Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 235 My Ranran is not someone who just talks nonsense.

Chapter 235 My Ranran is not someone who just talks nonsense.
When Mrs. Yu heard Jin Ling's words, she hurriedly argued: "Master, what kind of illusion is it? We have never heard of it! This Mrs. Xiao and that woman Li Qingyi have always had a good relationship, maybe..."


Before Old Madam Yu could finish her words, Patriarch Yu slapped her away with her backhand.

"shut up!"

The head of the Yu family said angrily.

What a foolish woman!
In Linxian County, does the county magistrate’s wife just take a bite when she wants?

Mrs. Yu covered her face and looked at Patriarch Yu in disbelief.

But the head of the Yu family didn't even look at her, and looked at Jin Ling with a smile on his face, "Mrs. Xiao, don't worry, Chongming is my biological son. If someone in this house really makes trouble, I won't be the first to get around him!"


Jin Ling nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "My Ranran is treating Mr. Yu in the hospital, so I won't disturb you for the time being! If Mr. Yu is busy, please do so!"

Upon hearing this, the head of the Yu family slightly arched his hand towards Jin Ling.

"Master, my wife has written a letter about what happened these days and sent it back to the Li family. She also asked the master to make a decision as soon as possible!" Just as the main head of the Yu family left, Grandma Li said with a straight face.

"Li Qingyi doesn't follow the rules of a woman, and no one knows whose bastard child she is! Our Yu family can't afford such a daughter-in-law! It's impossible to separate the family, let alone divorce! The only option is to divorce your wife!"

As soon as Mrs. Yu heard what Grandma Li said, she immediately started shouting with her neck in disarray.


Yu Liuchen immediately retorted, "My father and my mother have a closer relationship than gold, and they would never do anything to betray my father!"

"what happened!?"

The head of the Yu family looked at Mrs. Yu with a gloomy face!
This idiot knew that the county magistrate's wife was helping Li Qingyi and still yelled in front of her. He was really stupid.

Mrs. Yu was about to speak, but Jin Ling beat her to it.

"Master Yu, please forgive me. My little nanny dumpling was very outspoken for a while, so he told me that there is no line of kinship between Mr. Chen and Mrs. Yu." After saying that, Jin Lingyou smiled and explained what the line of kinship was.

After Jin Ling finished speaking, Aunt Li stiffened her neck and said: "In addition to the situation that the old lady said that our son Chen is not the eldest master's child, there is another situation that the eldest master is not the old lady's biological child at all. !”

"Obviously the eldest master is the old lady's biological son, but the old lady prefers the second master!"

"I don't know this clearly. I thought the second master was the old lady's biological son!"


Mrs. Yu subconsciously glanced at Patriarch Yu, but Patriarch Yu stared at her with a sinister expression on her face, as if she was suspicious of something!
Mrs. Yu's heart immediately thumped, and she closed her eyelids slightly to hide all the emotions in her eyes, "Master, Chongyang and Chongming are both your sons. Chongyang has lost his mother since he was a child. I will take care of him more." What's wrong?"

"What's more, Chongyang's body and bones have not been as good as Chongming's since childhood! Chongming is dull, while Chongyang is clever! Don't you also love and pity Chongyang more?"

"Both of them are my children. Although I prefer Chongyang, I have never treated Chongming harshly!"

When Yu Chongyang heard this, something felt vaguely wrong, and a bad premonition gradually rose from the bottom of his heart.

Others don't know, but he, as the person involved, still knows.

This aunt has favored him countless times and secretly stuffed him with things. When he was a child, he fought with his eldest brother. No matter who was at fault, he would always protect him. He would reprimand and punish his eldest brother because he was an older brother. he!

He used to believe his aunt's words, but now...

Do not!

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the head of the Yu family say coldly: "It's just a child's casual remarks! What evidence is there?"

"Master Yu, this is wrong!"

When Jin Ling heard that the head of the Yu family questioned Xiao Tiao Tuan Zi, he immediately quit!
"My Ran Ran is not a person who talks nonsense casually. You must have seen what Ran Ran is capable of. She studied under Master Kong. There are some things that you can't see, but that doesn't mean she can't see them! "Master Yu, why did Master Yu fall into the illusion for no reason? Maybe it has something to do with it?"

"Otherwise, nothing would happen sooner or later. Why would something like illusion appear on the cusp of such a storm?"

"In my opinion, it looks like some people are jumping over the wall in a hurry!"

As Jin Ling spoke, he looked at Mrs. Yu with meaning.

Don't blame her for thinking too much. If this old lady is really a kind person, it would be okay if she favors the concubine!

But this old lady is not a good person!

The Yu family brothers were jealous, and Mrs. Yu personally admitted it, but Mrs. Yu was still so protective of her second brother. She wouldn't believe it if there was no selfish motives in it.

"Mrs. Xiao! This is the Yu family. You are the county magistrate's wife, but you are also an outsider!" Yu Chongyang said.

"I don't care about your Yu family's affairs! I don't want anyone to say anything bad about my Ran Ran!" Jin Ling raised her neck and said matter-of-factly.

If it weren't for Li Qingyi's sake, she wouldn't bother to care about the Yu family's affairs!

"What? Seeing Mr. Yu Er like this, are you afraid? Are you feeling guilty?" Jin Ling looked at Yu Chongyang with a half-smile.

This dog thing is nothing.

What happened at the Yongzhou Stone Gambling Center was still weighing on her mind!
"What do I feel guilty for? It's just nonsense!"

Yu Chongyang coldly flicked his sleeves and turned his head away to hide his panic at this time.

Jin Ling snorted, looked at the head of the Yu family and said, "My Ran Ran has a lot of truth charms, why not post them all?"

When Mrs. Yu heard this, she immediately became frightened, her body trembled deliberately, and then she fainted after looking at her for a moment.

"Old lady!"



Outside the hospital, when Mrs. Yu fainted, everything immediately became a mess.

Seeing this, Jin Ling rolled her eyes.

I didn’t faint even after being slapped so many times, but I fainted at this time!It's really ridiculous.

Aunt Li stood beside her, her face expressionless, as if she was watching a joke.

"Come on, go get a doctor!"

How could the head of the Yu family not know that this stupid woman was pretending to be faint?But he would be laughed at by others, he still had to do what he had to do!

However, after Mrs. Yu's fuss, he actually believed Jin Ling's words and Grandma Li's words in his heart.


If it's true what they said, then this stupid woman...


The boy next to him heard the order and hurriedly went to find the doctor.

Soon, the group left the entrance of Li Qingyi's courtyard, and the originally noisy scene soon became quiet.

Jin Ling looked at Aunt Li and said with a smile: "If what we think is true, this house will be much safer from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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