Chapter 24 Let’s catch ghosts~

When Ran Ran woke up, it was already noon on the second day.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she faced Mr. Xu's wrinkled face, rubbed her eyes and muttered drowsily, "Am I dreaming? Why are you still at Grandpa Xu's house?"

"Little girl, are you awake?"

Mr. Xu helped her up and said with a smile: "You little girl is sleeping so deeply that you can't wake her up no matter how you scream."

Ran Ran's eyes rolled around, and she looked around the room. She realized that this was a room in the county government office, and her thoughts instantly returned.

He smiled and said, "Grandpa, why are you here?"

Mr. Xu reached out and tapped her forehead angrily, and with a straight face, his beard was blowing with anger, "I haven't asked you yet, why did your little girl fainted on the roadside last night?"

Ran Ran stuck out her tongue and said excitedly: "Of course I am going to accumulate merit!"

"Accumulate merit?"

"Yeah." Xiao Naituanzi nodded his little head and said coquettishly: "Master said that Ranran has five disadvantages and three shortcomings. She was born with a lack of life. She must do more good deeds and accumulate merit to be able to extend her life~ "

"Otherwise Ran Ran will have to wear braids!"

As he said that, Xiaotiao Tuanzi looked at Mr. Xu with aggrieved expression, tears flashed in his big watery eyes, and he pursed his lips and said: "Grandpa, you can't bear to lie down on the board and sleep in a coffin. Then bury it in the ground!”

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Mr. Xu pouted three times, grabbed Ran Ran's hand and said quickly: "Quickly touch the wood and say pooh three times!"

Seeing Mr. Xu's serious face, Ran Ran obeyed obediently.

While doing this, a pair of big eyes were secretly looking at the long and handsome shadow standing outside the door.

Mr. Xu also saw her little expression and couldn't help but hum. He pinched the little nipple on her face and lowered his voice and whispered: "What? Are you scared now?"

"When that boy Xiao brought you back last night, his face was extremely dark!"

Ran Ran pouted, holding Mr. Xu's sleeves and shaking them gently. Her voice was soft and delicate, "Grandpa, I was wrong! Just help me beg for mercy from my father, okay?"

Mr. Xu couldn't bear the little baby being so coquettish, and his heart suddenly softened. His slightly cloudy old eyes glanced at the figure standing outside, and winked at Ran Ran.

"Ahem, since you know you are wrong, do you know where you are wrong?"

The little girl sniffed and said with tears in her eyes, "Ran Ran shouldn't go out alone. Although it was to save people, it made my father worry about me."


Xu Laoqing hummed and reprimanded with a straight face, "Now that you know you made a mistake, just don't do it again next time!"

Ran Ran nodded her little head hurriedly, like a well-behaved baby, and responded, "Ran Ran knows~"

"Okay, okay~" Mr. Xu asked distressedly: "Are you hungry?"

It's okay if I don't say it, but when I mention it, Ran Ran's belly starts to sing about the empty city plan.

Ran Ran touched her belly and laughed sheepishly, but at this moment Lu Qing happened to walk in pushing the food box, "Come and eat!"


Ran Ran jumped down from the bed eagerly and watched eagerly as Lu Qing took out the food from the food box one by one.

"It's roast chicken!" Ranran licked her mouth and rubbed her hands in surprise, looking impatient.

Lu Qingdao: "My lord knows that you like to eat, so you asked Granny Xiao in the kitchen to prepare it!"

Hearing this, Ran Ran glanced at the door with her big eyes, but did not see Xiao Jingxuan's figure, and a somewhat lonely look flashed across her eyes.He looked up at Lu Qing with some frustration, "Uncle Lu, has dad not forgiven me? Why doesn't he come in?"

Lu Qing served her rice and said, "My lord, I am worried about you. When I brought you back last night, I kept you awake all night."

"Although he didn't say anything, he was obviously relieved when he saw you woke up just now!"

"Really?" Xiaotai Dumpling heard this and smiled again on his face, feeling happy and warm in his heart.

After she cleared away the food on the table, Lu Qing asked: "By the way, what did you do last night?"

"Ghost hunting!"

Ran Ran touched her round belly and replied casually.

Lu Qing and Mr. Xu were startled, looked at each other, and said in unison, "Ghost hunting?"


Ran Ran nodded and said proudly: "Yesterday I took in an evil ghost and pulled out all her long hair!"

Lu Qing swallowed involuntarily, "Are there really ghosts in this world?"

"Yes wow!"

Ran Ran nodded her little head, looked at Lu Qing and said with a smile: "If Uncle Lu Qing wants to see what this ghost looks like, I can show it to Uncle Lu Qing!"

"No, no, no!" Lu Qing waved his hands hurriedly, his face turned pale, "It's better to say goodbye!"

"Uncle Lu is even afraid of ghosts, how shameful!" Xiao Naituanzi made a little face at Lu Qing and mocked.

Lu Qing curled his lips and said, "That thing sounds spooky. Who is not afraid of it?"

The little girl stood on the stool, patted Lu Qing's shoulder, and said crisply: "Uncle Lu, don't be afraid. Ordinary ghosts are only afraid of people. They are afraid of Yang Qi, so they won't appear in front of people easily. Woolen cloth."

Hearing this, Lu Qing was obviously relieved, "That's good, that's good!"

Mr. Xu looked at Ran Ran thoughtfully, "What about the talismans you used when you rescued Madam Xu the day before yesterday?"

"Grandpa, that's Zhu Youshu!"

Ranran chuckled and explained in a sweet voice, "Although the Huanyang Nine Needles can hold a person's last breath, only Zhu Youshu can change one's fate against the will of heaven!"

General Xu nodded doubtfully.

If he hadn't personally felt the lady's pulse and watched the little breasted dumpling treat her with his own hands, otherwise he would not have believed it.

"Uncle Lu, where is the big brother who was with me yesterday? Did you see him?"

Ran Ran remembered the business and looked at Lu Qing with a serious face.

"Are you talking about the young master of the Min family?" Lu Qing replied: "It has been sent back to the Min family. Before he was sent back, he was sent to the Huichun Hall for a visit. He only suffered some skin injuries and was frightened before he fell into coma. Ran Ran doesn’t need to worry if she doesn’t wake up.”

"Yes." Mr. Xu also nodded, "Dr. Xie saw it himself, it can't be wrong!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a yamen servant standing at the door with a boy from Huichun Hall.

The young man almost burst into tears when he saw Mr. Xu, "Sir, please go back to the hospital and have a look. The Min family has brought the young master here, and they are making trouble!"


Mr. Xu stood up with great momentum, "Who gave them the courage?"

(End of this chapter)

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