Chapter 236 Just go out and gamble!
Aunt Li asked, "Madam, do you think it is a coincidence that such evil things appear repeatedly in the Yu family?"

Jin Ling was slightly startled and took a deep look at Aunt Li.

"You suspect..."

Jin Ling was not stupid, and she immediately guessed what Aunt Li meant.

Aunt Li said: "It's not impossible!"

Jin Ling nodded slightly. I will report this matter to my master. The Yu family also asks Grandma and Qingyi to pay more attention.

"Gu and sorcery are widely suspected, and they are also prohibited by the imperial court. The stakes involved should be clear to me!"

Aunt Li nodded slightly, "You don't need Madam to remind you, the Yu family will definitely investigate in detail. Although the head of the Yu family doesn't have much ability, he can still handle this kind of thing clearly!"

"If Mrs. Xiao is not here today, then this matter will be a family matter of the Yu family!"

"Madam is here today, so it has become a matter of national importance! It is related to the honor and disgrace of the Yu family. Even if the Yu family leader wants to let it go, the Yu family members will not let it go!"

"Yeah." Jin Ling nodded.

Several people waited quietly in the courtyard. Three hours later, Xiao Naituanzi opened the door to the house. He looked at Jin Ling pitifully, patted his belly and said, "Mother, I'm fine. Hungry!"

Upon hearing this, Aunt Li hurriedly handed over the cakes brought by the servants next to her, "Old slave, I was negligent. Miss Ranran should eat a piece of cake first to fill her stomach!"

"Thank you mother-in-law!"

The little breasted dumpling smiled at her, grabbed a piece of snack in one hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing her wolfing down her food, Yu Liuchen looked at her and towards the room over there, and hesitated several times.

After eating two pieces of pastries, Xiao Nai Dumpling was finally not so hungry.

Jin Ling then asked: "How's it going inside?"

"Mom, don't worry, uncle has woken up~" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"Then can we go in?" Yu Liuchen looked at the little breast dumpling anxiously and asked.

"Okay!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded, and then yawned widely, "Mom, I'm so sleepy!"

Jin Ling hurriedly picked up the little breast dumpling, reached out and patted her back gently, "Let's sleep for a while first!"


The little girl nodded, yawned, then lay on Jin Ling's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Jin Ling didn't stay any longer and said to Aunt Li: "We will go back today. If there is anything we can do to help later, just come to the Yamen or Xiaozhai!"

"Thank you Madam Xiao."

Aunt Li responded politely, and then personally sent them to the gate of the Yu family.

When they were about to board the carriage, Jin Ling's sharp eyes noticed that someone was secretly staring at them in a corner not far away.

Seeing this, Jin Ling couldn't help but be more cautious and winked at Aunt Li.

Aunt Li was also a transparent person. She understood immediately when she saw this look in her eyes, and she calmly nodded slightly towards Jin Ling.

As soon as he returned to the Yamen, Jin Ling told Xiao Jingxuan about the Yu family.

Xiao Jingxuan thought for a while and called Lu Qing in.

"Sir, what are your orders?" Lu Qing said solemnly.

Xiao Naituanzi's wound medicine was excellent. Within a few days, Lu Qing's injuries had fully recovered. Coupled with Hongxing's care, he was full of energy and his face was glowing red.

"Take a few people to guard near Yu's house and see who comes in and out in the past two days! Keep an eye on it." Xiao Jingxuan ordered in a deep voice.


Lu Qing responded and retreated.

Seeing that it was not too early, Jin Ling took the dumplings back to Xiao's house. As soon as she arrived at the door of Xiao's house, she unexpectedly ran into Xiao Jingyao who came back from outside with an unhappy look on his face.Jin Ling's eyebrows twitched hard.

"Lao Wu, your scar has healed and you've forgotten the pain, haven't you? The injury hasn't fully healed yet, why did you run out?" Jin Ling scolded angrily.

Seeing Jin Ling, Xiao Jingyao grinned and said with a smile: "Okay, everything is okay!"

As he said this, Xiao Jingyao jumped a few times in front of Jin Ling like a monkey, proving that his injuries were indeed healed.

Jin Ling pursed her lower lip slightly, and the tip of her nose could faintly smell the smell of powder coming from his body. Her delicate face froze, and her voice couldn't help but deepen again, "Lao Wu, tell the truth, are you going to quit?" An unclean place!?”

Xiao Jingyao's expression paused, and he raised his hand to smell the smell on his body. He shuddered involuntarily, and a look of disgust flashed across his eyes.

"Sister-in-law Mingjian, why would I go to a place like that? I just accidentally bumped into someone and got a bit of the smell of rouge and gouache!" Xiao Jingyao explained with a smile.


Seeing that he didn't look like he was lying, Jin Ling said sincerely, "You are already a grown man, so you should calm down and get a wife as soon as possible so that your mother can feel at ease!"

"Yes, my sister-in-law taught me a lesson! After my fourth brother gets married, I will definitely get a wife and come back to keep my sister-in-law company!" Xiao Jingyao followed her words.

Jin Ling: "..."

I hope the fourth child will get a wife, but I don’t know when it will be!

This bastard is really...

Jin Ling shook her head helplessly and saw Xiao Jingyao hurriedly ran into the house, as if someone was chasing him from behind.

Not long after, Xiao Jinghan was seen entering the yard again holding his sword.


Xiao Jinghan had beads of sweat on her forehead, her cheeks were rosy and she called out a little shyly.


Jin Ling nodded slightly, smelling the stinky sweat all over his body, and asked doubtfully: "Where have you been!"

Xiao Jinghan scratched his head and whispered: "My fifth uncle and I went to the gambling house..."

As he said that, he looked up at Jin Ling again and explained quickly, "Uncle Wu said that you have to do things step by step, otherwise people will see the clues, so you have to lay the groundwork!"

When Jin Ling heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched!
This old five...

Even when I go gambling, I know how to find such a legitimate excuse!
Thinking that they were doing this for business, Sui Jinling didn't say much and just asked, "Who provided this gambling capital?"


Xiao Jinghan scratched his head and said with a smile: "Uncle Wu said that all the money I lost will be returned to me when the time comes!"

Jin Ling: "..."

Jin Ling took a deep look at Xiao Jinghan and then shook her head.

This kid... is still too young after all!

Want Lao Wu to pay back the money?

Why not hope that the iron rooster can pluck out a hair?
"Are you still going tomorrow?" Jin Ling continued to ask.

"Yeah!" Xiao Jinghan nodded, "Uncle Wu said that if you go for three days in a row, you will definitely gain something after three days!"

Saying that, Xiao Jinghan was still a little excited.

This was the first big thing he did after returning to the Xiao family.

"Still spending your money?"

Compared to anything else, Jin Ling was more worried about Xiao Jinghan's wallet!
(End of this chapter)

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