Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 238 Sure enough, the Yu family has a secret!

Chapter 238 Sure enough, the Yu family has a secret!

Li Qingyi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Everyone is dead, does he know it's not that important anymore?"

After saying that, Li Qingyi seemed to be relieved.

Without Mrs. Yu and the people in the second room, the Yu family would be much simpler, and there would be no more trouble!

Jin Ling nodded slightly.

What she didn't say was that it was very possible that those three people were not dead but had escaped!
It’s just that no evidence has been found so far, so it’s hard to say!

Something happened to the Yu family and everything was in chaos. The head of the Yu family couldn't bear the blow, so he left everything to Master Yu and the housekeeper of the Yu family to arrange the matter.

After Jin Ling and Xiao Nai Tuanzi chatted with Li Qingyi for a while in her courtyard, they were ready to leave with Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

As soon as he walked out of Li Qingyi's yard, he saw Mr. Yu and the head of the Yu family standing together. The head of the Yu family seemed to be giving some instructions to Mr. Yu.

Jin Ling didn't pay attention, but Xiaonuituanzi puffed up her little face, and her eyes were full of doubts.

When they arrived in the front yard, Wu Tong was reporting the matter to Xiao Jingxuan.

When Jin Ling walked over, she heard him saying that he had confirmed the three corpses of Mrs. Yu and Yu Chongyang and his son.

"Now that it has been confirmed, the person who set the fire still needs to be investigated clearly." Xiao Jingxuan said solemnly.


Wu Tong nodded and responded solemnly: "Next, my subordinates will investigate one by one! Find the arsonist as soon as possible!"


Xiao Jingxuan nodded slightly, looked at Jin Ling and Xiao Naituanzi and said, "The Yu family is in a state of chaos right now. Why don't you go wait for me on the carriage outside! I'll explain it to you."

"it is good."

Jin Ling pursed her lower lip slightly, held the little breast dumpling in her arms, and walked out.

When they arrived at the door, Xiaonuituanzi quietly whispered in Jin Ling's ear: "Mother, there is someone over there who is secretly watching us again."

Hearing this, Jin Ling paused slightly.

But he calmly got into the carriage with the little breast dumpling in his arms.

But my mind was full of doubts.

She suspected that the person who stared at them yesterday was Mrs. Yu's person!
But Mrs. Yu and Yu Chongyang and his son have been confirmed dead. Who in the Yu family will keep an eye on them?

Could it be that...there are some big secrets in this Yu family?

"Ran Ran, have you seen anything wrong with the Yu family?" Jin Ling looked at the little breast dumpling and asked.

"Well...the resentment is too heavy!"

The little breasted dumpling looked at the car curtain and looked at the top of the Yu family's house, and said something very seriously with a small face.

When Jin Ling heard this, she didn't think too much.

After all, there were quite a few maids, women, and servants who were burned to death last night, so some resentment is normal.

Jin Ling rubbed Xiaonuituanzi's little head and said nothing.

After a while, Xiao Jingxuan also got on the carriage.

As soon as he sat down, Xiaotuanzi looked at him with big innocent eyes and said, "Dad, Ran Ran can bring that old witch back!"

Xiao Jingxuan's eyebrows jumped.


"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "There is too much resentment at the door of Yu's house, and these people were killed! Ghosts with strong resentment will not be reincarnated so quickly. They can be summoned in the first seven days! "

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

Jin Ling: "..."

"Is it really possible?" Jin Ling asked.

This thing about ghosts and gods sounds really weird, and it even sounds hairy, but Jin Ling knows that Xiao Nai Tuanzi has a ghost of his own. "Okay!"

The little girl nodded her little head.

"Okay." Xiao Jingxuan said, "Then let's wait for the first seven!"

It was originally thought that Mrs. Yu and Yu Chongyang fled out of fear of crime, but now it seems that is not the case.

As soon as the three of them returned to the Yamen, Wang Yang reported: "Sir, a secret passage was discovered in an abandoned courtyard near Yu's house! My subordinates and others went in to take a look and found that the secret passage was leading to Yu's house. Home, I just don’t dare to walk in rashly because I’m afraid of alerting someone!”

Xiao Jingxuan's eyes darkened.


This Yu family has secrets!
Could it be that Mrs. Yu and the others discovered something, so they were silenced?
Not long after, Wu Tong and others came back. Wu Tong said: "Sir, after on-site investigation, it was found that the fire in Mrs. Yu's courtyard extended from the inside to the outside, but the fire in Jade Chongyang's courtyard seemed to be intentional. Arson!”

"My subordinates carefully asked the servants of the Yu family and found out that the fire was already burning loudly when they were discovered!"

When Xiao Jingxuan heard his report, he didn't say anything for a while, but his fingers kept tapping on the table, making a rhythmic sound.

Wu Tong lowered his eyes and waited for Xiao Jingxuan's instructions.

After a while, Xiao Jingxuan said: "Pull everyone back!"

"What about the arsonist?"

"I have my own arrangements!" Xiao Jingxuan said solemnly.


Wu Tong responded and retreated.

Xiao Naituanzi hadn't been to the Huichun Hall for several days, so she went to the Huichun Hall thinking she had nothing to do.

After Jin Ling personally delivered the small breast dumplings to the Huichun Hall, he took two guards and Hongxing to the Shantang.

Rejuvenation Hall.

As soon as Xiaonuituanzi arrived, he heard a loud "bang".

This sound was extremely familiar, it was the sound of an alchemy furnace exploding.

As soon as the young man in the Huichun Hall saw the little breasted dumpling coming in, he hurriedly greeted her, "Miss Ranran, you're finally here!"

"Uncle Bean Sprout? What's wrong?"

The little breasted dumpling looked at the young man without knowing why, his big eyes full of doubts.

The young man pointed to the top of his head, then pursed his lower lip and whispered: "Young Master is about to blow up the Huichun Hall! Even the old man can't persuade you!"


The little breasted dumpling blinked and asked, "Why?"

The boy looked left and right, then lowered his voice and whispered: "I heard that our young master was rejected by a woman, so he is in a depressed mood! He has not been out much in the past two days, nor has he gone home. ! Just focus on refining elixirs."

"We don't even dare to go up and try to persuade him!"

"I have never seen the young master like this!"

The little girl puffed up the little breasts on her face, tilted her head and thought for a moment, then reached out and patted the young man on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Uncle Bean Sprout, uncles who gossip about people behind their backs are not good uncles. !”

When the little boy heard this, he trembled suddenly. Just as he was about to explain a few words, he saw the little breasted dumpling walking upstairs with his short legs.

When the little girl arrived on the third floor, she undoubtedly saw Xu Yan who looked like black coal.

At this time, he was sitting dejectedly in the corner, his hands inserted into his hair, and his whole person exuded an aura of decadence.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face, stepped forward, raised her calf and kicked him.


Being kicked unprepared, Xu Yan tilted his body and fell to the ground, his elbow hitting the ground first with a thud.

(End of this chapter)

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