Chapter 237 The Yu family is on fire!


Xiao Jinghan nodded excitedly, thinking that Jin Ling was worried that he had no money in his pocket, so he said: "Auntie, don't worry, I have learned some formations from my master over the years, and I have also earned some money! In addition, the family has given me Those I sent, my wallets are bulging!”

Jin Ling: "..."

What a simple, stupid boy!

No matter how much money you have, you can't stand up to Lao Wukeng!

After thinking about it, Jin Ling reminded me, "Guard your own wallet!"

"Think carefully, why did your fourth uncle be so stingy in giving him a few taels of silver when he had money!"

Xiao Jinghan scratched his head and couldn't figure out why, they were all one family... That's not the case with the fifth uncle, right?

Jin Ling looked at his expression and shook her head helplessly in her heart.

This child seems to have to be tricked a few times before he can grow up!

It is better to be cheated by one's own family than by outsiders!

That night, in the dead of night.

A fire suddenly broke out in the main courtyard of the Yu family. The Yu family was busy all night, and it was not until dawn that the fire was put out.

In the early morning, as soon as Jin Ling and Xiao Jingxuan got up, they saw Lu Qingfeng rushing back.

Judging from the black and blue look on his face, it was obvious that he had not slept all night.

"Sir, there was a fire in Yu's house. Mrs. Yu, Yu Chongyang, and Yu Mingxuan both died in the fire." Lu Qing reported in a deep voice.


Hearing this, Jin Ling's face was full of disbelief.

Could this be too much of a coincidence?
"Where's the Yu family's big room? What happened?" Jin Ling couldn't help but ask again after she came to her senses.

"No problem!" Lu Qing replied calmly.

"I want you to keep an eye on the Yu family. What happened to the Yu family yesterday?" Xiao Jingxuan asked in a deep voice.

"Replying to your lord, Mr. Yu made a big fuss in the Yu family yesterday after he woke up. He had a dispute with Mrs. Yu! They are going to separate the family!"

"Afterwards, other members of the Yu family came over to discuss how to deal with Madam and Sir's affairs so that the Yu family would avoid being involved."

"Last night, Yu Chongyang went to see Mrs. Yu before going to bed. When she left, she looked very unhappy!"

"As for what was said, my subordinates didn't dare to get too close, so I'm not sure!"

After Lu Qing finished speaking, he stood aside with his head lowered, waiting for Xiao Jingxuan's instructions.

Jin Ling said: "I don't believe there is such a coincidence in this world! Have you ever seen a corpse with your own eyes?"

"Yes!" Lu Qing nodded.

Xiao Jingxuan pondered for a while and then ordered: "Have someone search around Yu's house to see if there is any secret passage!"

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, then responded and retreated.

After Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling had breakfast, they took the little milk dumplings to Yu's house.

As soon as I arrived at the door of Yu's house, I saw a lot of people gathered around the door, all pointing at Yu's house and talking quietly.

Jin Ling's brows furrowed fiercely when he heard that many people were blaming Li Qingyi for the incident.

This is simply sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky!

The three of them entered Yu's house and went straight to the hall of Yu's house.

Wu Tong came to Yu's house early with ten government officials, and had just finished surveying the scene and the body before Xiao Jingxuan came in.

"grown ups!"

When Wu Tong saw Xiao Jingxuan, he brought his people forward to salute with clasped fists, and then reported the situation of the Yu family.There were two courtyards that caught fire last night, Mrs. Yu's residence and Yu Chongyang's courtyard.

There were quite a few people who died last night, including the maids in Mrs. Yu’s courtyard and those around Yu Chongyang and Yu Mingxuan.

After inspection, it was found that someone set the fire deliberately.

And before setting the fire, they also drugged the food they ate!

What a coincidence is that since Mrs. Yu was divorced, all the kitchen affairs have been handed over to Li Qingyi's hands.

"Master Xiao, Mrs. Xiao!"

At this time, the head of the Yu family came over and bowed respectfully to Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling.

At this time, the head of the Yu family looked decadent, with black stubble growing on the corners of his mouth, sunken eye sockets, and his eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes. It was obvious at a glance that he had not slept all night!
"Master Yu!"

Xiao Jingxuan responded politely, with a straight face and no other expression.

Jin Ling said, "My condolences, Master Yu!"

"Cough cough cough..."

The head of the Yu family held a handkerchief and coughed twice. When he took it away, the handkerchief was stained with traces of blood.

"Are you okay?" Jin Ling asked upon seeing this.

"'s okay!" The head of the Yu family responded with a lonely expression.

Xiao Jingxuan didn't say anything. He walked forward and looked at the corpses. After looking at the corpses, he couldn't help but look at Wu Tong and asked: "Have all the servants of the Yu family been accounted for?"

"Report to your lord, not yet!" Wu Tong replied.

Xiao Jingxuan stood up, looked at the head of the Yu family and said solemnly: "The head of the Yu family is also requested to gather all the people in the Yu family. No one should be missing! If you are not in the house for the time being, please report it in time!"

When the head of the Yu family heard this, he quickly winked at the housekeeper.

The housekeeper immediately went down to work.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jin Ling took the little breast dumplings to Li Qingyi's yard.

Her yard is far away from the main yard, and the southeast wind blew yesterday, but this side was not affected at all.

As soon as Jin Ling and Xiao Naituanzi arrived, Grandma Li personally welcomed them out.

"Mrs. Xiao, Miss Ranran!"

Aunt Li called out respectfully and saluted the two of them.

At this time, Li Qingyi, who heard the noise, walked out of the house and said with a smile: "Are you here?"

At that time, Li Qingyi's face was a little pale, and his steps were very weak. He looked like a sick beauty!

"What... what's going on?"

Seeing her like this, Jin Ling hurriedly walked up and held her hand!
Aunt Li also hurriedly walked up and looked at Li Qingyi and said with heartache; "Madam spent a lot of energy to save the old man's life. There was a fire last night. The old man and his wife went to put out the fire, but who knew what happened?" I fell into the trap of the bad guys and got some injuries!"


Jin Ling was startled and hurriedly helped her aside with Aunt Li.

"Ran Ran, come and show your Aunt Qing!" Jin Ling said.

"No need!" Li Qingyi shook his head, "The doctor from Huichun Hall has just left. I just haven't slept all night and I feel a little weak! It's all thanks to Ran Ran's peace charm, otherwise I'm afraid I'll die now." !”

"What's going on with this fire?" Jin Ling asked.

Li Qingyi said: "Someone set a fire and wanted to kill our whole family! Fortunately, the wet nurse asked the guards to keep an eye on the main courtyard yesterday!"

After saying that, Li Qingyi laughed again and whispered: "Our guess is indeed correct. My master is indeed not the biological son of the old woman, but Yu Chongyang is!"

Jin Ling pursed her lips and asked, "Does the head of the Yu family know?"

(End of this chapter)

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