Chapter 27 Jump up and hit him on the knee

Yin year, Yin month, Yin time?

The four people of the Min family looked at each other and believed this without any doubt.

Because the young master of the Min family happened to have this birth date, and no one except their own family knew this correct birth date.

"Taoist priest? What Taoist priest? And what is the evil spirit? Where is the Taoist priest now?"

Third Master Min excitedly stepped forward and grabbed Ran Ran's shoulders, asking anxiously.

Ran Ran was shaken by him, and stars began to appear in front of her eyes. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to push him away, her chubby little face was full of dissatisfaction, and she yelled fiercely: "Uncle, you are hurting." Me!"

Mr. Min was pushed back a few steps by the little breast dumpling, and he looked at his hands in disbelief.

He is a martial arts practitioner, how could this little nugget push him?

Before he could answer, Xiaonuituanzi glared at him again and muttered: "Just talk, how can you shake me?"

Mr. Min: "."

"Little doll, is what you just said true?"

Mr. Min stood up, walked to Ran Ran on crutches, and looked at her condescendingly.

"Of course it's true." The little breasted dumpling puffed up his little face and looked at Mr. Min with his head raised without showing any signs of weakness. "Lying will make your nose grow longer~ Ranran doesn't want an ugly nose!"

After saying that, Ran Ran touched her little nose again and continued: "I saved my little brother yesterday, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to come back. There is also a Taoist named Qingxuan~"

"Did you save Shen Xing?" Fourth Master Min didn't believe this at all and looked at Ran Ran suspiciously.

Master Min Wu snorted, "Little one, if you dare to lie to us, I will cut off your nose!"

"Come here!" As soon as Mr. Min finished his words, he saw Xiaonuituanzi hooking his fingers at him and asking him to come over with a smile.

Master Min Wu walked over subconsciously.


Before he could stand still, the little breasted dumpling in front of him let out a loud roar, jumped up and hit his knee with a fist.


Master Min Wu screamed and fell to the ground with a "boom", his face turned pale.


Third Master Min and Fourth Master Min hurriedly stepped forward to help Fifth Master Min.

Mr. Min Wu was helped up, and he looked at the little breast dumpling in front of him with a look of horror and disbelief before he jumped up and hit his knees.

"you you you."


The little girl raised her little head arrogantly, blew into her little fist, and said proudly: "Uncle, do you believe what Ran Ran said now?"

Mr. Min Wu: "."

other people:"."

Old Min glanced at his sons seriously, and then looked at Ran Ran with some curiosity, "Little girl, since you said you saved this person, our Min family owes you a favor. Now tell us where to find this person." Qingxuan."

Ran Ran raised her head and looked at Mr. Min, bared her teeth and smiled, "Easy to say, easy to say!"


Seeing Xiao Naituanzi's appearance of being beaten by a brat, Mr. Min burst into laughter.

Lu Qing said hurriedly: "My young lady doesn't know etiquette. I hope Mr. Min and the three masters will forgive me!"

Mr. Min glanced at Lu Qing indifferently, and then his eyes fell on Ran Ran.Ranran said in a sweet voice: "That liar Qingxuan has good magic power. If you want to get back your little brother's soul, finding him is not enough!"

When everyone in the Min family heard this, they all frowned slightly.

Mr. Xu said from the side: "Mr. Min, you have seen Ran Ran's martial arts. If you want to find Qing Xuan's ability to successfully retrieve the young master, Ran Ran is indispensable for curing the young master."

"Yeah, yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded hurriedly, straightening his small body and said, "So you all have to listen to my instructions."

The Min family: "."

Mr. Min looked at Mr. Xu and said, "Mr. Xu, you are also a highly respected person in Yonglin. Are you responsible for your own words? Just a little kid."

"Just listen to the little doll!"

Before Mr. Min finished speaking, Mr. Min said in a deep voice.

"Hehe~Grandpa Min has good eyesight~"

As soon as Ran Ran heard this, she immediately smiled, the little breasts on her face trembling, soft and cute.

"Dad, isn't it just a joke to ask us to listen to a little baby?" Min Laosi said dissatisfied.

Old Min looked at him faintly, with a serious expression on his face, "Can you beat this little baby?"

Min Laosi: "."

Although he has been in the army all year round and has developed a murderous aura, he is really no match for the little milk baby in front of him.

Whose little milk baby can push his third brother back a few steps with just a push?Can he knock his fifth brother to the ground with just one punch?
You know, Lao San and Lao Wu are both better in martial arts than him!
Seeing the deflated appearance of the fourth child of the Min family, Ran Ran couldn't help but cover her mouth and giggle, and gave a thumbs up to Mr. Min.

Old Min's face was stern, his burning eyes swept over Lu Qing's body, and he said coldly: "Since this little girl is the daughter of the Xiao family, go back and tell the boss of the Xiao family that if this little girl cannot save my good boy within seven days, Grandson, I asked him to pay with his life!"

Lu Qing's expression was stern, and his heart couldn't help but tighten.

Ranran smiled and said: "Grandpa Min, if I find Qingxuan and cure my little brother within seven days, you must agree to my father's request!"

Old Min narrowed his eyes, his momentum was overwhelming, and he looked at the little nanny dumpling with admiration, "The Xiao family can actually produce such a courageous little nanny. It's really something he cultivated in his previous life!"

"Okay! The old man will accept your request!"


The three members of the Min family all called Mr. Min.

The Min family has been in the army for generations, and controls one-third of the military power in the Jiangnan region. The eldest Min family serves as the left minister of the Ministry of War in the capital, and the second child serves as the military commander in Jiangnan.

Although their family's power is not small, they never participate in any disputes in the court.

But who doesn’t know the grudges between the Xiao family and the Ye family?
Ye Zhengyong rose from a poor scholar to the position of prime minister in just a few years, and his daughter was even regarded as a princess.

How does a declining family compare with a prosperous family?

Although the Min family does not have to curry favor with the Ye family, they cannot help the Xiao family at will!

If Ren knew about it, the boss would be in danger in Kyoto.

Before Xiao Jingxuan was demoted to Yonglin, they knew that some people above him deliberately made things difficult for him.

Seeing the attitudes of the Min family masters, Lu Qing's heart began to lift.

The Min family's status in Yonglin is not low. Although few people in the family are in the Chamber of Commerce, the Min family's army purchases a lot of things from the Chamber of Commerce, so many people in the Chamber of Commerce also fawn over the Min family.

That's why Mrs. Xu reminded you yesterday, hoping that you can start from the Min family.

Yesterday, your Excellency was still thinking about whether to use the name of the missing third master and the relationship between the eldest son of the Min family to have a relationship with the Min family.

But now.
(End of this chapter)

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