Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 239 Buddha said: Nothing can be said without money!

Chapter 239 Buddha said: Nothing can be said without money!

"Grandpa, I told you to leave me alone..." Xu Yan started shouting without even looking. When he saw clearly that the person in front of him was a small-breasted dumpling, he was slightly stunned, "Ranran? Why are you here? Already?"

"Well... let's see if you're dead!"

The little girl looked at him with disgust and sat down opposite him.

She stared at his dark face carefully, curled her lips and shook her head, and said in a rather regretful tone: "It seems that I can't die yet!"

Xu Yan: "..."

"You little girl, you still bury me!"

Xu Yan stared at her, then moved his buttocks to sit with the little breast dumplings, stretched out his hands to pinch her little cheeks, and asked: "You little girl, let me ask you about the night when Yu Pingting was poisoned. Is it intentional?"

"Well... I received a big red envelope from Grandpa Xu, I can't say that!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Xu Yan: "..."

He knew that this little guy had known about it for a long time, and even told the old man that the old man deliberately asked him to stay that night!
Xu Yan tugged the little tweet on the top of Xiao Tuanzi's head angrily, snorted, and asked seriously: "Is it true that Yu Pingting and I are destined to be together?"


The little girl grinned with an enigmatic expression, shook her head and said, "Buddha said: You can't talk without money!"

While saying this, Xiaonuituanzi also stretched out his little hand towards Xu Yan.

Xu Yan's mouth twitched, and he reached out and patted Xiaotuanzi's hand.

"You must be Xiao Jingyao's biological child. You love money as much as your life!"

Xu Yan said he was disgusted, but he moved very quickly. He took a silver note from his arms and slapped it on Xiaotai Tuanzi's hand.

Xiao Naituanzi didn't even look at it, he just kept the banknotes and said while collecting them: "I'm different from him, I'm so generous!"

Uncle Fifth is a stingy man who can only get in but not get out!

She is in and out! least he's as generous as ten cents more than his fifth uncle!

Xu Yan curled his lips, and even though his face was dark, you could see the twitching on his face.

"You can talk now!" Xu Yan said.

"Well, it's fate!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded.

"Since we are destined, I am willing to marry her. Why is she unwilling to marry me? Look at my face. What is wrong? Look at my height. I am not short! Look at my face again. From my family background, who is not begging for me? Why is she so... so reluctant? "

Xu Yan really couldn't figure this out.

Given his conditions, looking at Yonglin City, he can be regarded as a golden bachelor type!
If the news is released that he wants to get married, all the girls who come here will have to line up from the Huichun Hall to outside the city, right?

But why doesn't Yu Pingting care about him?
He originally thought she was a tigress, but the look on her face that day when she was so generous and categorically rejected him came to his mind from time to time!

When the little girl heard what he said, she patted her butt and stood up. She stared at Xu Yan's face carefully for a few times, puffed out her cheeks and said softly, "I only saw that Brother Xu's face was very dark. Black as a burnt cake!"


When Xu Yan heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Wait! Brother, go wash your face now!"

Xu Yan glared at her angrily, got up and went to wash up.Seeing that he was so arrogant and high-spirited, as if he was looking for a fight, Xiaotai Tuanzi shook his head in disgust.


Sixth Master seems to call this two hundred and five!
That's right!

Brother Xu is like a twenty-five-year-old at this time!No wonder Sister Yu doesn’t like it!
Seeing Xu Yan's figure disappearing at the stairs, Xiaotiao Tuanzi walked into the elixir shop with her short legs.

Looking at the exploded alchemy furnace in the house and the smoky, pitch-black scene, Xiao Tuanzi stretched out her chubby little hands and fanned them, saying with disdain: "Prodigal stuff! I don't deserve it if Sister Yu likes it!"

While talking, Xiao Naituanzi found some medicinal materials in the medicine cabinet nearby.

Many pills were gone, and she had to make some spare ones.

After getting the medicinal materials, Xiao Naituanzi went downstairs, and then asked the boy downstairs to come up and clean up.

As soon as they were put away, Xu Yan came in refreshed.

When he walked to Xiao Nai Tuanzi, he pretended to be cool and turned around, and then asked Xiao Nai Tuanzi, "How are you? Are you fascinated by the elegance of your brother Xu and me?"

The little girl with small breasts curled her lips and slowly said three words, "eyesore"!
Xu Yan: "..."

"You little girl doesn't know how to appreciate it. I asked your uncle Zhou Yuan to find someone to customize it for me!"

As he said that, Xu Yan looked at the small-breasted dumpling and asked, "Do you think Yu Pingting will be fascinated by me if she appears in front of her dressed like this?"

The little girl bared her teeth, looked at Xu Yan and blinked her big black grape-like eyes, and said in a soft and cute voice: "Brother Xu, believe it or not, if you show up in front of Sister Yu in tattered clothes, she will be more... Look at you a few times!”


Xu Yan looked at Xiao Naituanzi with some suspicion. Can he believe this?

The little breasted dumpling nodded matter-of-factly and whispered, "This is how Uncle Lu Qing coaxes Aunt Hongxing!"

"The shoes are rotten. If you deliberately spin in front of Aunt Hongxing, you can get new shoes!"

"The clothes are torn. If you spin around in front of Aunt Hongxing, you can get new clothes!"

"I'm injured, and Aunt Hongxing is giving me medicine and a bandage!"

Saying that, Xiaonuituanzi smiled shyly and continued in a milky voice: "Only children who can cry will get candy!"

"When Ran Ran cried when she came down the mountain, the masters gave all the treasures to Ran Ran!"

When the little girl with breasts said this, she showed a sullen expression.

Seeing Xu Yan's doubtful look, he raised his little head and added innocently, "Even my father likes to hang around naked in front of my mother. My mother really likes it!"



When Xu Yan heard the last sentence, he couldn't help laughing loudly.

Seeing the little girl in front of him, saying this in a confused and innocent tone, Xu Yan couldn't hold it back and asked curiously, "Did you secretly go to your father and mother's room? Did your father? Put on clothes?”

ps: Ladies and sisters, remember to give a five-star review after reading it!

(End of this chapter)

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