.

Not long after, the head of the Yu family, Yu Chongyang and Yu Mingxuan came in a hurry.

As soon as Mrs. Yu saw them, she started struggling in an attempt to attract their attention.

Madam Yu was beaten so hard by Grandma Li that her nose and face were bruised and swollen. If it weren't for the accessories she was wearing at this time, it would be difficult for anyone to recognize her.

"Grandma!?" Yu Mingxuan exclaimed, hurriedly stepped forward and tore off the foot-binding from Mrs. Yu's mouth!


As soon as she was let go, Madam Yu whimpered and rushed towards Patriarch Yu.

But when she opened her mouth, the head of the Yu family took two steps back in disgust.


Mrs. Yu jumped out of the air and fell straight to the ground.


When the Li family guards and Grandma Li who were guarding the entrance of the courtyard saw this, they couldn't help laughing!
"Mother, are you alright?"

Yu Chongyang hurriedly stepped forward and helped Mrs. Yu up.

Although he was a little reluctant in his heart, whether he could continue to stay in the Yu family depended on him!
"what happened!"

The head of the Yu family looked at Grandma Li and suddenly let out a loud bang!
"Go home, Master, the eldest man was finally found. Yesterday he went to see the old lady, but today he cannot recognize anyone! The lady wanted to call a doctor for the eldest man, but the old lady stopped her with all her strength. Here! He even injured my wife for this!"

Aunt Li was not afraid at all when facing the head of the Yu family. She stood at the front and spoke without being humble or arrogant.

"Now, the doctor has made a diagnosis, saying that the eldest man is under an illusion!"

"Master, last time the second wife used witchcraft to deal with the eldest son of our eldest brother! Now this illusion has appeared again! The county magistrate's wife is at the house now. If we don't give an explanation, I'm afraid..."

"Illusion? What illusion? You old man, you are talking nonsense!" Mrs. Yu immediately denied it and started crying, "Master, I was wronged, Chongming is my biological son, how could I Harm him?"

"On the contrary, Li Qingyi, who is a troublemaker in the family, disrespects his mother-in-law and lets others beat his elders, so he should give up and go home!"

"shut up!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mrs. Yu said these words, the head of the Yu family screamed!
Mrs. Yu’s voice stopped suddenly!

At this time, Jin Ling pushed Yu Liuchen out from the courtyard, looked at the Yu Family Master with a half-smile, and said: "Yu Family Master, you must have heard something about Wu Luxuan, the young lady of the Wu family, colluding with spies in Northern Xinjiang to use poison, right?"

"you are?"

The head of the Yu family frowned slightly and looked at Jin Ling gloomily.

"My husband's surname is Xiao!" Jin Ling replied, and continued: "Northern Xinjiang spies colluded with Taoist priests to use poison to harm people, and the government also issued a notice yesterday! But a few days ago, the second lady of your house used witchcraft It’s harmful, today we found out that the eldest man in your house has been under an illusion!"

"Does the head of the Yu family want to give an explanation to the government?"

"Mrs. Xiao, is there any misunderstanding about this matter? My Yu family is a serious businessman, how can I understand this?" The head of the Yu family said anxiously.

"I have to ask the head of the Yu family, why do people in the Yu family use evil spells one after another?" Jin Ling asked.

"Then someone must have framed him!" The head of the Yu family said coldly.


Jin Ling smiled and shrugged, "This is a serious matter. Please investigate it as soon as possible, Head of the Yu Family!"

"Is two days enough?"

"In two days, if the government still can't get a reasonable explanation, then please invite everyone in the Yu family to stay at the Yamen for a few nights!"

Jin Ling said it calmly, but it caused cold sweat to break out on the forehead of the Yu Family Master.

Nowadays, there are a lot of rumors about Gu outside, and the people also hate Gu deeply. If it is reported that the Yu family is using sorcery to have connections with the people of Northern Xinjiang, then...

There is only one word of death waiting for the Yu family!
(End of this chapter)

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