Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 26: Confession, Xiaonuituanzi was so angry that she cried!

Chapter 26: Confession, Xiaonuituanzi was so angry that she cried!
Seeing her like this, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't bear it, but he still kept an expressionless face.

He can be soft-hearted about other things, but he can't do this!
The Xiao family's affairs are his, Xiao Jingxuan's, and he must not involve a little baby.

Mr. Xu and Lu Qing felt heartbroken when they saw Xiao Naituanzi crying sadly.

"Sir, look at this." Lu Qing opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him, but Xiao Jingxuan turned around without even looking at them.


Seeing this, Ran Ran cried even more sadly.

"Is Daddy's heart made of iron stone? I'm hiccuping. I'm crying so sadly, woo woo woo."

Everyone: "."

"Boy from the Xiao family, I'm not talking about you as an old man. Ranran is a smart, cute and well-behaved child. Having such a baby as your daughter is a blessing that you have cultivated for several lifetimes. How can you bear her crying?" Mr. Xu said dissatisfied.

"Mr. Xu!" Lu Qing's jaw clenched. He glanced at Xiao Jingxuan and explained, "My lord has sent away all the young masters in the family just to avoid being influenced by the Xiao family."

"My lord, you don't like Ran Ran, but you just don't want a little kid named Ran Ran to get involved and harm her!"

"No!" Ran Ran shook her little head desperately, sniffed, and said with a cry: "Ran Ran is very powerful! She will protect herself!"

"Master said that as long as Ran Ran does more good deeds and accumulates more merit, Ran Ran will live a long life!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't help but feel a little moved on his face, but he still didn't speak.

Mr. Xu stretched out his hand to wipe Ran Ran's tears, looked at her distressedly, and sighed slightly.

"Boy of the Xiao family, if everything the little girl said is true, then no matter how hard you try, you can't save the Xiao family from this lonely situation!"

"Ran Ran, despite her young age, her martial arts and medical skills are top-notch. She can also deal with those gods and ghosts. I am afraid she is the only one who can help you now!"

"I know your difficulties and considerations, but you also have to trust the little girl!"

"Mr. Xu." Xiao Jingxuan turned around and looked at the pitiful little nippled dumpling with blurred eyes with some distress. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when he saw the little nippled dumpling wiped his hands with tears and said angrily, "Humph, bad daddy? Let Ran Ran stay with you, and Ran Ran will go catch the bad guy by yourself!"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi ran away on his feet.

When Xiao Jingxuan saw this, he panicked and hurriedly ordered Lu Qing, "Follow her, don't lose me again!"

"Yes!" Lu Qing hurriedly followed.

Mr. Xu took a deep look at Xiao Jingxuan and said seriously, "Xiao boy, think carefully about what the old man said. The burden of the Xiao family should not be carried on your head alone. The best way is to work together as one."

As he said that, Mr. Xu patted him on the shoulder, "Think about your grandfather and father, how they carried the entire Xiao family."

After a few people left, Xiao Jingxuan stood there for a long time without regaining consciousness.

The hands on both sides were tightening and loosening, loosening and tightening again.

Was he right or wrong to send all the children of the Xiao family away?

After leaving the gate of the county government, the three of them went to Huichun Hall together.

At this time, the Huichun Hall was already in a commotion. Many people were guarding the door, and there were many more people watching the excitement on both sides of the street. The battle was also very large.

Everyone in Yonglin knew that Mr. Xu had served in the palace back then, and his medical skills were praised by even the late emperor.

After resigning, he opened this medical clinic. Many people in and around Yonglin came to seek medical treatment.Mr. Xu is highly respected and respected by others.

Over the years, no one has dared to come back to Chun Tang to cause trouble, and this is the first time.

This also shows how high the Min family's status is in Yonglin.

After Mr. Xu entered the door, he saw Min Xingsan, the old man of the Min family, sitting majestically in the center of the hall with a cane, and the three young masters of the Min family were also standing beside him.

The group's momentum was particularly powerful.

"Old Min!"

Mr. Xu walked in with Ran Ran and Lu Qing, his momentum was not weak at all, and he said in a somewhat unhappy tone: "Mr. Min brought so many people to my hospital, could it be that he wanted to cause trouble?"

"Xu Song, you old thing, you quack!" The crutch in Old Min's hand stomped on the ground with a "dong" sound, and he said in a cold voice: "You give me a good look, I, Min Xingsan, am a good person What happened to your grandson as a result of your treatment?"

"If you, an old man like me, don't cure my grandson today, I won't even think about opening your medical clinic!"

Mr. Xu glanced calmly at the young master of the Min family who was huddled in the corner with a frightened expression, and said: "Mr. Min, send all your people out. I have something important to say to you, old man."

"What do you want?"

Mr. Min's old eyes narrowed, and the gray beard on his face was a bit intimidating, and he looked at Mr. Xu with a straight face.

"What?" Mr. Xu touched his beard and said leisurely, "You old man, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Old Min sat upright with the crutch between his legs. He placed his hands on the crutch. He looked at Mr. Xu solemnly and then waved his right hand to signal everyone to leave.

Seeing this, the Min family members filed out.

Mr. Xu also winked at the people in the medical center, and the people in the medical center also left the medical center one by one and closed the door.

In the hall, the only people left in the Min family were Mr. Min, Mr. Min's three sons, and the young master of the Min family huddled in the corner.

Mr. Xu pointed at Lu Qing and said, "Do you guys still have any impressions?"

Lu Qing took a step forward and said respectfully to Mr. Min: "My subordinate, Lu Qing, is the bodyguard of the newly appointed Master Xiao Jing Xuanxiao. I have met Mr. Min and the three masters."

Mr. Min said: "I recognize you. It was you and the people from the yamen who were looking for someone yesterday, and then they found my son."


Lu Qing nodded, "Yesterday, my young lady was taken away by a Taoist priest. My subordinates were ordered to search for her. The young master of the Min family was with my young lady when she was found."

This rhetoric was exactly what Mr. Xu and Lu Qing had discussed to hide Ran Ran's ghost hunting.

After all, if you hadn't seen Ran Ran's abilities with your own eyes, it would be unconvincing to say that a little breasted dumpling was going to catch ghosts.

After Lu Qing finished speaking, Ran Ran stood up, straightened her back and met Mr. Min's gaze without fear, and said in a sweet voice: "That's me~"

"I saw that the Taoist priest took something from my little brother, and he became what he is today!"

"By the way, the Taoist priest also said that my little brother was born in a yin year, a yin month, a yin day, a yin time. The ghosts of such people are most likely to nourish evil spirits?"

(End of this chapter)

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