Chapter 28 Lost ten taels of silver
"What? When did I, Min Xingsan, turn you into a coward one by one?"

Lu Qing was just thinking when he heard Mr. Min say something in a deep voice.

When the three masters of the Min family heard this, they immediately fell silent.

Old Min glanced at them, and then stared at Ran Ran in front of him, "Little baby, old man, I will give you seven days. During these seven days, the people of my Min family can obey whatever you want."

"Okay~" Ran Ran spun around on the ground excitedly, then raised her little hand and said, "Let's pull Gou Gou and stamp, whoever becomes a puppy!"

Mr. Min was slightly stunned. When he saw Xiaonuituanzi grabbing his hand without any fear, he stamped it, and his face couldn't help but feel a little more loving.

Looking at Ran Ran with some envy, I thought sourly, why didn't such a back come from their Min family?

After seeing off the Min family and the others, Lu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

He knelt down and pinched Ran Ran's soft little face, and said gently, "You don't know that your fist just scared me silly. You can't do it casually in the future. What if the adults know about it?" I can’t punish you.”

Hearing this, Ran Ran stuck out her little tongue playfully, puffed out her cheeks and said, "Who told him not to believe me?"

Mr. Xu looked at Ran Ran with admiration and said, "Well done!"

"The Min family are all reckless people. It won't work for you to tell them any big principles. It will be easier to talk to them if you beat them to the ground with one fist!"

Lu Qing: "."

"Then the Min family only gives us seven days. Can we catch the Taoist Qingxuan within seven days?" Lu Qing said worriedly.

"Uncle Lu, don't worry, it will be taken care of by Ran Ran!" Ran Ran assured her, patting her chest.

"Okay!" Lu Qing nodded, "But you have to promise Uncle Lu that if you go out in the next few days, you must take Uncle Lu with you, otherwise your father should be worried!"

Hearing this, Ran Ran patted Lu Qing's chest in disgust, sighed slightly, and looked embarrassed, "Okay then!"

Lu Qing's head was covered with black lines.

I think Lu Qing is the first bodyguard around you, why is he so disliked by a little girl with small breasts?

"Uncle Lu, consider this as a gift to you."

Ran Ran took out a red or green pill from her pocket and handed it to Lu Qing.

Lu Qing's eyelids twitched, and he asked tentatively: "Eating people is soft-mouthed, but taking people is short-handed?"

As he spoke, he glanced away, lowered his eyebrows and muttered, "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask. As long as I can tell you, Lu Qing will tell you everything."

When Ran Ran heard this, her pretty little brows immediately tightened.

Is Uncle Lu stupid?
"Uncle Lu, you really don't want it?"

Lu Qing shook his head and covered his face, "My tooth hurts after eating too much candy!"

After finishing speaking, I forgot to scare the little milk dumpling, "You little milk baby, be careful of losing your teeth!"

"Uncle Lu, don't regret it~" Ran Ran said with a smile.

Lu Qing nodded seriously, "I will never regret it!"

"Okay then!" Ran Ran turned around and put the pill into Mr. Xu's hand, looking up at Mr. Xu with a crooked smile, "Then give it to Grandpa Xu!"

Mr. Xu had seen Ran Ran's pills before. The two pills given to Madam Xu also looked like this. They looked ugly but had excellent effects. He also wanted to find a chance to ask the little girl what kind of pills they were. , I didn’t expect it to be delivered to my hands so quickly.

"Hey hey hey"

Mr. Xu held the pills with a smile all over his face. He took out a small wooden box and packed the pills like a treasure, and then carefully placed them in his sleeve.

Lu Qing stared at him, "Isn't it just a piece of candy? Mr. Xu, what you are doing is too exaggerated, isn't it?" When Mr. Xu heard this, he immediately showed a look of disdain, holding his neck up like a wolf. Like a victorious old cock, he said arrogantly: "What do you know?"

"You really have two eyes in vain, you're blind!"

When Lu Qing heard this, his lips fell into a straight line, "Isn't it just a candy? You can buy five of them for one penny!"

Old Xu: "."

"Calling you blind is just a compliment! Does the Xiao family kid deprive you of food? Eat more to replenish your brain!" Mr. Xu said with disgust.

"Hee hee~"

Ran Ran covered her mouth and laughed, raised her head and gave Mr. Xu a thumbs up, "Grandpa Xu still has a sharp eye for pearls."

"That is!"

Being praised by the little breasted dumpling, Mr. Xu looked proud.

Lu Qing's face was full of doubts, he pursed his lips slightly and asked doubtfully, "Isn't this candy?"

The little girl showed him a big smile and said in a sweet voice, "This is a pill that can quickly increase physical strength!"

Lu Qing choked and glanced at the pills that Mr. Xu had hidden, with a look of pain on his face, "Who made the pills into colorful colors?"

When Mr. Xu saw Lu Qing looking over, he looked like he was afraid that Lu Qing would come and grab him. He pinched his sleeves vigilantly and replied, "This elixir will naturally be refined into different colors based on different herbs. You have short-sightedness, kid."

Lu Qing: "."

"Oh no~"

After Xu Lao finished speaking, Xiao Naituanzi replied in a sweet voice, with a smile on his chubby little face, "It changes color because of the addition of flower juice!"

"It's so colorful and beautiful!"

"Ran Ran can also make this elixir into yellow, blue, or even into small mushrooms~"

"My third master said, practice alchemy~just do whatever you want!"

Mr. Xu's face trembled, and he almost lost his temper when he heard this.

Does the little titty dumpling know what he is talking about?

Can something like elixir be easily refined?
What is so difficult for others, how come it becomes as easy as eating and drinking when it comes to Xiao Naituanzi?
After Lu Qing heard what the two said, he felt extremely regretful!
It was obviously a pill, so why did he mistake it for candy?
Sure enough, he was blind!

"Hey, that Ran Ran, do you think Uncle Lu treats you well on weekdays?" Lu Qing knelt down and touched Ran Ran's head with a flattering look on his face, full of tenderness.

"Hee hee." Ran Ran smiled at Lu Qing, the little breasts on her face bulging, "Uncle Lu, do you want that elixir?"

"Yeah." Lu Qing nodded like garlic.

The little girl with small breasts pouted her little mouth, spread her little hands, and smiled as brightly as a peach blossom, "Uncle Lu, you only have one chance!"

The smile on Lu Qing's face froze, and he almost cried.

"Ran Ran, you can't have so many Uncle Lu!"

"Uncle Lu, there are no more free ones. You can buy them with silver. The friendly price is ten taels of silver each. Do you want to buy it?"

Lu Qing: "."

But in the blink of an eye, he lost ten taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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