Chapter 29 The Unfilial Master

"No money~"

Lu Qing said pitifully: "My monthly income is only [-] yuan, and it takes two years to save [-] taels of silver. I have to spend all my money to buy a medicine and marry a wife!"

Ran Ran shrugged, spread her hands, and said with a smile: "Then there is nothing we can do."

Mr. Xu touched his clothes happily, his beard rising up and down with joy.

"Can't I prepare roasted chicken for you?" Lu Qing begged, looking at the little breast dumplings.

The little girl smiled and said, "Uncle Lu, Ranran is four years old, not a three-year-old! How can roast chicken be as expensive as my pills?"

Lu Qing: "."

Well, he is young, but he is very capable.


Suddenly, Xiao Tuanzi's eyes rolled around and he saw Lu Qing smiling like a little fox who had stolen something. "But if Uncle Lu can say nice things to Ran Ran in front of daddy, don't drive her away." Ran, Ran Ran will consider giving one to Uncle Lu."


"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded, raised a small slap, and said softly and cutely, "If Ranran talks, even four horses can't catch up~"

"Okay!" Lu Qing pinched the little nipple on her face excitedly and hugged her up, "Let's go back today!"

"Okay." Ran Ran nodded and waved her little hand towards Mr. Xu, "Goodbye, grandpa."

Mr. Xu walked them to the door with a smile, and then turned back.

At this moment, two middle-aged men not far away saw Lu Qing leaving with her small breast dumplings in her arms, and their eyes were as if they were poisoned.

"Is that little thing ruining our good deeds?" one of the men said through gritted teeth.

"That's right." The other man nodded, "You can't be wrong! If it weren't for this little thing, my eldest sister would have been dead."

"Ha! What a Xiao Jingxuan, he actually holds such a trump card in his silent hands!" Mr. Xu's face twisted for a while, and then he sneered: "He thought he could save the eldest sister, mother and son, Did you successfully enter the Chamber of Commerce? It’s really ridiculous.”

"Second brother, what should we do now?" Mr. Xu is not as calm as Mr. Xu, with fear on his greasy face, "Bihe has been arrested by that boy Yan Shu. When the eldest sister comes home, They won’t let us off easily in the future.”


Mr. Xu sneered and said mockingly: "Look at your potential."

Xu San lowered his head, "Second brother, have you got any good ideas?"

"Haha." Xu Er touched the mustache at the corner of his mouth, and a sinister smile flashed across his eyes, "Just give me a good look."

"Yes!" Xu San responded.

Xu Er saw Lu Qing disappearing around the corner with her little breast dumpling in her arms, and narrowed her eyes slightly, "I'll leave that little breast baby to you! If you dare to meddle in other people's business, I'll let her know how powerful she is!"

"Yes, second brother!" Xu San patted his chest and assured, "Brother must make sure that little breast dumpling never comes back."


Not far away, Ran Ran suddenly sneezed loudly.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you caught a cold while sleeping on the ground last night?" Lu Qing worriedly stretched out his hand to explore her forehead, and then touched his own forehead for comparison.

Ranran rubbed her little nose hard until it turned red, and then she said, "Someone must be scolding me behind my back!"

Lu Qing looked at her funny, smelling the milky smell on her body, and asked with a grin: "Who is it? You are willing to scold our cute little Ran Ran!"

Ranran pouted and said, "Who else could it be? It must be my unfilial masters!" Unfilial masters?
When Lu Qing heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

I also silently lit a few candles for the masters of Xiaonaituanzi.

Having such an unfilial disciple deserves a moment of silence.

Lu Qing was just thinking about it when he heard Xiaotuanzi mumble again, "Those stinky old men just miss me when they miss me. They always like to scold me! Let's see how I deal with you when I get back!"

Although the small-breasted dumpling said so, her pouted lips looked as if she could hang several buckets on them. It was not difficult to tell that she was clearly missing her master.

Lu Qing sighed in his heart and subconsciously hugged her tighter.

Not to mention, this little girl's temper seems to be quite similar to that of the adults in his family, both of whom are rude.

"Little girl, don't you want to please the adults? How about Uncle Lu teaching you a trick?" Lu Qing said suddenly.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard this, Xiao Naituanzi became more energetic before he could gather himself. He put his arms around Lu Qing's neck, his eyes bright, and urged: "Say it quickly!"

"You can say whatever you want!" Lu Qing raised his eyebrows, imitating Ran Ran's previous appearance, and stretched out his hand towards him, palm up, "There is no free lunch in this world~"

Seeing this, a layer of red mist suddenly appeared in Ran Ran's eyes. Her little nose curled up, her little breasts bulged, and her small mouth opened, and the tears began to fall one by one. .

"Wow Ranran is so pitiful!"

"I knew. I knew Uncle Lu was not really good to me!"

"Uncle Lu is a bad guy, bullying me, a poor little baby!"


"Put me down, I don't want you to hold me anymore!"

The little girl cried more and more aggrieved, and a big snot bubble appeared while she was crying.

Lu Qing had never seen this battle before, and he was immediately at a loss.

While reaching out to wipe her tears and nose, she begged for mercy obediently, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I was wrong! Is it okay that I was wrong?"

Ran Ran sniffed, stretched out her hands and shed tears, "Where did you go wrong?"

Lu Qing's face was full of please and begged for mercy, and his attitude was good, "I was wrong because I shouldn't have taken advantage of the situation, and I shouldn't have ripped off my little master!"

Seeing that he was very sincere, Xiao Nai Tuanzi burped twice and said fiercely: "If you dare to bully me again, I will go back and tell Daddy to punish you!"

Lu Qing sneered and apologized, "I don't dare, I don't dare!"

"Then hurry up and tell me how to make daddy happy!" Xiaotai Tuanzi changed the subject and looked at Lu Qing with bright eyes. At this moment, where is the tearful, pitiful and aggrieved look from before?
The speed of this face change is simply staggering.

If it weren't for the snot, tears and saliva still remaining on his sleeves, he would have suspected that the scene just now was his imagination.

"Well, in the past, when the young master was around the adults, whenever he made a mistake, the adults would punish the young master to write big characters!"

"As long as the seventh young master writes well, the adults will no longer be angry and will occasionally give him a reward!"

"Write big letters?"

As soon as he heard these three words, Xiao Naituanzi's chubby little face instantly turned into a meaty bun. His little brows were furrowed, looking like he was bitter and resentful.

"Uncle Lu, what kind of bad idea is this? Will it work?"

(End of this chapter)

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