Chapter 240 Hedong Lion Forest Yu'er
The little girl gave him a faint look, and said softly: "I went in openly and openly! It wasn't secretly!"

Xu Yan: "..."

Is this his point?

After thinking carefully about Xiao Naituanzi's words, Xu Yan touched his face and clothes. Is this trick really effective?
Just as Xu Yan was thinking, he heard a burst of hurried footsteps, and then he saw a familiar figure running in, carefully hiding behind the door.

"If anyone comes, just say they have never seen me!" Xiao Jingyao lowered his voice.

Xu Yan: "???"

Small breast dumpling: "???"

"What? Are there ghosts chasing you?" Xu Yan asked doubtfully.

"More scary than ghosts!" Xiao Jingyao quietly poked his head out, glanced outside, and then patted his chest, looking relieved.

But before he could finish breathing, he heard the sound of "dong, dong, dong".

Xiao Jingyao's heart trembled, and he subconsciously shrank his body into the door again, hiding his head.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and with every step, the building seemed to be shaken.

Xu Yan and Xiao Naituanzi glanced at Xiao Jingyao, and at the same time poked their heads out of the room, staring nervously at the stairs.

Xu Yan: "Uncle Xiao, who did you offend? Let's agree first. If this building collapses, you have to compensate me!"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he frowned tightly and remained silent.

Little Nipple Tuanzi: "It sounds a bit like a big bear!"

"No way?" Xu Yan stared ahead and muttered: "Unless this big bear becomes a spirit..."

"Come out, come out for me!"

Before Xu Yin finished speaking, a Hedong lion roar came from the stairs not far away!
Upon hearing this voice, Xu Yan's pupils shrank subconsciously, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead involuntarily.

is her?

Lin Yu'er, the famous Hedong lion in Yonglin.

It is said that this girl has some problems with her aesthetics. She regards fatness as beauty and has never looked down on other beautiful girls.

The more beautiful a girl is to others, the uglier she feels.

She calls herself Yonglin Yizhihua!

He is eight feet long, weighs over [-] kilograms, and can kill a cow with one fist!

But this girl was born into the Lin family, a scholarly family, and was the daughter of Mrs. Lin from Yonglin Academy.

Although Master Lin is not as famous as the Wen family in Yonglin, it is said that his family is a prominent family in the northwest.

Apart from these Lin, the Master was once a top scholar who passed three yuan. Now he is equally ranked with Mr. Wen in Yonglin Academy. There are many students sitting there. He is quite prestigious in Yonglin and has many followers in the court. The people he befriended.

Mrs. Lin only has one daughter, Lin Yuer, and it hurts to hold her in her hand!

For this reason, most people in Yonglin would take a detour when they see her!
It's just that this girl is said not to go out often, and she calls it "raising meat at home".

How could Xiao Jingyao mess with her just because he was so nice?
"Gong... son..."

The young man stood behind Lin Yu'er. The corridor was so narrow that he had to jump a little to see the figures of Xiaotuanzi and Xu Yan.

When Xu Yan saw him, he waved to him and asked him to get down.

When the boy saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and ran away like a caught little mouse.

He was afraid that if he took one step too slowly, the lump in front of him would be knocked away with a fist.

"Miss Lin, I wonder if you came see a doctor?" Xu Yan swallowed and asked tentatively.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand the person over to me!" Lin Yu'er shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Human? Who?" Xu Yan pretended to be confused.

"Anyone with the surname Xiao should call him Fifth Master Xiao!" Lin Yu'er put her hands on her hips, and the fat on her face was trembling as she spoke.

"Oh~, him!" Xu Yan was standing by the door, his eyes seemed to have inadvertently glanced at Xiao Jingyao when he spoke, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he deliberately lengthened his voice.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, his heart immediately lifted, and even his breathing became lighter subconsciously, and he blinked at Xu Yan pleadingly.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly opened his mouth and asked softly and softly: "Little sister, are you looking for my fifth uncle?"

"Master Xiao Wu is your fifth uncle?" Lin Yu'er looked at her up and down as if she had just seen the little breast dumpling, and muttered, "She looks quite similar to him, but a little bit uglier. !”

Small breast dumpling: "???"

she is ugly?

There must be something wrong with this big fat cow’s eye!

"Little thing, where is your fifth uncle? Is it irresponsible to touch someone's breast?" Lin Yu'er said angrily.

When facing the little breasted dumpling, his tone was a little softer than when facing Xu Yan.

When Xu Yan heard this, his eyes nearly popped out.

This Mr. Xiao Wu has such a unique taste!
I don’t know how to do it!

The little girl suddenly sighed, shook her little head, then looked up at Lin Yu'er and asked, "Miss, do you want to be my fifth aunt?"

When Xiao Jingyao behind the door heard this, a bad premonition suddenly flashed through his heart.

But Lin Yu'er's fat face with trembling flesh showed a rare hint of shyness, and she made a strange sound like a coquettish voice, "I hate it, don't make it so obvious? People can be shy too!"


When Xu Yan heard this, he was so frightened that he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, choking and coughing several times.

Can a fierce girl be shy?

See you for the first time!

"Hurry up and tell him to come out and come home with me!" When the conversation changed, Lin Yu'er said fiercely again.


At this moment, Xiaonuituanzi howled, and while howling, he rushed forward and hugged one of Lin Yuer's thick legs, "Fifth aunt, great, I actually have a fifth aunt!"

Xu Yan was immediately dumbfounded.

Is this Lin Yuer really the destined marriage of Xiao Wushu?

Xiao Jingyao, who was behind the door, trembled and almost couldn't help but go out and strangle this little scammer to death!

Not to mention Xu Yan and Xiao Jingyao, even Lin Yu'er herself was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the little breast dumpling holding her thick thighs and howling!


"Wow, fifth aunt, come with me back to see my grandmother and parents. They must like you very much!"


"You don't even know that my grandmother and mother were so worried that their hair turned white because of my fifth uncle!"

"We have a lot of...a lot of money at home! I'll give it to you when the time comes!"

"My grandmother and mother are very good, and they will never treat you badly!"

"If my fifth uncle bullies you, we will help you beat him up together!"

"Wow! Our family is so nice!"

The little breasted dumpling talked a lot, looking like he was finally going to send the person away.

Xu Yan's mouth twitched when he heard it.

Behind the door, Xiao Jingyao's eyelids were trembling.

This tone!
This little expression!

It was as if no one wanted him, Xiao Jingyao!
I can't wait to pack him up and give him to that fat bear!

(End of this chapter)

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