Chapter 25 Something happened in Huichun Hall

The young man said hurriedly: "Doctor Xie gave the young master a calming medicine last night, but today the young man became nagging. The Min family said it was because Doctor Xie prescribed the wrong medicine. "


Mr. Xu had an angry look on his face, "I've seen Mr. Min's pulse diagnosis records, so he's right to prescribe a dose of tranquilizing medicine!"

"Come on, come back with me. I want to see what the Min family is doing!"


"Grandpa, wait!"

The little girl jumped down from the stool in a hurry, chased after him and grabbed Mr. Xu's sleeve.

Mr. Xu bent down and picked up the little breast dumpling, and said angrily: "Just in time, little girl, follow me to have a look."

"Grandpa, don't be angry!"

Ran Ran stretched out her little hand and stroked Mr. Xu's chest repeatedly, helping him calm down. She raised her little head and said, "That little brother can't be cured by just a dose of calming soup!"

Mr. Xu was stunned and stopped in his tracks, "Little girl, do you know what's going on?"

"Yeah." Ran Ran nodded, puffed up her little face and angrily told the story about being deceived by Qingxuan last night, and then said: "Grandpa, that little brother has lost his soul, and he will naturally become like Normal people are different.”

When Mr. Xu heard this, his brows were furrowed, as if he could pinch a fly to death, "So, this Qingxuan must be caught in order for that boy from the Min family to regain his sanity?"

"Yes, that's right."

Lu Qing followed them, listening in a daze, and asked in confusion, "Then what is Taoist Qingxuan doing to capture the ghosts?"

"Do something bad!"

The little girl put her hands on her hips and groaned angrily, "This ghost can raise a little ghost and refine evil spirits!"

Lu Qing scratched the back of his head. He didn't understand what Ran Ran meant, but he understood that this was definitely not a good thing.

"What now?"

Ranran smiled and dug out of her pocket. She took out the yellow paper wrapping the young master's hair left last night, and then unfolded it mysteriously in front of Mr. Xu and Lu Qing, " I have already prepared~"


The little girl glanced at Lu Qing, raised her little head and said word by word: "Uncle Lu, don't underestimate this hair, this is that little brother's hair!"

"That liar has a little brother's soul in him. With this hair, we can accurately find where the liar is hiding!"

Mr. Xu said: "It's not too late then, let's go find him quickly!"

"No hurry, no hurry!" Ran Ran shook her little head, held her little chin with her little hand, and spoke calmly, "The liar's skills are not bad. It's not easy to catch him. And I also need to find out if he is hurting daddy behind his back!"

"What does this have to do with Mr. Xiao?" Mr. Xu was confused.

Ran Ran told everything that happened after he came down the mountain, and then said: "So I suspect that the liar used those evil spirits to exchange with the evil gods in order to take away my father's good luck!"

"Otherwise, with his awe-inspiring righteousness and typical good fortune, how could he become an unlucky person?"

"Is this, this, all this true?"

Lu Qing couldn't believe it, but when he thought that his lord had done so many things for the court, yet everything went wrong one after another, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit, he began to believe Ran Ran's words. .

"Of course it's true!" Xiaonuituanzi said cutely: "Ranran never lies. I still have evidence!"

"What evidence!"

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan came over and asked calmly.

Obviously, Xiao Jingxuan heard everything that Ran Ran, Mr. Xu and Lu Qing said just now. "Daddy!"

As soon as she saw Xiao Jingxuan, Xiaonuituanzi called out sweetly, and after getting off Mr. Xu's body, she walked to Xiao Jingxuan's side, raised her little head and looked at him, smiling with crooked eyebrows.

Xiao Jingxuan looked deeply at the small breast dumpling in front of him that looked very much like his sister, and his expression softened slightly.

"Is what you just said true?"

"Of course."

Ran Ran nodded and took out the birth date of Xiao Jingxuan that she had received from the Taoist priest before, "Dad, look at this!"

Xiao Jingxuan took it, and Lu Qing also came forward.

"This is your birth date!" Lu Qing exclaimed.

"Yeah." Ran Ran opened her big innocent eyes, bright and bright, "Daddy was taken away from his good luck, so he is so unlucky~"

"But daddy has Ran Ran now. With Ranran here, no one will hurt dad again!"

Lu Qing asked doubtfully, "Can you get back the luck that was taken away from you?"

Ran Ran shook her head, "No!"

"Then the Lord must not continue to be unlucky?" Lu Qing looked at Xiao Jingxuan and asked worriedly.

"No way~" Ran Ran smiled at Xiao Jingxuan, and hugged one of Xiao Jingxuan's thighs with her chubby hands, "Daddy has Ran Ran. As long as Ran Ran finds the location of the evil god and destroys the evil god's destiny card, Daddy will be fine~"

Lu Qing looked at Xiao Jingxuan, then at Ran Ran, and asked tentatively: "So yesterday you asked me what my lord's enemies were, because you wanted to find the evil god?"

"That's right!" Ran Ran grinned at Lu Qing, showing two cute little tiger teeth, and praised: "Uncle Lu, you are finally smart for once!"

Lu Qing: "."

You don’t need to say the last sentence.

"Ahem!" Lu Qing cleared his throat and looked at Xiao Jingxuan, "Sir, what should we do now?"

Ran Ran patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I will definitely find the person who harmed you!"

Xiao Jingxuan clenched his fists. Although Xiao Naituanzi's words were unbelievable and unbelievable to him, he had to believe them.

Looking at the cute and cute appearance of the little breast dumpling, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "I know who is harming me behind my back and the Xiao family, and there is no need for you, a child, to interfere!"


When the little girl heard this, her big eyes filled with anger, and she looked at him with a depressed mouth, "Daddy, don't you believe Ran Ran?"

Seeing this, Mr. Xu hurriedly went over and rubbed her little head, saying, "Your father doesn't want you to take risks."

"Ran Ran will be fine~" Ran Ran stretched out her hand to wipe her eyes, her eyes were red, and she pulled the hem of Xiao Jingxuan's clothes and shook it gently.

"No!" Xiao Jingxuan said coldly with a straight face.

"Hmph!" Xiao Tiao Tuan Zi threw away Xiao Jingxuan's clothes, "You don't let me intervene, but I insist on interfering!"

"Wow you are a bad dad! Bad dad!"

"It's not easy for people to find you! You just don't want Ran Ran, right?"

"Wow Ran Ran feels so hurt!"

The little breasted dumpling started crying as soon as she started crying, her tears falling down like a faucet.

(End of this chapter)

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